


Ida Madieha Bt. Abdul Ghani Azmi

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Staff Details

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Commercial Law
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Cyber/ICT Law
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Intellectual Property (Including Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Design)
CURR.ISSUES IN INTELLECT.& IND'L PROP. LAW 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2007/2008
CYBER LAW 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2005/2006 2007/2008 2008/2009 2010/2011 2011/2012
FAMILY LAW II 1995/1996
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW 1995/1996 1996/1997 1997/1998 1998/1999 2000/2001 2018/2019 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
INTRODUCTION TO COPYRIGHT & DESIGN RIGHT 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2022/2023 2024/2025
INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY LAW 2001/2002 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
LAW AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2004/2005 2005/2006
LAW OF CONTRACT I 1996/1997 1997/1998 2007/2008 2009/2010 2011/2012 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019
LAW OF CONTRACT II 2008/2009 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016
LAW OF TORTS I 1997/1998 1998/1999 2001/2002
LAW OF TORTS II 2013/2014
In Progress
2021 - Present The legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence in legal practice in Malaysia: Balancing due process and access to justice
2021 - Present Framing a Comprehensive and Supportive Mental Health Policy and Strategy for Workplace: A Need Analysis from Patients' and Caregivers' Perspective
2021 - Present Framing a Comprehensive and Supportive Mental Health Policy and Strategy for Workplace: A Need Analysis from Patients' and Caregivers' Perspective
2019 - Present Legal Framework to Regulate Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Services in Malaysia
2019 - Present Legal Framework to Regulate Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Services in Malaysia
2018 - Present From Freedom of Expression to 'Freedom to Tell Lies': Formulating an Effective Legal Framework to Regulate the Spread of Fake News Online in Malaysia
2018 - Present From Freedom of Expression to 'Freedom to Tell Lies': Formulating an Effective Legal Framework to Regulate the Spread of Fake News Online in Malaysia
2004 - Present Trade, Regulation and Policy Research Unit
2004 - Present Trade, Regulation and Policy Research Unit
2018 - 2021 From Freedom of Expression to 'Freedom to Tell Lies': Formulating an Effective Legal Framework to Regulate the Spread of Fake News Online in Malaysia
2018 - 2019 Kajian Bibliometrik Kebangsaan (Tahun 2001-2017)
2018 - 2019 Kajian Bibliometrik Kebangsaan (Tahun 2001-2017)
2017 - 2017 Establish IP Curricula & Cource For MYIPO
2017 - 2017 Establish IP Curricula & Cource For MYIPO
2016 - 2020 Establishing an Effective Legal Framework for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions in Malaysia Post TPP and AEC Era
2016 - 2020 Establishing an Effective Legal Framework for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions in Malaysia Post TPP and AEC Era
2015 - 2019 Establishing Legal and Economic Framework to Protect Malaysian Copyright Based Industries from the Possible Negative "Effects" of the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
2015 - 2019 Establishing Legal and Economic Framework to Protect Malaysian Copyright Based Industries from the Possible Negative "Effects" of the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
2013 - 2017 Security Offences Law Vis a Vis Right to Privacy in Malaysia: Guidelines for Reconciliation and Enforcement
2013 - 2017 Security Offences Law Vis a Vis Right to Privacy in Malaysia: Guidelines for Reconciliation and Enforcement
2012 - 2016 Status of Left Over Embryos in Malaysia : An Ethico Legal Enquiry
2012 - 2016 A study of legal issues related to BLOGs businesses in malaysia : A proposal for a regulatary framework
2012 - 2016 Status of Left Over Embryos in Malaysia : An Ethico Legal Enquiry
2012 - 2015 Legal Framework for the Protection of Traditonal Cultural Expression: Balancing Human Rights, Conservation and Proprietary Interest?
2012 - 2015 Legal Framework for the Protection of Traditonal Cultural Expression: Balancing Human Rights, Conservation and Proprietary Interest?
