


Mira Kartiwi

  • IIUM Gombak Campus
  • mira@iium.edu.my

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Staff Details

  • ICT ~ Information, Computer And Communications Technology (ICT) ~ Database Technology ~ Data Warehousing
  • ICT ~ Information, Computer And Communications Technology (ICT) ~ Database Technology ~ Other Database Technology n.e.c.
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Education ~ e-Learning
ADVANCED DATABASE 2012/2013 2013/2014
BUSINESS DATA ANALYTICS 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
DATA MANAGEMENT 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016
DATA MINING 2011/2012 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
DATA QUALITY 2017/2018 2018/2019 2023/2024
DATABASE PROGRAMMING 2007/2008 2008/2009 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2023/2024 2024/2025
DATABASE SYSTEM II 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014
DATABASE SYSTEMS I 2008/2009 2010/2011 2012/2013 2014/2015
DATATHON AND BOOTCAMP 2018/2019 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
FINAL YEAR PROJECT 1 2017/2018 2019/2020
FINAL YEAR PROJECT I 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2020/2021 2021/2022
FINAL YEAR PROJECT II 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT 2010/2011 2012/2013 2013/2014 2016/2017 2017/2018
PRACTICAL TRAINING 2009/2010 2010/2011
VISUALIZATION FOR DECISION MAKING 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
In Progress
2021 - Present A Conceptual Model for Enhancing Supply Chain Performance of Halal Small Businesses through Internet-Based Innovations
2021 - Present Investigating the Impact of Social Networks on Women Working from Home (WFH) in Alleviating Psychological Distress
2021 - Present Writing Teaching Cases - Manufacturing & Construction Company
2020 - Present Investigating Students' Perspectives in Sustaining Their Education Quality Through E-Learning: A Study of In-house LMS Users
2020 - Present Investigating Students' Perspectives in Sustaining Their Education Quality Through E-Learning: A Study of In-house LMS Users
2019 - Present Prototype Development of an Integrated Parental Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Monitoring Systems
2019 - Present Prototype Development of an Integrated Parental Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Monitoring Systems
2018 - Present An information quality requirements model for online health information
2018 - Present Speech Emotion Recognition and Depression Prediction based on Speech Analysis using Deep Neural Networks
2018 - Present An information quality requirements model for online health information
2018 - Present Speech Emotion Recognition and Depression Prediction based on Speech Analysis using Deep Neural Networks
2020 - 2021 Reaping the Benefits of Digital Economy "The Impact of E-Commerce on Formalizing Business: The Case of Southeast Asia
2018 - 2018 Research on Future Financial Intelligence and Enforcement Systems and Knowledge Competencies
2018 - 2018 Research on Future Financial Intelligence and Enforcement Systems and Knowledge Competencies
2017 - 2020 Analyses of Infodemiology among Parents with Chronic Disease Children in Malaysia for improved Public Health Informatics
2017 - 2019 I-ILM Integrated Internationalisation and Industry Linkages Management System
2017 - 2020 Analyses of Infodemiology among Parents with Chronic Disease Children in Malaysia for improved Public Health Informatics
2017 - 2019 I-ILM Integrated Internationalisation and Industry Linkages Management System
2016 - 2021 National E-Cigarette Survey (NECS) 2016: Prevalence and Pattern of E-Cigarette and Vape Use among Malaysian Adults
2016 - 2017 An Effective Hybrid Human Gait Recognition System Combining Independent Component Analysis and Total Silhouette Computation
2016 - 2021 A Risk Analysis Framework of Security, Privacy and Trust for Big Data in Cloud Computing
2016 - 2017 An Effective Hybrid Human Gait Recognition System Combining Independent Component Analysis and Total Silhouette Computation
2015 - 2018 An Efficient Algorithm on Lossless Audio Compression using Optimized Linear Predictor and Entropy Coding for Multichannel Quranic Audio Recitation
2015 - 2019 Impact of parental perinatal depressive and anxiety symptoms on infant development and health: A cohort study in East- and West-Coast of Malaysia
2015 - 2019 Improving Prediction of Sukuk Rating through Ensemble Classifier Techniques of Data Mining
2015 - 2019 Impact of parental perinatal depressive and anxiety symptoms on infant development and health: A cohort study in East- and West-Coast of Malaysia
2015 - 2018 An Efficient Algorithm on Lossless Audio Compression using Optimized Linear Predictor and Entropy Coding for Multichannel Quranic Audio Recitation
2015 - 2019 Improving Prediction of Sukuk Rating through Ensemble Classifier Techniques of Data Mining
2014 - 2016 Webdinar
2014 - 2017 Modelling Health Information Seeking Behaviour Framework for Palliative Patients and Carers
2014 - 2016 Design and Development of Portable Classroom Attendance System Based on Fingerprint Biometric
2014 - 2017 Modelling Health Information Seeking Behaviour Framework for Palliative Patients and Carers
2014 - 2016 Design and Development of Portable Classroom Attendance System Based on Fingerprint Biometric
2014 - 2016 Webdinar
2013 - 2019 Developing A Holistic E-Business Capability Framework for Malaysian SMES in the Retail Sector
2013 - 2019 Developing A Holistic E-Business Capability Framework for Malaysian SMES in the Retail Sector
