


Khairil Azmin Bin Mokhtar
Associate Professor

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Staff Details

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Political Sciences and Public Policy ~ Federalism
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Administrative Law
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Comparative Law
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Comparative Law
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Constitutional Law
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Human Rights
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Legal Systems
  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Historical and Civilisation Studies ~ Constitutional History of Malaysia
COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I 1994/1995 1995/1996 1996/1997 2002/2003 2003/2004 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW II 1994/1995 1995/1996 1996/1997 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
INTRODUCTION TO CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009
ISU-ISU UNDANG-UNDANG PERLEMBAGAAN 2016/2017 2018/2019 2019/2020 2021/2022 2023/2024
LAW OF CONTRACT I 1993/1994 1994/1995 1995/1996
LAW OF CONTRACT II 1993/1994 1994/1995
LAW RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2010/2011 2011/2012
LEGAL METHOD 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010
SISTEM UNDANG-UNDANG MALAYSIA 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2022/2023 2023/2024
2017 - 2017 Malaysia's Accession to the Hague Children's Conventions: The Feasibility Analysis
2017 - 2017 Malaysia's Accession to the Hague Children's Conventions: The Feasibility Analysis
2015 - 2019 Establishment of Fundamental Institutional Framework through Innovation of Law and Policy relating to the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in Malaysia
2015 - 2019 Establishment of Fundamental Institutional Framework through Innovation of Law and Policy relating to the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in Malaysia
2012 - 2017 Linkages: Sistem Perundangan Dalam Kesepaduan Sosial
2012 - 2017 Linkages: Sistem Perundangan Dalam Kesepaduan Sosial
2011 - 2016 A Constitutional of Some Significant And Prospective Institution And Mechanisms for Internal Conflicts Resolution: Legal and Non Legal Means to Resolve Dispute in Malysia
2011 - 2011 CANGGIH (Constitution, Administration, Good Governance, Integrity and Human Rights Unit)(KVC Project 2011)
2011 - 2016 A Constitutional of Some Significant And Prospective Institution And Mechanisms for Internal Conflicts Resolution: Legal and Non Legal Means to Resolve Dispute in Malysia
2011 - 2011 CANGGIH (Constitution, Administration, Good Governance, Integrity and Human Rights Unit)(KVC Project 2011)
2008 - 2010 Constitutionalism and Islamic Governance: A Comparative Survey
2008 - 2011 The Use of Mediation as a Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Islamic Banking Dispute : Shariah Complaint and Effective Solution.
2008 - 2011 The Use of Mediation as a Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Islamic Banking Dispute : Shariah Complaint and Effective Solution.
2008 - 2010 Constitutionalism and Islamic Governance: A Comparative Survey
2007 - 2007 A Constitutional Perspective on the Effect of International Human Treaties on Syariah in Malaysia
2007 - 2007 Constitutional Role and Power of Modern Monarchy in a Democratic Government
2007 - 2011 Mediation As a Norm in Industrial Disputes Settlement With Its Positive Impact on the Economy and Nation Development
2007 - 2007 A Constitutional Perspective on the Effect of International Human Treaties on Syariah in Malaysia
2007 - 2007 Constitutional Role and Power of Modern Monarchy in a Democratic Government
2007 - 2011 Mediation As a Norm in Industrial Disputes Settlement With Its Positive Impact on the Economy and Nation Development
Unknown - -1 ?Kesan Pindaan Undang-Undang Yang Berkaitan Dengan Pertukaran Agama Terhadap Kedaulatan Islam Sebagai Agama Persekutuan?
Unknown - -1 `The Scope and Limitation of Internet Freedom from International Human Rights Law, Malaysian and Shariah Perspectives: An Overview?
Unknown - -1 `The Scope and Limitation of Internet Freedom from International Human Rights Law, Malaysian and Shariah Perspectives: An Overview?
Unknown - -1 ?Kesan Pindaan Undang-Undang Yang Berkaitan Dengan Pertukaran Agama Terhadap Kedaulatan Islam Sebagai Agama Persekutuan?
In Progress
2010 - Present Constitution, Administration, Good Governance, Integrity and Human Rights Research Unit (CANGGIH)
2010 - Present Constitution, Administration, Good Governance, Integrity and Human Rights Research Unit (CANGGIH)
2007 - Present Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Unit (ADRU)
2007 - Present Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Unit (ADRU)
Unknown - Present Smoke-Free Zone Law: Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Tobacco-Free Campus Policy Among IIUM Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) Staff and Undergraduate Students.
Unknown - Present Smoke-Free Zone Law: Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Tobacco-Free Campus Policy Among IIUM Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) Staff and Undergraduate Students.
