


Muhammad Abdurrahman Sadique
Associate Professor

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Staff Details

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Syariah Law ~ Islamic Jurisprudence
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Syariah Law ~ Islamic Law of Transaction
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Syariah Law ~ Other Syariah Law n.e.c.
  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Religious Studies ~ Quranic and Hadith Studies
  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Accounting ~ Islamic Accounting
  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Investment ~ Islamic Investment Instrument
  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Islamic Finance ~ Islamic Banking
  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Islamic Finance ~ Other Islamic Finance n.e.c.
AYAT AL-AHKAM WA AHADITH (ARABIC) 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
ISLAMIC CRIMINAL LAW I (ARABIC) 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020
OPTICS 2010/2011
TAFSIR AYAT WA AHADITH AL-AHKAM II (QURANIC & HADITH ON LAW II) 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
TRANSACTION IN ISLAMIC LAW I 2017/2018 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
TRANSACTION IN ISLAMIC LAW II 2018/2019 2020/2021 2021/2022 2023/2024
TRANSACTIONS IN ISLAMIC LAW I 2004/2005 2005/2006 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017
TRANSACTIONS IN ISLAMIC LAW II 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 2017/2018
USUL AL FIQH I 2003/2004
2014 - 2017 Family Waqf in Islamic Law: An Analysis of its Socio Legal Significance and Its Abolishment in Arab States and India
2014 - 2017 Family Waqf in Islamic Law: An Analysis of its Socio Legal Significance and Its Abolishment in Arab States and India
2013 - 2014 Mudarabah Capital from Multiple Investors: Scope and Consequences on the Liability of Investors and the Entrepreneur in Islamic Law
2013 - 2014 Mudarabah Capital from Multiple Investors: Scope and Consequences on the Liability of Investors and the Entrepreneur in Islamic Law
2010 - 2012 The Application of Decreasing Mohsharkah Assets Financing in Islamic Banking
2010 - 2012 The Application of Decreasing Mohsharkah Assets Financing in Islamic Banking
2009 - 2010 Nature of Capital at Inception in Joint Ventures Financed by Islamic Banks: A Shari'ah based Appraisal
2009 - 2010 Nature of Capital at Inception in Joint Ventures Financed by Islamic Banks: A Shari'ah based Appraisal
2008 - 2009 Traditional and Contemporary Modes Advocated for Revitalizing Awqaf: A Shariah Based Scrutiny
2008 - 2008 Financing Trade Asset Procurement and Disposal on Joint Equity Basis for MMEs: An Analysis of Some Vital Shari'ah and Operational Aspects
2008 - 2009 Traditional and Contemporary Modes Advocated for Revitalizing Awqaf: A Shariah Based Scrutiny
2008 - 2008 Financing Trade Asset Procurement and Disposal on Joint Equity Basis for MMEs: An Analysis of Some Vital Shari'ah and Operational Aspects
In Progress
Unknown - Present Potential of family waqf in poverty elimination and socio-economic Development of Malaysian families
Unknown - Present Potential of family waqf in poverty elimination and socio-economic Development of Malaysian families
2021 E-waqf implementation: a paradigm shift in Nigeria waqf system. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities , 7 (4) pp.41-53
2021 Family waqf as progressive technique for poverty extermination: a headlong for human development in southern region of Nigeria. Albukhary Social Business Journal , 2 (1) pp.52-62
2021 المسؤولية المدنية لمدير شركة الشخص الواحد في النظام السعودي والقانون الأردني. Journal of Islamic Shariah , 1 (3) pp.1-40
2021 المسؤولية الجزائية لمدير شركة الشخص الواحد في النظام السعودي والقانون الأردني. Al-Hikmah International Journal for Islamic Studies & Human Sciences , 4 (3) pp.184-226
2020 Exploring re-introduction of equity-based ethical modes of business: an Islamic approach. Journal of Research in Business and Management , 8 (12) pp.8-13
2020 Investment and entrepreneurship in Islamic law: a comparative analysis of the fundamental criteria. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science , 8 (12) pp.09-17