2011 - 2013 Design and Develop A Prototype of Environment Friendly Hybrid
2011 - 2014 The Investigation of Location-based Query Implementation on Aid Distribution System During Disaster Recovery
2011 - 2011 Development of Final Year Project Portal for Engineering Degree Program
2011 - 2015 An Exploratory Study of Attitudes to ICT-related Environmental Issues and Initiatives among Students and Staff in Malaysian and Australian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
2011 - 2013 Bimodal Person Identification System Based on Speech and Signature Recognitions
2011 - 2015 Development Of SQL And PLSQL Programming Workbook For Database Courses Using Islamic Scenario
2011 - 2013 Bimodal Person Identification System Based on Speech and Signature Recognitions
2011 - 2015 Development Of SQL And PLSQL Programming Workbook For Database Courses Using Islamic Scenario
2011 - 2015 An Exploratory Study of Attitudes to ICT-related Environmental Issues and Initiatives among Students and Staff in Malaysian and Australian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
2011 - 2011 Development of Final Year Project Portal for Engineering Degree Program
2011 - 2013 Design and Develop A Prototype of Environment Friendly Hybrid
2011 - 2014 The Investigation of Location-based Query Implementation on Aid Distribution System During Disaster Recovery
2010 - 2011 Development of OneGerai.com Prototype: An e-commerce application for Muslim Entrepreneurs in Malaysia and Indonesia
2010 - 2011 Development of OneGerai.com Prototype: An e-commerce application for Muslim Entrepreneurs in Malaysia and Indonesia
2022 Machine learning and deep learning approaches for cybersecuriy: a review. IEEE ACCESS (1-14) pp.1-14
2021 Mark-up vs. interest-based financing on GDP: an application of agent-based computational model. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance , 7 (1) pp.55-76
2021 A comprehensive review of speech emotion recognition systems. IEEE Access , 9 pp.47795-47814
2021 Factors affecting continued use of online health information seeking behaviour among parents in developing countries. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) , 12 (3) pp.1371-1376
2021 Big data analytics in the government: issues concerning public sector auditing. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (Special Issue on ACSAT) pp.58-68
2020 Characteristics of electronic cigarette and vape users in Malaysia: Lessons from decision tree analysis. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Science , 12 (2) pp.872-873
2020 How does Malaysian use electronic cigarette? A descriptive analysis of the patterns. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Science , 12 (6) pp.852-934
2020 Perceived safety and effectiveness of electronic cigarettes among Malaysian adults and public support for regulation. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Science , 12 (Supplement 2) pp.921-921
2020 Development of control system for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle using LoRa wireless and GPS tracking. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) , 18 (5) pp.2674-2681
2020 Ftir of halal and non-halal adulterations prediction analytics using induction decision tree (id3) algorithm. Journal of Information Systems and Digital Technologies , 2 (2) pp.42-57
2020 Exploration of agent-based simulation: the multiplier effect of zakah on economic growth. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance (JIMF) , 6 (3) pp.641-666
2020 Factors affecting continued use of online health information seeking behaviour among parents in developing countries. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
2020 A text mining analytics on online forum medical queries among parents with diabetic children. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences , 2 (Supp2) pp.933-933
2020 Perceived safety and effectiveness of electronic cigarettes among Malaysian adults and public support for regulations. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Science , 12 (Supplement 2) pp.718-727
2020 Development of video-based emotion recognition using deep learning with Google colab. Telkomnika , 18 (5) pp.2463-2471
2019 Prevalence and characteristics of e-cigarette users among Malaysian current and ex-smokers. Malaysian Family Physicians , 14 (2) pp.10-17
2019 Performance evaluation of portable air quality measurement system using raspberry Pi for remote monitoring. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 17 (2) pp.564-574
2019 Cyberbullying in e-learning platform: an exploratory study through text mining analytics. Journal of Information Systems and Digital Technologies , 1 (2) pp.40-47
2019 A critical insight into multi-languages speech emotion databases. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics , 8 (4) pp.1312-1323
2019 On the use of voice activity detection in speech emotion recognition. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics , 8 (4) pp.1324-1332
2019 Design of power factor meter using internet of things for power factor improvement, remote monitoring and data logging. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 17 (2) pp.700-709
2019 The prevalence of e-cigarette use among adults in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , 31 (7 Supp 1) pp.9S-21S
2019 Perception of harms and benefits of electronic cigarettes among adult Malaysian men: a comparison by electronic cigarette use and smoking status. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , 31 (7 (suppl)) pp.32S-43S