2021 Rakyat gelisah kompaun RM10,000. Sinar Harian
2021 Tubuh jabatan siasatan khas. Sinar Harian
2021 Undi18 ditangguh, orang muda kesal-Syed Saddiq. Utusan Malaysia , 26.3.2021
2021 Nafi negeri kuatkuasa Islam bersamaan nafi hak umat Islam. Samudera.my pp.1-4
2021 Health and human rights within the context of international human rights laws and the Malaysian constitution. IIUM Law Journal , 29 (1) pp.103-127
2021 Undang-undang Islam asas pemerintahan negara. Samudera , 31.3.2021
2021 Pengisytiharan darurat tidak boleh dicabar. Sinar Harian , 19 January 2021
2021 Agong ada kuasa mutlak dan tidak perlu terima nasihat PM. Sinar Harian
2021 Regulating online broadcast media against offensive materials in Malaysia. Indian Journal of Science and Technology , 14 (15) pp.1233-1238
2021 Kerajaan bukti pendakwaan dibuat tanpa pilih kasih. Utusan Malaysia
2021 Kompaun RM1,000 sudah memadai. Sinar Harian
2021 Jangan berbangga dapat tipu polis, permainkan undang-undang. Sinar Harian , 29.3.2021
2021 The death knell of environmental tobacco smoke at public spaces: constitutionality of smoking restrictions and smoke-free zone laws in Malaysia. UUM Journal of Legal Studies , 12 (2) pp.89-114
2021 Emergency blocking passage of law to lower voting age?. The Vibes
2021 Korea Utara ancam godam Malaysia. Utusan Malaysia
2021 Kuarantin tiga hari dah cukup, tapi.... Sinar Harian
2021 Pinda perlembagaan elak pertikaian perundangan syariah, sivil. Utusan Malaysia , 29th March 2021
2021 Mufti wajar dilantik Exco, anggota Kabinet. Utusan Malaysia , 6th April 2021
2021 Tindakan boleh dikenakan terhadap golongan anti PKP, darurat. SInar Harian
2020 Agong buktikan kebijaksanaan, Muhyiddin meniti laluan berliku. Sinar Harian
2020 Perjanjian air: Malaysia berhak semak selepas 25 tahun. Sinar Harian
2020 Undi tak sampai 112, PN tetap kerajaan yang sah. Sinar Harian , 5 Dec 2020
2020 Hentikan percaturan politik, tunggu pandemik COVID-19 reda. Astro Awani
2020 Spekulasi darurat selamatkan Muhyiddin atau negara?. Sinar Harian
2020 Usul pertukaran Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat, timbalannya sah. Sinar Harian
2020 Tunggu kenyataan rasmi kedudukan Azhar Azizan. Sinar Harian
2020 Tambah hukuman sebat, mati mandatori terhadap pemandu mabuk. Sinar Harian
2020 Siapa selepas Tommy dan Latheefa?. Sinar Harian
2020 Rayu hingga petisyen pengampunan. Sinar Harian
2020 Kejamkah undang-undang PKP?. Sinar Harian
2020 Risiko besar jika belanjawan gagal diluluskan. Sinar Harian
2020 Perjelas cadangan Pengerusi SPR sebagai Speaker Parlimen baharu. Sinar Harian
2020 Ahli politik Malaysia tidak kebal. Sinar Harian
2020 Non-politicians’ appointment a positive move for govt. The Malaysian Reserve
2020 Health, finance and home affairs ministers urgently needed, say analysts. The Malaysian Reserve
2020 The challenges of Shariah Penal Code and Legal Pluralism in Aceh. Jurnal Media Hukum , 27 (2) pp.184-205
2020 5 pilihan jika belanjawan ditolak. Sinar Harian
2020 Budget to be put to the test today. The Star
2020 Peranan institusi raja semakin mencabar. Sinar Harian
2020 Regulating online broadcast media in Malaysia: legal study of compliance and regulatory enforcement in relation to hate speech and offensive materials. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation , 24 (6)
2020 Desakan jawatan TPM, Kabinet wajar ditangguh. Sinar Harian
2020 Maklum majoriti secara telus, jangan kelirukan rakyat - Pensyarah undang-undang. Astro Awani
2020 Online broadcasting in Malaysia: an analysis of legal and regulatory framework and future reforms. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology , 17 (4) pp.2370-2386
2020 Peralihan kerajaan jangan dibuat teka-teki. Harakah Daily
2020 Muhyiddin/PN boleh menghitung hari, kata pakar-pakar undang-undang. Ini Sabah Bah
2020 Buktikan darurat demi rakyat, bukan ‘talian hayat’. Sinar Harian , 13th January 2021
2019 Perlembagaan bentuk sebuah kerajaan pusat yang cukup kuat. Berita Harian , 1 July 2019
2019 Bukti mahkamah bebas buat keputusan. Sinar Harian
2019 Hanya mahkamah boleh tentukan kes Najib disiar secara langsung. Sinar Harian , 1 April 2020
2019 Perlembagaan bentuk sebuah kerajaan pusat yang cukup kuat. Bernama
2019 Khairil Azmin Mokhtar: pengadilan seluruh dunia perlu miliki kesamaan persepsi dalam lindungi hak perempuan. Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia
2019 Protection of human rights in Southeast Asia with special reference to the Rohingya in Myanmar: a critical study of the effect of ASEAN’s policy and action on ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR). Padjadjaran Journal of International Law , 3 (2) pp.20-38
2019 The role of Indonesian Constitutional Court in resolving disputes among the state organs. Hasanudin Law Review , 5 (2) pp.159-179
2018 Konsep hak asasi manusia bagi orang kurang upaya di Malaysia: suatu analisis. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia , 1 (30) pp.109-136
2018 Pembangkang wujudkan desakan terhadap Agong. Berita Harian