2012 - 2016 A study of legal issues related to BLOGs businesses in malaysia : A proposal for a regulatary framework
2011 - 2015 Deciphering The Wikileaks SAGA:Exploring The Legal, Policy and Information Security Role and Challenges In Protecting and Securing Malaysia's Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) Against Data Leak
2011 - 2013 Jawatankuasa Penyemak dan Meminda Akta Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta 1996 (AKTA 555)
2011 - 2015 Deciphering The Wikileaks SAGA:Exploring The Legal, Policy and Information Security Role and Challenges In Protecting and Securing Malaysia's Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) Against Data Leak
2011 - 2013 Jawatankuasa Penyemak dan Meminda Akta Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta 1996 (AKTA 555)
2010 - 2012 Bioinformatics: The Law Relating To Collection and Use of Genetic Information in Malaysia
2010 - 2012 Bioinformatics: The Law Relating To Collection and Use of Genetic Information in Malaysia
2009 - 2013 Innovation and Intellectual Property in Malaysia
2009 - 2013 Innovation and Intellectual Property in Malaysia
2008 - -1 TRIPS and Intellectual Property in Selected OIC Countries: Concerns and Prospects
2008 - -1 TRIPS and Intellectual Property in Selected OIC Countries: Concerns and Prospects
2007 - 2008 Liberalization of Distribution Service: The Impact of Foreign Hyper-markets in Malaysia
2007 - 2008 Liberalization of Distribution Service: The Impact of Foreign Hyper-markets in Malaysia
2006 - 2009 Research on Biotechnology in Malaysia: Is there A Need for Regulatory Framework?
2006 - 2009 Research on Biotechnology in Malaysia: Is there A Need for Regulatory Framework?
2004 - 2007 Original Title: Collateralization of Intellectual property in the Malaysian Conventional and Islamic Banking System: A Comparative Analysis New Title: Legal Impediments to the Collateralization?.
2004 - 2007 Original Title: Collateralization of Intellectual property in the Malaysian Conventional and Islamic Banking System: A Comparative Analysis New Title: Legal Impediments to the Collateralization?.
2021 Relook laws to address employee mental health. New Straits Times , 13 July 2021
2021 Legal, policy framework needed. New Straits Times , 22 July 2021
2021 Digital disinformation and the need for internet co-regulation in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , 29 (S2) pp.169-183
2021 community mental health service in Malaysia from the perspective of maqasid Shariah. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences , 17 (Suppliment 5) pp.111-111
2021 Addressing employees mental health concerns. New Straits Times , 11 July 2021
2021 The Postgraduate journey: on craving for ‘Mee Goreng Mamak’ and passion towards research. IIUM Today , 29 June 2021
2021 Mental health law and policy at the workplace: should more be done post pandemic. Malaysian Journal of Medicine ad Health Sciences , 17 (supp 5, August 2021) pp.42-42
2021 The postgraduate journey_on craving for 'mee goreng mamak' and passion towards research. IIUM Today , 29 June 2021
2020 Regulatory control of herbal and traditional medicines in Malaysia: issues and concerns. International Journal of Business and Society , 21 (S1) pp.192-204
2020 Penetapan standard bagi Industri nutraseutikal di Malaysia: melindungi hak pengguna. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia , 32 (2) pp.177-194
2020 Copyright and fair use during pandemic. New Straits Times , 3 December 2020
2020 Enhancing regulation of nutraceutical products in Malaysia lessons from Japan. IIUM Law Journal , 28 (SI) pp.351-372
2020 E-hailing services: antitrust implications of uber and grab`s merger in Southeast Asia. IIUM Law Journal , 28 (SI) pp.373-394
2020 Protecting public health through FTAs. The Star
2020 Tricky to trade amid pandemic. New Straits Times
2020 International norms in regulating e-commerce: the electronic commerce chapter of the comprehensive Trans-pacific Partnership Agreement. International Journal of Business and Society , 20 (S1) pp.66-80
2020 Challenges for legal education in the era of I.R.4.0. UUM Journal of Legal Studies , 11 (2) pp.27-51
2020 Safety consideration of nutraceutical products in Malaysia: issues and concerns. Malayan Law Journal , 1 pp.1-12
2019 The copyright reward system and content owners in the creative industry: a study of the Malaysian film and TV industry. The Journal of World Intellectual Property , 22 (3-4) pp.129-145
2018 When internet service providers should be called to block and take down online materials?: the Malaysian approach. Malayan Law Journal , 5 (clxii) pp.1-6