2019 ركن الاختصاص في القرار الإداري والتفويض فيه وفق القانون الليبي. أبحاث قانونية , 4 (6) pp.227-247
2019 Revisiting the use of tawarruq as a means for liquidity: assessing fundamental concepts and prevalent applications. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 15 (1) pp.81-101
2018 Issues in the application of Murabahah sale in banking: financing consumer goods and trade. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business , 3 (15) pp.13-24
2018 ضمانات مشروعية القرار التأديبي لعضو هيئة التدريس الجامعي خلال مرحلة التحقيق الإداري في القانون الليبي = Guarantees of the legality of the disciplinary decision of the university faculty member during the stage of administrative investigation in the Libyan law. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law , 8 (1 (Special edition)) pp.135-149
2017 'Inah as a mode of financing: An analysis of its validity and viability from an Islamic legal perspective. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 13 (1 (January-June)) pp.33-68
2016 Socio-legal significance of family waqf in Islamic Law: Its degradation and revival. IIUM Law Journal , 24 (2) pp.309-334
2016 The relevance of joint contribution of capital to the formation of partnership in Islamic commercial law: an analysis. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law (IJBEL) , 10 (5) pp.46-52
2016 The concept of complete equality in mufawadah partnership: its recognition and rationale in islamic law. Journal of Education and Social Sciences , 5 (1) pp.166-172
2015 Application of profit and loss sharing modes in trade financing for small-scale businesses: an alternative to debt Based financing . IIUM Law Journal , 23 (1) pp.175-189
2015 Tawarruq in Islamic Law: an appraisal of its admissibility and criteria in the context of private transactions . Journal of Islamic Law Review , 11 (1) pp.77-92
2015 Advancing modes of equity participation in Islamic finance: problems and measures. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law , 7 (4) pp.100-105
2015 The socio legal significance of family waqf and its revival under state control. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law , 7 (4) pp.63-69
2013 Contractual terms in musharakah and mudarabah restricting the profit share of a partner or facilitating later amendments to the agreed ratio: a scrutiny. IIUM Law Journal , 21 (1) pp.33-59
2013 Common management of investment capital from different investors in Mudarabah: scope of validity and consequences in Islamic law. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law , 3 (3) pp.38-45
2012 Applications of decreasing partnership (al-mushārakah al-mutanāqiÎah) in Islamic banking: Some relevant Shari‘ah aspects. IIUM Law Journal , 20 (1) pp.1-27
2011 The relationship between fundamental legal concepts and detailed rulings in Islamic law: a study of islamic law On partnership and capital. Journal of Applied Sciences Research , 7 (13) pp.2357-2365
2010 Islamic banks' dilemma between ideals and practice: debt or equity. Global Journal of Management and Business Research , 10 (2) pp.147-150
2010 Financing trade asset procurement and disposal on joint equity basis for MMES: an analysis of some vital Shariah and operational aspects . Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance , 6 (1) pp.127-142
2010 Development of dormant waqf properties: application of traditional and contemporary modes of financing . IIUM Law Journal , 18 (1) pp.75-102
2009 Profit and loss allocation among Islamic bank and client partner in equity financing: practice, precepts and alternatives. Journal of King Abdulaziz University Islamic Economics , 22 (1) pp.27-52
2009 Shari'ah position on ensuring presence of capital in joint equity based financing. Islamic Economic Studies , 17 (1) pp.1-20
2009 Existence of capital at the commencement of joint ventures: an analysis of the Shari‘ah position in the context of modern money and banking practices . IIUM Journal of Economics and Management Sciences , 17 (2) pp.209-230
2008 Early juristic approaches to the application of hiyal (legal devices) in Islamic law . IIUM Law Journal , 16 (2) pp.157-180