2018 Tiada keperluan mansuhkan PRK. Berita Harian
2018 Improving the rights of persons with disabilities in Malaysia through Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly And Disabled (IJCWED) , 4 (June 2018) pp.89-93
2017 United Nation Convention and Islamic approach on the right of persons with disabilities: a Comparison. Ulul Albab , 18 (1) pp.21-42
2017 Transforming disability studies through legal perspectives in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences , 7 (5S) pp.51-55
2017 The role of zakat in the promotion of social justice for persons with disabilities in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Law Review, , 13 (1) pp.85-99
2017 A comparison of constitutional adjudication institutions in Malaysia and Indonesia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , 25
2017 Sarawak state assembly has right to disqualify people's representative - Academician. Astro Awani
2016 Incorporating the United Nations protocol on trafficking in persons in the Malaysian legal framework. IIUM Law Journal , 24 (2) pp.377-396
2016 Malaysia’s ratification of the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (UN CRPD). International Journal of Business, Economics and Law , 11 (4) pp.83-87
2016 Institutions and mechanisms for internal conflict resolution: legal and non-legal means in resolving dispute and attaining justice in Malaysia. Jurnal Media Hukum , 23 (2) pp.171-185
2015 Malaysian federalism: issues and acceptance. Australian Journal of Sustainable Business and Society , 1 (1) pp.109-118
2015 The constitutional court's role in consolidating democracy and reforming local election. Constitutional Review , 1 (1)
2014 The role of constitutional court in the process of consolidating democracy in Indonesia: analysis of judicial review relating to election matters. Dongguk Law Review , 5 pp.3-42
2014 Human trafficking from Shari'ah perpective. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 10 (2) pp.263-284
2013 Human trafficking: the international, Malaysian legal framework and Shariah perspectives. IIUM Law Journal , 21 (2) pp.287-307
2012 Effect of Federal Constitutional Framework to Marine Environmental Law, Policy and Administration in Malaysia. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , 6 (11) pp.130-136
2012 Mitigating the Implication of Offshore Oil and Gas Activities on the Marine Environment in Malaysia: Some Measures through Environmental Impact Assessment. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , 6 (11) pp.273-280
2011 Theories and principles of good governance in the Shariah and the civil law: its constitutional framework in the United States and Egypt. Malayan Law Journal , 4 pp.cli-clxxii
2009 Constitutionalism and Islamic governance: a comparative survey. The Law Review (4) pp.565-578
2008 Constitutional role and powers of the modern monarchy in a democratic government: a Malaysian's perception of the Malay rulers' position under the federal constitution. The Law Review pp.538-553
2008 Natural justice: the common law and Islamic Law approach. The Law Review pp.36-52
2007 Usurpation of state autonomy or coordinative federalism: constitutional implications of the establishment of the national physical planning council on Malaysian federalism. The Law Review , 3 pp.446-461
2007 The legal effect of international human rights treaties and foreign constitutions on Islamic religious legislations in Malaysia. Shariah Law Reports , 2007 (4 (October-December)) pp.31-47
2006 National bodies relating to the religion of Islam in Malaysia. Shariah Law Reports pp.17-27
2005 Case note: Religious dress and school uniform: Fatimah bte Sihi & Ors v Meor Atiqulrahman bin Ishak & Ors. Shariah Law Reports , 3 (July-September) pp.64-72

Conference or Workshop Item

2021 Democracy and law in Negeri Sembilan. In: Democracy and Law in Negeri Sembilan. BUGHAK 2.0
2021 Unmasking the Devil: the role of the Court and Islamic Religious Authorities in the battle against religious extremism and terrorism in Malaysia. In: 4th Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium (ICCIS)
2021 Indonesia Constitutional Court: the guardians of democracy in Pandemic era. In: Taylor’s International Conference on the Future of Law & Legal Practice (TICFLP 2021)
2021 Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan, 25 Feb 2021: Membunuh perundangan Islam?. In: Program Jelas Bernas
2021 Setahun Malaysia Prihatin. In: Assalamualaikum
2021 Integration policy for Rohingya Asylum seekers to guaranteed the Rohingya freedom of religion in Indonesia as a non-immigrant states. In: Symposium on Constitutionalism and Public Law: Global South Perspectives
2021 Darurat Myanmar: Darurat boleh dipertikai, tak tepati peruntukan. In: Buletin Bernama
2021 Proklamasi darurat tidak boleh dicabar oleh mana-mana mahkamah. In: Berita Radio Bervisual RTM - Contynews
2021 Reformasi parlimen Malaysia melalui perkhidmatan penyelidikan parlimen. In: Seminar on law and society 2021 (SOLAS V)
2021 Hak asasi kanak-kanak: pendidikan formal di sekolah. In: Koresponden Bernama