2019 Prevalence and factors associated with attempts to quit and smoking cessation in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , 31 (7 (suppl)) pp.22S-31S
2019 Assessment of perceived barriers on online health information seeking activities among university students: case study of Malaysia. Journal of Information Systems and Digital Technologies , 1 (1) pp.25-30
2018 Design and implementation of portable outdoor air quality measurement systemn using Arduino. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) , 8 (1) pp.280-290
2018 Development of Quran reciter identification system using MFCC and GMM classifier. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) , 8 (1) pp.372-378
2018 Impact of external factors on determining E-commerce benefits among SMEs in Malaysia. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research , 8 (18) pp.1-12
2018 A review on emotion recognition algorithms using speech analysis. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) , 6 (1) pp.12-20
2018 On the use of edge features and exponential decaying number of nodes in the hidden layers for handwritten signature recognition. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 12 (2) pp.722-728
2018 Penetration testing using Kali Linux: SQL injection, XSS, Wordpress, and WPA2 attacks. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 12 (2) pp.729-737
2018 Prevalence and determinants of antepartum depressive and anxiety symptoms in expectant mothers and fathers: results from a perinatal psychiatric morbidity cohort study in the east and west coasts of Malaysia. BMC Psychiatry , 18 (1) pp.1-14
2018 Speech emotion recognition using deep feedforward neural network. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 10 (2) pp.554-561
2018 Development of English handwritten recognition using deep neural network. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 10 (2) pp.562-568
2018 Development of quranic reciter identification system using MFCC and GMM classifier. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , 8 (1) pp.372-378
2018 The information system project profiles among universities in Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 12 (2) pp.865-872
2018 On the review and setup of security audit using Kali Linux. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 11 (1) pp.51-59
2018 Sukuk rating prediction using voting ensemble strategy. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) , 8 (1) pp.299-304
2018 Performance evaluation of multichannel audio compression. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 10 (1) pp.146-153
2018 Comparison of entropy coding mechanism on IEEE1857.2 lossless audio compression standard. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 10 (1) pp.176-183
2018 Prevalence and characteristics of e-cigarette use among adults in Malaysia. Tobacco Induced Diseases , 16 (supp. 1) pp.93
2018 On the comparison of line spectral frequencies and mel-frequency cepstral coefficients using feedforward neural network for language identification. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 10 (1) pp.168-175
2018 Performance evaluation of smart home system using Internet of things. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) , 8 (1) pp.400-411
2018 Assessment of internet banking services continued use: role of socio-cognitive and relational view. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) , 16 (6) pp.2817-2827
2018 Decision tree optimization for sukuk rating prediction. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Science , 10 (2S) pp.323-332
2018 Current state of personal data protection in electronic voting: criteria and indicator for effective implementation. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control , 16 (1) pp.290-301
2017 A comparison of electronic cigarette smokers among urban and rural Malaysia. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (supp. 1) pp.47
2017 Design of automatic number plate recognition on android smartphone platform. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 5 (1) pp.99-108
2017 Characteristics of E-cigarette or vape (ECV) users and patterns of use: Malaysia chapter. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (supp. 1) pp.53
2017 Development of language identification using line spectral frequencies and learning vector quantization networks. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering , 9 (3-7) pp.21-27
2017 Development of educational game for primary school mathematics using Microsoft Kinect. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 6 (2) pp.457-463
2017 Investigation of lossless audio compression using IEEE 1857.2 advanced audio coding. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 6 (2) pp.422-420
2017 Evaluating the effect of viewing angle in different conditions for gait recognition. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 12 (16) pp.4729-4735
2017 Prototype design of smart home system using internet of things. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 7 (1) pp.107-115
2017 Prevalence and characteristics of e-cigarette users among the current smokers and ex-smokers population in Malaysia. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (supp. 1) pp.78
2017 Development of photo forensics algorithm by detecting photoshop manipulation using error level analysis. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 7 (1) pp.131-137