Conference or Workshop Item

2021 اﻧﺘﻬﺎك إﺳﺮاﺋﻴﻞ ﻷﺣﻜﺎم وﻗﻮاﻋﺪ اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮن اﻟﺪوﱄ اﻹﻧﺴﺎﱐ ﰲ ﲪﺎﻳﺔ دور اﻟﻌﺒﺎدة أﺛﻨﺎء اﻟﻨﺰاﻋﺎت اﳌﺴلحة : دراسة قانونية تطبيقية. In: International Conference On Syariah & Law2021 (ICONSYAL 2021)
2020 A comparative analysis of the fundamental theory of capital-based joint venture in Islamic law. In: The 16th Kuala Lumpur International Communication, Education, Language and Social Sciences Conference (KLiCELS 16)
2020 Islamic legal theory of joint ownership of property in commercial and non-commercial spheres. In: The 16th Kuala Lumpur International Communication, Education, Language and Social Sciences Conference (KLiCELS 16)
2019 Contractual business partnership in Islamic law: a comparison of critical theoretical aspects. In: 2nd International Conference on Governance, Organization and Business ICGOB 2019
2019 Joint proprietorship and business partnership (‘inan) in Islamic law: an analysis of the defining criteria. In: 2nd International Conference on Governance, Organization and Business ICGOB 2019
2018 Profits realised beyond a ceiling being exempted from sharing in joint equity based facilities of Islamic banks. In: 17th Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference (KLiBEL 17) 2018
2018 Prior agreement on revising the profit sharing ratio during the tenure of the contract in Musharakah and Mudarabah of Islamic banks. In: 17th Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference 2018 (KLibel)
2018 A preliminary survey of the research focus on the implementation of Waqf ahli to compliment Islamic inheritance in the Southwest states of Nigeria. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2017 Murabahah sale in practice: procedure and issues in consumer and trade financing. In: International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology (ICSHT 2017)
2017 Investment accounts among conventional banking accounts: simulation or innovation. In: 6th International Conference On Social Sciences Research 2017 (ICSSR 2017)
2016 Essential theory of partnership capital in the schools of Islamic Law. In: 2nd Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiiSC2 2016)
2016 Shirkah al-Mufawadah or equitable partnership in Islamic commercial law: a comparative analysis. In: 2nd Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiiSC2 2016)
2015 Bringing Islamic banks closer to the ideal: from debt-based financing to equity-based modes. In: Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference 7 (KLIBEL 2015)
2015 Family waqf in Islamic law: an analysis of its socio-legal significance. In: Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference 7 (KLIBEL 2015)
2013 Mudarabah capital from multiple investors in investment accounts: scope and consequences in Islamic law. In: Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference, Vol. 3
2012 Monetary and banking implications of the shari‘ah emphasis on existence of capital at the outset of joint ventures. In: The 22nd Annual Conference on Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies
2012 Fundamental conceptions underlying areas of jurisprudence and how they shape related rulings: a comparative study with special reference to partnership. In: Jurisprudence and Law International Conference
2011 Decreasing partnership (al-mushārakah al-mutanāqisah) for asset and venture financing: realizing Shari‘ah essentials . In: IIUM International Accounting Conference V (INTAC V)
2010 المشاركة المتناقصة لاقتناء الأصول كما تجريها المصارف الإسلامية تجلية بعض الجوانب الشرعية، ومقترحات لتفعيل التطبيق (al-Musharakah al-mutanaqisah li-iqtina' al-usul kama tajriha al-musarif al-Islamiyah tajliyah ba'd al-jawanib al-shar'iyah wa-muqtarahat li-taf'il al-tatbiq). In: International Conference on Islamic Banking & Finance: Cross Border Practices & Litigations
2010 Transition of Islamic banks from debt-based modes to equity-based financing: issues and prospects . In: International Conference on Islamic Banking & Finance: Cross Border Practices & Litigations
2009 Measures affecting the agreed profit sharing ratio in joint ventures financed by Islamic banks: a Shari’ah based evaluation . In: International Conference on Islamic Economics & Economics of the OIC Countries
2009 The significance of core theories in the Islamic legal structure: an analysis with reference to the concept of shirkah (partnership). In: International Conference on Research in Islamic Laws (ICRIL 09)
2008 Equity Partnership in joint enterprises by Islamic banks: Is a more equitable approach to sharing profit and loss possible?. In: IIUM International Accounting Conference IV (INTAC IV)


2012 Capital and profit sharing in Islamic equity financing : issues and propects . The Other Press . ISBN 978-983-954-178-6
2009 Essentials of musharakah and mudarabah: Islamic texts on theory of partnership. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 9789833855742

Book Section

2017 Re-assessment of family waqf. In: Waqf Laws and Management IIUM Press . ISBN 978-967-418-444-5 , pp.24-45
2017 Re-assessment of family waqf. In: Waqf Laws and Management IIUM Press . ISBN 978-967-418-444-5 , pp.24-45
2014 Family waqf deserves a better deal. In: Issues in Waqf Laws & Management (with focus on Malaysia) IIUM Press , pp.34-47
2014 Family waqf deserves a better deal. In: Issues in Waqf Laws & Management (with focus on Malaysia) IIUM Press , pp.34-47
2008 Financing micro and medium sized enterprises through decreasing partnership (musharakah mutanaqisah): refining shari'ah and banking aspects for enhanced applicability . In: Islamic Finance for Micro and Medium Enterprises Islamic Research & Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank . ISBN 978-9960-32-178-3 , pp.53-73
2008 Financing micro and medium sized enterprises through decreasing partnership (musharakah mutanaqisah): refining shari'ah and banking aspects for enhanced applicability . In: Islamic Finance for Micro and Medium Enterprises Islamic Research & Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank . ISBN 978-9960-32-178-3 , pp.53-73