2021 Ancaman berganda - merokok di tempat awam. In: Webinar
2020 Memahami proses persidangan Parlimen. In: Buletin AWANI Khas
2020 Kes jenayah berprofil tinggi meningkat selepas PKP dilonggarkan. In: Berita Radio Bervisual RTM - Contynews
2020 Perkembangan politik negara. In: Bernama TV
2020 Rokok, vape dan penguatkuasaan. In: Assalamualaikum
2020 Carta sistem pemerintahan di Malaysia. In: Kool Eksklusif
2020 Political crisis 2020 and how the Federal Constitution is being implemented. In: Coffee Session with Unisza
2020 Perlantikan Perdana Menteri Malaysia. In: Selamat Pagi Malaysia
2020 Prinsip Rukun Negara ejen penyatuan masyarakat. In: Buletin Bernama
2020 Politik Malaysia: apa seterusnya?. In: KoolFM
2020 Jika belanjawan tidak diluluskan, ini apa yang boleh berlaku. In: Kool Talk Bersama Kool FM AG, Haiza, Muaz
2020 Challenges to constitutionalism and democracy during covid-19 pandemic. In: Public Lecture
2020 The proclamation of emergency. In: Political Insights
2020 Keputusan prerogatif Agong tidak boleh dipertikai di mahkamah. In: Wawancara Eksklusif
2020 Ada pendapat kata tidak perlu darurat. In: Wawancara Eksklusif
2020 Sebat, gantung lesen cadangan tambah hukuman pemandu mabuk. In: Buletin Bernama - Laporan Khas
2020 Jemaah kabinet Perikatan Nasional, kabinet yang mampu berfungsi. In: Kool Talk Bersama Kool FM AG, Haiza, Muaz
2020 PM 8: Rumah siap pahat berbunyi. In: KoolFM
2020 Politik hukum di masa pandemi Covid-19: kepentingan oligarki atau good governance perbandingan Indonesia dan Malaysia. In: Webinar Internasional
2020 Hukuman mati di Malaysia: perspektif undang-undang & perlembagaan. In: International Webinar: Comparative Law Aspects Between Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam
2020 Covid19 & hak asasi manusia. In: Siri Bicara Undang-Undang: Hak Asasi dan COVOD 19
2020 Penggulungan Perbahasan Belanjawan 2021: YB Mengundi, Rakyat Menanti. In: Ruang Bicara
2020 Striking a balance between health and wealth in approaching COVID 19 pandemic: issues and challenges. In: The Webinar National Conference of Postgraduate Universitas Mataram
2020 Kompas Perlembagaan. In: Perlembagaan: Kompas Perpaduan Rakyat
2020 Jawatan TPM tiada dalam Perlembagaan. In: Berita Semasa
2020 Tak ikut SOP; Kenapa ada yang melenting bila di tegur?. In: Kool Talk Bersama Kool FM AG, Haiza, Muaz
2020 Sebagai pengguna jalanraya kita juga berhak memfailkan saman terhadap kontraktor atau pemaju. In: Kool Talk Bersama Kool FM AG, Haiza, Muaz
2020 Malaysian Constitutional System: Contemporary development and challenges. In: Virtual Public Lecture
2020 Survival politik vs Survival rakyat. In: Ruang Bicara
2020 Promosi 'Takeaway' harga luar biasa, Baik atau mengundang bahana?. In: Kool Talk Bersama Kool FM AG, Haiza, Muaz
2020 Orang muda walaupun kehidupan mereka penuh dengan teknologi tetapi kurang kecenderungan untuk mengundi. In: Kool Talk Bersama Kool FM AG, Haiza, Muaz
2020 Darurat : pemulihan terbaik pandemik. In: Ruang Bicara
2020 Regulating online broadcast media in Malaysia: legal study of compliance and regulatory enforcement in relation to hate speech and offensive materials. In: 4th Asian International Multidisciplinary Conference
2019 Dynamic federalism for Sarawak: issues and challenges. In: 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum
2019 Judicial activism and judicial restraint in the constitutional adjudication institution of Malaysia. In: Law and Justice in Malaysia; 2020 and Beyond
2019 A note on pre-independence Negeri Sembilan through the lenses of federalism and constitutionalism. In: Federalism in Malaysia: Redefining The Federal-State Relationship In Malaysia
2019 Pembahagian kuasa undang-undang & eksekutif: kuasa Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Kerajaan negeri. In: Kursus Teknikal Pelan Strategik Kebangsaan bagi Kawalan Tembakau
2019 Hak kebebasan diri dan hak kesamarataan dalam isu kawalan tembakau. In: Kursus Teknikal Pelan Strategik Kebangsaan bagi Kawalan Tembakau
2019 A hardship journey of The UN human rights enforcement bodies: a lesson learned for creating future ASEAN human rights mechanism. In: Asian Society of International Law 7th Biennial Conference
2019 An assessment of the objectives of decentralization in Aceh autonomous region. In: International Conference on Law Governance and Islamic Studies
2019 Religious rights to wear headscarf: Indonesian and Malaysian’s Constitutional Court’s perspective. In: The 3rd Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium (ICCIS 2019)