2017 The role of media and people's perception on electronic cigarette/vape in Malaysia. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (Supplement 1) pp.88-88
2017 Artificial neural network based fast edge detection algorithm for MRI medical images. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 7 (1) pp.123-130
2017 Managers perceptions towards the success of E-performance reporting system. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) , 15 (3) pp.1389-1396
2017 National E-cigarette Survey (NECS) 2016 in Malaysia method and population characteristic. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (5 Supplement 1) pp.72-72
2017 Development of efficient iris identification algorithm using wavelet packets for smartphone application. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 8 (2) pp.450-456
2017 Digital photography based food intake prediction using artificial neural network. Malaysian Journal of Medicine , 72 (Supplement 1) pp.20-20
2017 Development of face recognition on raspberry Pi for security enhancement of smart home system. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) , 5 (4) pp.317-325
2017 Predictive data mining of chronic diseases using decision tree: A case study of health insurance company in Indonesia. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , 12 (7) pp.1334-1339
2017 Edge detection of MRI images using artificial neural network. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (Supplement 1) pp.22-22
2017 Design and frameworks with experiment for a basic guide of theoretical isnad al-hadith authenticity examination. International Journal on Islamic Applications in Computer Science And Technology , 5 (3) pp.28-45
2017 E-cigarette use and perception among Malaysian: findings from text-mining analytics. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (supp. 1) pp.22
2017 Privacy and personal data protection in electronic voting: factors and measures. TELKOMNIKA , 15 (1) pp.512-521
2017 Mislabelling of nicotine content in electronic cigarette liquids in Malaysia: implications on public health. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (supp. 1) pp.31
2017 Performance evaluation of automatic number plate recognition on android smartphone platform. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , 7 (3) pp.1941-1951
2017 Prediction of electronic cigarette and vape use among Malaysian: decision tree analysis. The Medical Journal of Malaysia , 72 (supp. 1) pp.34
2017 Single channel speech enhancement using Wiener filter and compressive sensing. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) , 7 (3) pp.1941-1951
2016 Development of Quran reciter identification system using MFCC and neural network. TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering , 17 (1) pp.168-175
2016 Speech enhancement based on wiener filter and compressive sensing. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 2 (2) pp.367-379
2016 The user satisfaction perspectives of the information system projects. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 4 (1) pp.215-223
2016 A coherent framework for understanding the success of an information system project: a revised version. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) , 14 (1) pp.302-308
2016 Measurement of the information system project success of the higher education institutions in Indonesia: A pilot study. International Journal of Business Information Systems , 23 (2) pp.229-247
2015 Measurement of information system project success based on perceptions of the internal stakeholders. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) , 5 (2) pp.271-279
2015 Influences of the input factors towards the success of an information system project. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) , 13 (2) pp.686-693
2015 Validation of information system project success model: a focus group study. SAGE Open pp.1-14
2015 Natural language question and answer system on semantic health website . International Journal on Perceptive and Cognitive Computing (IJPCC) , 1 (1) pp.18-23
2015 An appraisal of Malaysian hospital websites as a new media tool for improving healthcare information: a systematic review. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , 9 (2) pp.151-156
2015 The predictive accuracy of Sukuk ratings; Multinomial Logistic and Neural Network inferences. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal , 34 pp.273-292
2014 Green IT attitude and behaviour in higher education institution: a gender perspective. Journal of Applied Sciences , 14 (7) pp.714-718
2013 A guideline to enforce privacy and data protection regulation in Indonesia. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law , 2 (3) pp.56-63
2013 Collaboration algorithms between intermediaries for supporting flexible supply chain management. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics , 7 (2) pp.33-43
2013 Hierarchical structural driven model for integrative information management architecture. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology , 2 (1) pp.1-13
2013 Development of portable automatic number plate recognition system on android mobile phone. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 53 (012066) pp.1-10
2013 An overview of legal framework for personal data protection on electronic voting in Indonesia . International Journal of Business, Economics and Law , 2 (3) pp.62-68
2012 Development of low bit rate speech encoder based on vector quantization and compressive sensing. Journal of Applied Sciences pp.1-11