2018 Cultural tourism and trade in indigenous people’s art and craft: a gap analysis of international legal treatise and national legislation. Science International (Lahore) , 30 (5 (Section B) September-October) pp.741-747
2018 Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement minus one and enhanced criminal penalty for online copyright piracy: Malaysia’s options. Journal of World Trade , 52 (3) pp.461-477
2018 Transplanting the United States' style of safe harbour provisions on internet service providers via multilateral agreements: can one size fit all?. IIUM Law Journal , 26 (2) pp.369-400
2018 Guidelines and legal ecosystem for the creation of Islamic content in Malaysia: towards consumer empowerment = Garis panduan dan ekosistem undang-undang bagi penciptaan kandungan kreatif Islam di Malaysia: mendepani pemberdayaan pengguna. IIUM Law Journal , 26 (1) pp.121-140
2017 The impact of copyright law on the digitization of library collections in academic libraries in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science , 22 (1) pp.83-97
2017 In search for support for the extension of copyright term under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: A preliminary study of the Malaysian music industry. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy , 16 (1) pp.34-48
2017 马来西亚社交媒体监管:选择与挑战 (Regulating Social Media in Malaysia: Options and Challenges). Global Media Journal , 4 (2) pp.58-79
2017 Protection for intangible cultural heritage as a viable tourist product: Malaysia as a case study. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics , 20 (S1) pp.59-70
2017 The concept of Halal and Halal food certification process in Malaysia: issues and concerns. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics , 20 (S1) pp.38-50
2017 Preface. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH) , 25 (Special Issues)
2017 Transpacific partnership agreement and future of internet policing of copyright infringement in Malaysia. Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 25 (Special Issue) pp.25-36
2017 An analysis of Consensus Ad Idem: The Malaysian Contract Law and Shari’ah Perspective. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 25 (S) (October) pp.73-84
2017 Voices from the dead: the uneasy case of indigenous cultural expression. International Journal of Law and Management , 59 (4) pp.522-533
2015 Criminalisation of misappropriation of Traditional Cultural Expression (TCE). Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities , 23 (S) (Oct) pp.183-196
2015 Misappropriation and dilution of indigenous people’s cultural expression through the sales of their arts and crafts: should more be done?. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH) , 23 (S) pp.165-178
2015 Preface for Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities: A Special Edition Devoted to Issues in Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Spirit, Form & Challenges . Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities: A Special Edition Devoted to Issues in Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Spirit, Form & Challenges , 23 ((S))
2015 Big data, cloud and "bring your own device": how the data protection law addresses the impact of 'datafication' . Advanced Science Letters , 21 (10) pp.3347-3351
2014 Genetic screening of newborns in Malaysia: an ethico-legal prognosis. International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family (28) pp.135-149
2014 Recipe for disaster? the deployment of patents over environmentally sound technologies (ESTs). IIUM Law Journal , 22 (1) pp.1-18
2014 Intellectual property policy and academic patenting in Malaysia: challenges and prospects. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities , 22 (1) pp.1-20
2013 Public research, open science and innovation: creating the path for sustainable resource-led industrialisation in Malaysia . International Journal of Trade , Economics and Finance , 4 (3) pp.145-149
2012 Data leak, critical information infrastructure and the legal options: what does Wikileaks teach us?. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) , 1 (3) pp.226-231
2011 Of magic wands, spell binding stories and copyright: creative expression and copyright. Myip Bulletin , 1 pp.13-15
2011 Intellectual property system with a heart? Patents and public health in Malaysia and some Asean countries. The Law Review pp.412-439
2011 Bioinformatics and genetic privacy: the impact of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Computer Law and Security Report , 27 (4) pp.394-401