2018 The diversity of constitutional adjudication and the universality of constitutional justice: common issues and challenges. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2018 Protection of human rights in Southeast Asia with special reference to the Rohingya in Myanmar: a critical study of the effect of ASEAN’s policy and action on ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR). In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2018 Access to justice for persons with disabilities: a “Toothless tiger”?. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2018 Striking down ‘unreasonable’ law at the behest of the judiciary: traces of judicial activism in Malaysia. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2018 Improving the rights of persons with disabilities in Malaysia through Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In: The 4th Putrajaya International Conference on Children, Women, Elderly and People with Disabilities
2018 Law and technology. In: International Conference on Law, Technology and Society
2017 The role of religion in interpreting the Malaysian constitution. In: International Conference. 'Constitutional Review and Democracy'
2017 Syariah courts criminal jurisdiction Amendment Bill 2016 from the constitutional perspective. In: Symposium on Syariah courts criminal jurisdiction Amendment Bill 2016: Challenges and concerns
2017 Human rights and Syariah: Conflicts or convergence?. In: National Law Symposium: Islam and Human Rights
2017 SOSMA, POCA & POTA. A critical discussion of its sse & application. In: ‘RETHINKING THE LAW SERIES’
2017 Syariah Courts criminal jurisdiction Amendment Bill 2016: From the constitutional perspective. In: Symposium on Syariah Courts Criminal Jurisdiction Amendment Bill 2016: Challenges and Concern
2017 United Nations’ convention on the rights of persons with disabilities’ approach (Human right approach) and Islamic approach towards persons with disabilities: a comparison. In: International Conference On Shariah And Globalisation (ICSG) 2017
2017 Strengthening constitutional democracy through constitutional adjudication institutions: a comparative study between Indonesia and Australia. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6)
2017 Monitoring implementation of the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at national level: obligations on and options for Malaysia. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6)
2017 The financial ombudsman scheme as am alternative dispute resolution mechanism for financial disputes: The Malaysian experience. In: International Conference on Dispute Resolution 2017 - Modern Trends in Effective Dispute Resolution
2017 Consumer rights and freedom of movement– rights of persons with disabilities in relation to travel by air. In: 21st National Seminar of Malaysian Consumer and Family Economics Association (MACFEA)
2016 Strengthening disability studies through legal perspectives : the case of Malaysia. In: International multi-disciplinary graduate conference of Terengganu (GRACE) 2016
2016 Promotion of human rights & social justice for persons with disabilities by religious means: The role and contribution of zakat in Malaysia. In: Disability, Human Rights and Social Equity Conference 2016
2016 The United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (UNCRPD) and Malaysia: an overview. In: Putrajaya International Conference on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled People 2016 (PiCCWED2016)
2016 A conspectus of legal recognition and protection of elderly rights in international law, Malaysian law and shariah perspectives. In: Conference on Human Rights Law In Malaysia: Improvement And Harmonisation
2016 Human rights for children with disabilities in Malaysia: issues and challenges. In: 1st International Conference on Women and Children Legal and Social Issues (ICWC 2016)
2016 Peranan Syariah dalam merangka konsep kebebasan dan memahami hak asasi di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia. In: Seminar Hak Asasi Manusia Kebangsaan 2016 (SeHAM 2016)
2016 Transformasi pendekatan hak asasi orang kurang upaya: dari kebajikan kepada konsep hak asasi manusia. In: Seminar Hak Asasi Manusia Kebangsaan 2016 (SeHAM 2016)
2016 Constitutional democracy and constitutional adjudication: a comparison of constitutional adjudication institutions in Malaysia and Indonesia. In: 5th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS V) 2016
2016 Judicial control over legislative body. In: Persidangan Speaker-speaker Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Seluruh Malaysia Bagi Tahun 2016
2015 The role of the constitutional court in consolidating democracy in Indonesia: An evaluation after ten years. In: International Conference on Law and Society 2015 (ICLAS IV)
2015 Kesan undang-undang kesalahan keselamatan (SOSMA) terhadap hak asasi manusia di bawah perlembagaan persekutuan dan undang-undang antarabangsa - cabaran dan isu semasa.. In: Kursus mengenai undang-undang kesalahan keselamatan (sosma) dan undang-undang yang berkaitan dengannya
2015 Implementation of Islamic Criminal Law (Syariah Offences) in a modern democratic federal country: the legal and constitutional issues and challenges in Malaysia. In: Islamic Criminal Law Conference 2015
2015 The role and significance of Indonesian constitutional court in consolidating democracy: with reference to resolving disputes among the state organs. In: 12th Asian Law Institute Conference