2012 Parallelization of speech compression based algorithm based on human auditory system on multicore system. Journal of Applied Sciences , 12 (4) pp.375-380

Conference or Workshop Item

2021 Prototype development of vehicle collision avoidance system using Arduino. In: 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications
2021 Development of Image-Based Emotion Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks. In: 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications
2021 Design of a Speech Anger Recognition System on Arduino NANO 33 BLE Sense. In: 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications
2021 Real-Time Voice-Controlled Game Interaction using Convolutional Neural Networks. In: 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications
2021 eLearning Readiness of Higher Education Institutions Students during Pandemic: Domain and Gender Perspectives. In: 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications
2021 Investigating the Impact of Social Networks on Women Working from Home (WFH) in Alleviating Psychological Distress. In: MCMC Research Symposium Series No.9
2021 Precision chemical compounds analysis in chemical tank reactors using conductivity analysis and model predictive control. In: 2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC)
2021 Development of smart alarm based on sleep cycle analysis. In: 2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC)
2021 Predicting Sources of Self-Efficacy as Factors of IT Student Learning Behavior in Improving IT Competence. In: 9th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2021)
2020 A summarization of the visual depression databases for depression detection. In: 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT) 2020
2020 Speech emotion recognition using convolution neural networks and deep stride convolutional neural networks. In: 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT) 2020
2020 Development of voice-based smart home security system using Google voice kit. In: 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT) 2020
2020 Security enhancement of smart home system using signature recognition on Raspberry Pi. In: 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT) 2020
2020 eLearning Readiness of HEIs Students during Pandemic: Domain and Gender Perspectives. In: The International Conference on Innovative Technology, Engineering and Sciences 2020 (iCITES 2020)
2020 Social network analysis using Python data mining. In: 8th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2020)
2020 Development of very low frequency data acquisition system using Raspberry Pi. In: 8th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2020)
2020 The influence of gender and level of education on motivations for seeking health information online among parents. In: The 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2020)
2020 A conceptual paper on the influence socio-economic status on attitude towards online health information seeking behavior: a Malaysian women context. In: The 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2020)
2020 Investigation of IT competence and readiness of IT students facing the industrial revolution 4.0. In: 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2020)
2019 Mobile application for Halal food ingredients identification using optical character recognition. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Application (ICSIMA)
2019 Feature selection for financial data classification: Islamic finance application. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Application (ICSIMA)
2019 Cyberbullying in e-Learning platform: a text mining analytics. In: International Conference on E-Learning 2019
2019 Herb leaves pattern recognition using digital microscope and deep learning. In: International Conference on Universal Wellbeing (ICUW2019)
2019 Comparative analysis of gender identification using speech analysis and higher order statistics. In: 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA 2019)
2019 Food intake calorie prediction using generalized regression neural network. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Application (ICSIMA)
2019 On the optimum speech segment length for depression detection. In: 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA 2019)
2019 Risk assessment for Big Data in cloud computing: trust as an impact. In: International Conference on Cloud Computing and Business Process Management
2019 Development of smart chicken poultry farm using RTOS on Arduino. In: 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA 2019)
2019 Development of social network analysis platform. In: 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA 2019)
2018 Prevalence and characteristics of e-cigarette use among adults in Malaysia. In: 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH)
2018 Online information seeking behavior for cancer related disease: A developed and developing country comparison. In: International Conference on Computing, Engineering, and Design (ICCED) 2017
2018 Development of power factor meter using Arduino. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Application (ICSIMA)
2018 Development of air quality measurement system using raspberry Pi. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Application (ICSIMA)
2018 A systematic literature mapping of risk analysis of big data in cloud computing environment. In: 1st International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (ICoBiC) 2017