2011 Security safeguards on e-Payment systems in Malaysia: an analysis on the Payment Systems Act 2003. Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology , 6 (4) pp.187-193
2011 Security safeguards on e-Payment systems in Malaysia: an analysis on the Payment Systems Act 2003. Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology , 6 (4) pp.187-193
2011 Emerging needs and challenges faced in the teaching and training of intellectual property in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Sciences Research , 7 (13) pp.2432-2440
2010 Legal and ethical issues in knowledge management in Malaysia. Computer Law and Security Review , 26 pp.61-71
2009 Reforms towards intellectual property-based economic development in Malaysia. The Journal of World Intellectual Property , 12 (4) pp.317-337
2009 Patenting whilst being ethical. The Law Review 2009 pp.489-499
2009 Institutional repositories in Malaysia: the copyright issues. International Journal of Law and Information Technology , 17 (3) pp.268-281
2009 The gap between the legal and regulatory framework of health and medical biotech research and development in Malaysia and the needs of the R & D institutes in Malaysia. Journal of International Biotechnology Law , 6 (3) pp.109-121
2007 Legal impediments to the collateralization of intellectual property in the Malaysian dual banking system. Asian Journal of Comparative Law , 2 (1) pp.187-218
1997 Die anerkennung von immaterialguterrechten in der Sharia. GRUR International , 46 (2) pp.85-95

Conference or Workshop Item

2021 Mainstreaming Shari'ah solutions for peace and justice: Al-Mizan as the foundation of the legal system. In: Roundtable discussion on harmonisation of shari'ah and law
2021 “Like, Comment, Share… And Guilty as Charged” – Why Social Media Users should Relook at section 233 CMA 1998. In: International Conference on Family Law, Family Justice and Maqasid Al-Shariah (ICFL 2021))
2021 Islamic IP & business sustainability: the role of Islamic IP for business sustainability in the halal economy. In: 17th Malaysia International Halal Showcase
2021 Addressing issues in the mental health system from the perspective of law and system from the perspective of law and maqasid shariah. In: Online Roundtable Discussion Harmonisation of Shariah and Law: Issues and Challenges
2021 Mental health law and policy at the workplace: should more be done post pandemic?. In: 3rd World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation 2021
2021 Community mental health service in Malaysia from the perspective of Maqasid Shariah. In: 3rd World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation 2021: Mental Health and Well-Being in the 4th Industrial Revolution
2020 Market, competition and innovation post pandemic era. In: International Webinar Lecture Series on Law and Commerce
2020 Importance of patents in the scientific world. In: Two Days International Training-Workshop on Scientific Paper and Patent Writing
2020 Covid19 pandemic, remote learning and online educational platforms: the challenge to copyright policy. In: Talk on Copyright
2019 Challenges for legal education in the era of IR 4.0. In: The 10th UUM International Legal Conference - Law Government and Society: Addressing the Challenges of IR4.0
2019 Introduction to olfactory marks: understanding the dynamics and registration of non traditional marks. In: Trademarks Bill 2019 Deciphering the Functionality
2019 The role of IPR in ASEAN's transition to a knowledge-based economy. In: ASEAN Prosperity Forum
2019 Industrial revolution 4.0 and challenges to legal education. In: Persidangan Antarabangsa Undang-Undang 2019 (UUMILC 2019)
2019 Islamic perspective on intellectual property rights. In: 38th Annual Congress of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP)
2019 Biobanks and patents: international approaches. In: Mapping the Malaysian Biobanking Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities
2019 The IP dimension of bilateral and regional agreements in Asia: implications for trade and development policy. In: Dialogue on IPR
2019 Industrial revolution 4.0 and challenges to lawyers. In: AIKOL law forum - industrial revolution (I.R.) 4.0 and the law
2019 Protecting consumers from misleading online advertisement for herbal and traditional medicines in Malaysia: are the laws sufficient?. In: The 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2018)
2018 Free trade agreements and e-commerce: issues and challenges for Malaysia and Indonesia. In: The 3rd Inrernational Conference on Social, Humanities, Economics, Law and Sustainable Development (SHIELD) 2018