2015 Promoting the rights of elderly with disabilities through the UN convention on the rights of Persons with disabilities: lesson for Malaysia. In: National seminar protecting elderly against abuse and neglect legal and social strategies
2015 The rights of persons with disabilities (PWD): the Malaysian legal framework and shariah perspectives. In: 3RD International Seminar on Syariah & Common Law 2015 (ISCOL2015)
2014 Domesticating international legal instruments in Malaysia: the challenges and prospects relating to anti human trafficking law. In: International Conference on Law, Policy and Social Justice (ICLAPS 2014)
2014 Hak asasi manusia menurut perspektif hukum Syarak: kebebasan diri, kebebasan beragama, kesamarataan gender dan kebebasan bersuara. In: Kursus Pemahaman Hak Asasi Manusia Menurut Undang-undang Sivil dan Hukum Syarak
2014 Consolidation of democracy in Indonesia: the issues and developments after political reform in 1998. In: International Conference on Law and Society III (ICLAS III)
2014 Prinsip hak asasi manusia menurut perspektif Hukum Syarak. In: Kursus Pemahaman Hak Asasi Manusia Menurut Undang-Undang Sivil dan Hukum Syarak
2014 Pemerdagangan manusia dari perspektif Syariah = Human trafficking from Shariah perspective. In: Seminar Undang-Undang Jenayah Kebangsaan 2014 (SUJIK'14)
2013 Prinsip hak asasi manusia menurut perspektif hukum syarak. In: Kursus pemahaman hak asasi manusia menurut undand-undang sivil dan hukum syarak
2013 Administration of criminal justice for juvenile in Malaysia. In: 3rd International Crime and Punishment Film Festival
2013 Conflict of jurisdiction in a federation and national integration and social cohesion in Malaysia. In: 10th Asian Law Institute Conference
2013 Confusion, Coercion and Compromise in Malaysian Federalism. In: 50 Yers of Malaysia: Federalism Revisited
2013 Perspectives on human trafficking from International, Malaysian and Islamic Law. In: National Conference on Human Rights and Islam: Issues and Challenge
2013 Effect of federal constitutional framework to marine environmental law, policy and administration in Malaysia. In: IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIIE) 2013
2013 The status, scope and and application of Islamic law in the federal framework and the legal system of Malaysia and Nigeria. In: IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIIE) 2013
2012 The legal status of the states in Malaysia before independence: Whether we had been colonized?. In: International Conference On Colonialism And Ecolonization Challenges And Prospects (ICCD 2012)
2012 Che Omar Bin Che Soh V PP revisited: The effect of British Rule to the meaning of ‘Islamic Law’ within the Constitutional context of Malaysia. In: International Conference On Colonialism And Ecolonization Challenges And Prospects (ICCD 2012)
2011 Religious rights and the State: a comparative perspective of international human rights laws and national (state) constitutions . In: Symposium on law and morality
2011 Federal Constitution of Malaysia and unity: an analysis from several perspectives . In: Persidangan Kebangsaan Perpaduan Nasional
2011 Institutions and mechanisms for internal conflict resolutions in Malaysia. In: Seminar on Peace and Conflict Studies
2011 The legal status of religion and the administration of Islam in Nigeria and Malaysia. In: World-Islam2011 Conference on Islamic Law Systems (CILS),
2011 Legal and constitutional status of race-based and religious-based political parties in Malaysia and Nigeria. In: Conference on Democracy and Elections in the Muslim World
2011 A comparative survey of the status and application of Islamic Law in the legal system of Malaysia and Nigeria. In: International Conference on Islam in Africa
2010 Seeking parallel and congruent principles of the rule of law and the syariah. In: 7th Asian Law Institute Conference
2010 Relief available in judicial review. In: Seminar on Judicial Review 2010
2009 Kesan pindaan undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan pertukaran agama terhadap kedaulatan Islam sebagai agama persekutuan. In: Muzakarah Undang-undang MAIS: Isu-isu pindaan undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan pertukaran agama
2009 Theories and principles of good governance in the shari'ah and civil law: its constitutional framework in United States and Egypt. In: 4th International Conference on Harmonisation of Civil Law & Shari'ah 2009
2008 Freedom of speech & the internet. In: 3rd Conference on Law & Technology 2008
2007 The effort for a better administration of Islamic religious affairs and the harmonization of Islamic laws in Malaysia. In: 4th Asian Law Institute Conference
2006 Constitutional protection for woman against inequality in Malaysia: Beatrice's case and the emerging issues/Obstacles in view of globalization. In: Seminar Wanita & Undang-Undang
2006 An observation of selected national bodies relating to the religion of Islam in the federation of Malaysia. In: International Seminar on Syariah & Common Law 2006