2018 Development of offline handwritten signature authentication using artificial neural network. In: International Conference on Computing, Engineering, and Design (ICCED 2017)
2018 Is there a relationship between ICT development and human development?: an analysis of six major islands of Indonesia from 2012 to 2016. In: 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M)
2018 Antepartum depressive, anxiety and comorbid symptoms among men and women in east and west coast of Malaysia: a cross-sectional analysis of a perinatal psychiatric morbidity cohort study. In: 7th International Public Health Conference
2018 Risk assessment for big data in cloud:security, privacy and trust. In: 2018 Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC 2018)
2017 Takhreej e-Guide: an innovation of electronic guide for Takhreej Al-Isnad Al-Hadith-based on physical structure of Isnad and principles of Hadith science. In: International University Carnival on e-Learning (IUCEL) 2017
2017 Assessing privacy and readiness of electronic voting system in Indonesia. In: 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM)
2017 How do the various media types and vape shops impact the perception of e-cigarettes use and harm in Malaysia?. In: 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health Supplement 2017
2017 Election fraud and privacy related issues: addressing electoral integrity. In: 2016 International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC)
2017 E-business capability and value among retail SMEs: Some empirical evidence from Malaysia. In: 2016 IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e)
2017 A review of lossless audio compression standards and algorithms. In: International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2017 (IC3E2017)
2017 Use of e-cigarette among Malaysian male adults: findings from global adult tobacco survey 2011 and national e-cigarette survey 2016. In: 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health
2017 Investigation of various algorithms on multichannel audio compression. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA 2017)
2017 National E-cigarette Survey (NECS) 2016 in Malaysia method and population characteristics. In: 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health Supplement 2017
2017 Development of language identification system using MFCC and vector quantization. In: 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA) 2017
2017 Performance analysis of IEEE 1857.2 lossless audio compression linear predictor algorithm. In: 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA) 2017
2017 Low nicotine addiction level, older age, and being female are associated with contemplation and preparation stages of smoking cessation among adult current smokers in Malaysia. In: 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health
2017 Current state of personal data protection in electronic voting: demand on legislature’s Bill. In: 1st International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC 2016
2017 A model for measuring weil-being of medical practitioners in EHR implementation. In: 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2016
2016 A conceptual model of green it practices on organisational sustainability. In: 6th International Conference on ICT for the Muslim World (ICT4M) 2016
2016 On the characteristics of various Quranic recitation for lossless audio coding application. In: 6th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2016)
2016 Factors influencing e-Business capability: An empirical study on Malaysian SMEs. In: 2016 International Conference on Information Science, Technology, Management, Humanities & Business (ITMAHUB)
2016 Frameworks for a computational Isnad authentication and mechanism development. In: 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M 2016)
2016 Speech enhancement in non-stationary noise using compressive sensing. In: 6th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2016)
2016 A model for measuring well-being of medical practitioners in EHR implementation. In: 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M 2016)
2015 Protecting youth from social media risks through information security practices and Islamic principles. In: 3rd International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science And Technology
2014 S-Rater: data mining application in Islamic financial sector. In: 2014 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M 2014)
2014 Decision to cast a vote: an ordinal regression statistical analysis. In: 2014 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M 2014)
2014 Privacy concern and perceived benefits towards privacy and election in Indonesia. In: 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M 2014)
2014 Design and development of portable classroom attendance system based on arduino and fingerprint biometric. In: 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M 2014)
2013 Assessment of e-commerce adoption benefits by Indonesian women entrepreneurs. In: The 4th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M)
2013 A conceptual framework for assessing electronic banking continued use. In: 2013 8th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA)
2013 E-commerce adoption by Indonesian small agribusiness: reconsidering the innovation-decision process model . In: The 4th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M)
2013 Privacy and trust in the Islamic perspective: implication of the digital age. In: The 4th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M)
2013 Optimization of ANPR algorithm on android mobile phone. In: 2013 International Conference on Smart Sensor, Measurement, and Applications
2013 Development of high quality speech compression system for Quranic recitation based on modified CELP algorithm . In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA)
2013 Framework for logistics coordination and distribution mobile application in disaster management. In: International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies 2013
2013 Development of portable charger for mobile phone using arduino microcontroller during disaster recovery . In: International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies 2013
2013 An overview of legal framework for personal data protection on electronic voting in Indonesia. In: Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics, and Law Conference
2013 A guideline to enforce privacy and data protection regulation in Indonesia. In: Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics, and Law Conference
2013 Development of portable automatic number plate recognition system on android mobile phone. In: 5th International Conference on Mechatronics (ICOM'13)
2012 Development of web application for Muslim traveller with emphasis on social networking. In: International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT 2012)
2012 Design and implementation of automatic number plate recognition on android platform. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012)
2011 Development of FYP online system for outcome based education. In: IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON 2011)
2011 Empowering youth entrepreneurship through online business. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2011)
2010 An implementation of natural language processing on ontology-based electronic health website: a case of female-related diseases domain. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M) 2010


2021 Deep learning based emotion recognition for image and video signals: matlab implementation. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing . ISBN 978-620-3-58356-4
2021 Speech emotion recognition using deep neural networks: matlab implementation. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing . ISBN 978-620-3-46534-1
2018 Smart home system using internet of things: design, implementation and sample codes. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing . ISBN 978-613-9-83980-3
2017 Multichannel audio compression: performance evaluation of various algorithms. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing . ISBN 978-620-2-01220-1
2017 Language identification system using Matlab: design, implementation, and sample codes. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing . ISBN 978-620-2-06531-3
2017 An integrated model of E-Government adoption the case of electronic tax filing among Indonesian corporate taxpayers. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 978-967-418-696-8
2017 Development of educational game using Microsoft Kinect: Primary school mathematics case studies. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing . ISBN 978-3-330-0648-3
2017 Portable outdoor air quality measurement system using Arduino. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing . ISBN 978-3-330-08717-0
2016 National e-cigarette survey (NECS) 2016: prevalance, pattern and perception regarding e-cigarette and vape use among Malaysian adults. Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Malaysia and International Islamic University Malaysia
2016 Automatic Number Plate Recognition on android platform: With some Java code excerpts. LAP : LAMBERT Academic Publishing . ISBN 978-3-659-94034-7
2013 Solar powered portable charger for disaster recovery: design and development using mini solar panel and arduino microcontroller. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing . ISBN 9783659480935
2013 Mechanical powered portable charger for disaster recovery: design and implementation using hand cranking DC motor and arduino microcontroller. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing . ISBN 9783659490958
2012 Virtual-learning content management system : design and implementation using Joomla for eLearning and problem-based learning courses. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG . ISBN 978-3-659-18113-9
2011 Selected readings in computing and telecommunications. IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225814
2011 Advancement in E-Learning.. IIUM Press . ISBN 978-967-418-105-5
2011 Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities. IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843
2011 Information technology issues and applications in Malaysia : a collection of articles.. IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180034

Book Section

2021 Affective computing for visual emotion recognition using convolutional neural networks. In: Springer’s Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) Springer . ISBN 9783030709167 , pp.11-20
2021 Speech emotion recognition using deep neural networks on multilingual databases. In: Advances in Robotics, Automation and Data Analytics Springer . ISBN 978-3-030-70916-7 , pp.21-30
2021 Prototype Development of Graphical Pattern Security System on Raspberry Pi. In: Advances in Robotics, Automation and Data Analytics Springer . ISBN 978-3-030-70916-7 , pp.31-38