2020 Democratic transition and constitutional justice: post Reformasi Constitutional Adjudication in Indonesia. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 9789674910310
2013 The law and you: elections. Thomson Reuters (Sweet & Maxwell) Malaysia (Sdn Bhd) . ISBN 9789670498195
2013 Constitutional law and human rights in Malaysia: topical issues and perspectives. Thomson Reuters (Sweet & Maxwell) Malaysia (Sdn Bhd) . ISBN 9789670498133
2011 Constitutional law and human rights in Malaysia. Selected issues. IIUM Press . ISBN 978-967-5272-94-3
2006 Halsbury's laws of Malaysia- Volume 14, 2006 Reissue: Family Law, Syariah Law. Malayan Law Journal Sdn Bhd . ISBN 9679627756

Book Section

2017 Promoting the rights of elderly with disabilities through the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: lesson for Malaysia. In: Protecting the elderly against abuse and neglect: legal and social strategies University of Malaya Press . ISBN 978-983-100-897-3 , pp.13-26
2016 Mediation in Islamic banking. In: Islamic Banking & Finance: Principles, Instruments & Operations The Malaysian Current Law Journal Sdn Bhd . ISBN 978-967-457-065-1 , pp.572-595
2015 Administration of criminal justice for juvenile. Country report: Malaysia. In: Juvenile Justice. Academic Papers Adalet Yayinevi . ISBN 978-605-146-755-9 , pp.767-804
2014 Confusion, coercion and compromise in Malaysian federalism. In: 50 Years of Malaysia Federalism Revisited Marshall Cavendish . ISBN 978-981-4561-24-2 , pp.221-265
2014 Confusion, coercion and compromise in Malaysian federalism. In: 50 Years of Malaysia Federalism Revisited Marshall Cavendish . ISBN 978-981-4561-24-2 , pp.221-265
2013 Functions and privileges of the parliament: an overview. In: Constitutional law and human rights in Malaysia. topical issues and perspectives. Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.111-130
2013 Slavery and human trafficking: constitutional provisions and domestic and international laws. In: Constitutional law and human rights in Malaysia: topical issues and perspectives Thomson Reuters (Sweet & Maxwell) . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.467-483
2013 Freedom of speech on the Internet: shariah and Malaysian persepctives. In: Constitutional law and human rights in Malaysia: topical issues and perspectives Thomson Reuters (Sweet & Maxwell) . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.503-522
2013 Malaysia country report. In: Congress on the criminal law reforms in the world and in Turkey XII Levha . ISBN 978-605-4687-63-3 , pp.593-603
2013 The civil service and the doctrine of holding office at pleasure. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.21-38
2013 The civil service and the doctrine of holding office at pleasure. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.21-38
2013 Crown privilege under the common law and the evidence act. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.39-55
2013 Crown privilege under the common law and the evidence act. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.39-55
2013 Contempt of court vs freedom of speech and expression: rethinking the courts' attitude. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.79-95
2013 Contempt of court vs freedom of speech and expression: rethinking the courts' attitude. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.79-95
2013 Islamic law within the federal framework and legal system of Malaysia and Nigeria. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.165-182
2013 General principles of good governance in public administration: a judicial approach. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.199-214
2013 General principles of good governance in public administration: a judicial approach. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.199-214
2013 Malaysian constitution, political parties and the party system. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.215-224
2013 Malaysian constitution, political parties and the party system. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.215-224
2013 Ulke raporu Malezya. In: Congress on the criminal law reforms in the world and in Turkey XII Levha . ISBN 978-605-4687-63-3 , pp.607-620
2013 Living in limbo: constitutional and legal issues of unregistered births. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.225-239
2013 Living in limbo: constitutional and legal issues of unregistered births. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.225-239
2013 Effective federal-state coordination mechanism for good governance and sustainable land administration. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.241-270
2013 Effective federal-state coordination mechanism for good governance and sustainable land administration. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.241-270
2013 Eviction of unlawful occupiers of land: judicial responses and policies . In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.271-288
2013 Eviction of unlawful occupiers of land: judicial responses and policies . In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.271-288
2013 Legal status of the state in Malaysia before independence: were we colonised?. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.289-311
2013 Freedom of information: principles and challenges towards vision 2020. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.431-443
2013 Freedom of information: principles and challenges towards vision 2020. In: Constitutional law and human rights: topical issues and perspectives Sweet and Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.431-443
2013 The doctrine of separation of powers: judicial review as a check and balance tool. In: Constitutional law and human rights in Malaysia: topical issues and perspectives Sweet & Maxwell Asia (Thomson Reuters) . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.1-20
2013 Religious rights and freedom: comparative perspectives. In: Constitutional law and human rights in Malaysia: topical issues and perspectives Sweet & Maxwell Asia (Thomson Reuters) . ISBN 9789670498133 , pp.313-329
2012 The right to life and freedom from torture. In: Human Rights Law : International, Malaysian and Islamic Perspectives Sweet & Maxwell Asia , pp.57-86
2012 Mediation in Islamic banking. In: Islamic banking & finance: principles, instruments & operations The Malaysian Current Law Journal Sdn Bhd . ISBN 9789670379012 , pp.386-414
2011 The role of judicial review in Malaysia as a tool of check and balance under the doctorine of seperation of powers.. In: Constitutionallaw and Human rights in Malaysia. Selected Issues IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225753 , pp.45-70
2011 Theories and principles of good governance in the Shari'ah and the civil law: its constitutional framework in the United States in Egypt. In: Harmonisation of the Shariah and civil laws (perspective and practice) IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225890 , pp.385-400
2011 The status, scope and application of Islamic law in the Federal Framework and the legal system of Malaysia and Nigeria. In: Constitutional Law and Human Rights in Malaysia: Selected Issues IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225753 , pp.213-237
2011 Functions and privileges of the Malaysian parliament: an overview. In: Constitutional Law and Human Rights in Malaysia. Selected Issues IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225753 , pp.143-167
2011 Eliminating slavery and combating human trafficking : the relevant constitutional provisions and domestic and international laws. In: Constitutional Law and Human Rights in Malaysia: Selected Issues IIUM Press . ISBN 978-967-022-575-3 , pp.487-509
2010 The dilemma of conflict of jurisdiction in Islamic banking and finance: mediation as a solution - a preliminary observation. In: Mediation in Malaysia : the law and practice LexisNexis Malaysia Sdn Bhd . ISBN 978-967-5371-84-4 , pp.281-299
2010 The dilemma of conflict of jurisdiction in Islamic banking and finance: mediation as a solution - a preliminary observation. In: Mediation in Malaysia : the law and practice LexisNexis Malaysia Sdn Bhd . ISBN 978-967-5371-84-4 , pp.281-299
2009 Globalization and the Shariah in Malaysia: a constitutional perspective on the legal effect of International law and treaties on Islamic religious laws . In: Proceedings of the Seminar on research findings 2008 IIUM Press . ISBN 9789833855780 , pp.53-56
2009 A constitutional perspective on the legal effect of international laws and treaties on Syariah in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on research Findings 2008 IIUM Press . ISBN 9789833855780 , pp.53-61
2009 Constitutional role and powers of the modern monarchy in democratic government: the Malaysian experience. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Research Findings 2008 IIUM Press . ISBN 9789833855780 , pp.57-61
2007 The Emergency Powers (Kelantan) Act 1977. In: Constitutional Landmarks in Malaysia. The First 50 Years 1957-2001 Malayan Law Journal, Lexis Nexis . ISBN 978-967-962-819-7 , pp.135-143
2007 The Emergency Powers (Kelantan) Act 1977. In: Constitutional Landmarks in Malaysia. The First 50 Years 1957-2001 Malayan Law Journal, Lexis Nexis . ISBN 978-967-962-819-7 , pp.135-143
2007 Federalisme dan pembahagian kuasa: penggubalan undang-undang Islam antara kerajaan pusat dan kerajaan negeri. In: Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9724-2 , pp.18-56
2007 Federalisme dan pembahagian kuasa: penggubalan undang-undang Islam antara kerajaan pusat dan kerajaan negeri. In: Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9724-2 , pp.18-56
2007 Badan perundangan sebelum dan selepas merdeka. In: Sumber undang-undang Malaysia: artikel terpilih Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9716-7 , pp.18-75
2007 Badan perundangan sebelum dan selepas merdeka. In: Sumber undang-undang Malaysia: artikel terpilih Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9716-7 , pp.18-75