2021 Perceived risk and benefits of online health information among parents in Malaysia. In: Springer’s Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) Springer . ISBN 978-303070916-7 , pp.91-97
2021 Development of colorization of grayscale images using CNN-SVM. In: Advances in Robotics, Automation and Data Analytics Springer . ISBN 978-3-030-70916-7 , pp.50-58
2020 On the effect of feature compression on speech emotion recognition across multiple languages. In: Springer's Lecture Nores in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) Springer
2020 A summarization of image and video databases for emotion recognition. In: Springer's Lecture Nores in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) Springer , pp.1-10
2020 Speech emotion recognition using feature fusion of TEO and MFCC on multilingual databases. In: Springer's Lecture Nores in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) Springer , pp.1-10
2019 Explorations in agent-based simulation: analysis of Gini Index after zakat enforcement under interest based system. In: Blending Islamic Finance and impact Investing for the SDGs Fiscal Policy Agency, Minister of Finance, The Republic of Indonesia . ISBN 978-623-92103-0-4 , pp.2-19
2011 Hajj crowd simulation based on intelligent agent. In: Mechatronic Book Series: Control and Intelligent Systems IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674181765 , pp.284-291
2011 An implementation of natural language processing on ontology-based electronic health website: a case of female-related diseases domain. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.103-111
2011 Development of final year project portal for engineering program. In: Computing for human services IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674181611 , pp.71-80
2011 Data quality assessment on internal system in XYZ division of telecommunication company: a case study in Indonesia. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.1-13
2011 Development of online application for Muslim traveler with UML diagram. In: Computing for human services IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674181611 , pp.133-138
2011 Data management issues: a case study of IIUM digital library. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.15-28
2011 An implementation of e-learning application in a Macedonian higher-education institution : a case study of State University of Tetova. In: Advancement in E- learning IIUM Press . ISBN 978-967-418-105-5 , pp.139-144
2011 Data management challenges in banking industry: business perspective. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.29-33
2011 Data management in higher education, the challenges and the solutions: recommendation and tools. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.35-41
2011 Data quality maturity in Information Technology Division (ITD): an education organization. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.43-55
2011 Data stewardship: a case study of Centre of Language and Pre-university Academic Development (CELPAD). In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.57-68
2011 The challenges of data migration case study of University Putra Malaysia (UPM). In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.69-79
2011 Business challenges on data management from educational sector. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.113-117
2011 Data management challenges in pharmaceutical industry. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.119-124
2011 Assessing data quality maturity levels: a case of the Information Technology Division (ITD) at the International Islamic University Malaysia. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.125-133
2011 Storage and obsolescence challenges in hospital data management. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.135-139
2011 Challenges of data management (DM) in manufacturing sector. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.141-150
2011 Student-Parent-Teacher (SPT-CARE): online school management system.. In: Advancement in E- learning IIUM Press . ISBN 978-967-418-105-5 , pp.117-124
2011 Data management challenges in retail industry. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.151-155
2011 Learning by doing : potential use of e-commerce in entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions . In: Information technology issues and applications in Malaysia : a collection of articles IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180034 , pp.119-138
2011 A web data management application for education sector: a KICT online registration systems for final year project. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.169-176
2011 Data ownership challenges in disaster management. In: Data management: issues, challenges and opportunities IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180843 , pp.185-192
2011 Manuscript processes monitoring system for Research Management Center. In: Selected readings in computing and telecommunications IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225814 , pp.1-8
2011 IIUM students forum system. In: Selected readings in computing and telecommunications IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225814 , pp.9-16
2011 Saba Decoration Factory (SDF) system. In: Selected readings in computing and telecommunications IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225814 , pp.17-25
2011 Takaful agency web portal. In: Selected readings in computing and telecommunications IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225814 , pp.26-37