2018 Intellectual property protection for cultural industries: scope and potentials. In: Conference on Cultural Industries and Intellectual Property in Southeast Asia
2018 The Malaysian creative content industry: how do we fare vis a vis United States and South Korea?. In: 7th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS 7) 2018
2018 Regulatory control for herbal and traditional medicines in Malaysia: issues and challenges. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2018 White, slim and 100% cure, misleading health claims of nutraceuticals: a comparative study. In: 7th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS 7)
2018 Digital economy and e-commerce: what has the comprehensive and progressive trans-pacific partnership agreement has to offer to Malaysia?. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2017 Mergers and acquisition law: the need for harmonization in ASEAN. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6)
2017 'Unsafe' nutraceuticals products on the Internet: The need for stricter regulation in Malaysia. In: 2017 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management
2017 Copyright in Malaysian creative industry: empowerment or restriction?. In: International Conference on Education, Business, Islamic and Technology 2017 (ICEBIT 2017)
2017 ‘Unsafe’ nutraceuticals products on the Internet: The need for stricter regulation in Malaysia. In: 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2017)
2017 Internet service providers liability for third party content: Freedom to operate?. In: The 5th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2017)
2017 Guaranteeing safer consumption of nutraceutical products in Malaysia: must it always be on the government?. In: International Conference on Education, Business, Islamic and Technology 2017 (ICEBIT 2017)
2017 Creative industries in Malaysia: Copyright reforms, incentive theory and state intervention. In: 36th Annual ATRIP (International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property) Congress : The Object and Purpose of Intellectual Property
2017 The Nigerian policy on critical information infrastructure. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6)
2017 The Nigerian policy on critical information infrastructure. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6)
2016 Rethinking liability of internet intermediaries in Malaysia: a comparative legal analysis with the European Union and the United States. In: The 3rd International Academic Conference on Social Sciences (IACSS 2016)
2016 Strengthening academic cooperation of law faculties in Asia. In: International Conference
2016 Is the IP system gender bias?. In: American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Women in IP Global Networking Event
2016 Protection of intangible cultural heritage as a viable tourist product: Malaysia as a case study (touristic products and services). In: EURASIA International Tourism Congress
2016 Criminalisation of copyright piracy and international trade : a marriage of convenience? the case with transpacific partnership agreement. In: The Third International Conference on Law, Business and Governance
2016 Fair use factors and the expansion of the boundary of fair dealing in Malaysia. In: Comparative Dimensions of Limitations and Exceptions in Copyright Law
2016 Tips in publishing in international publications. In: Workshop on Writing for International Publication
2016 Malaysian IP Laws: Promoting IP commercialisation and challenges. In: University of Reading Malaysia Research Seminar
2016 The importance of institutional IP policy and its relevance to a country's research and development: the experience of Malaysia. In: Building IP capacity in institutions in Nepal: national consultation with the Kathmandu University
2016 Forcing obedience through the imposition of criminal penalty for copyright offences under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. In: The 2016 International Conference and Call for Papers (ICCP) UNS
2016 Critical data leak analysis in educational environment. In: 2016 4th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management
2016 Transpacific partnership agreement and ISP liabilities: a comparative overview between Malaysia and other member countries. In: International Conference on Social Sciences
2016 Transpacific partnership agreement and Internet policing?. In: 5th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS V) 2016
2015 Too much protection too little benefits: the case with copyright extension under the TPPA. . In: 34th ATRIP CONGRESS 2015
2015 Cultural tourism and trade in indigenous people’s art and craft: a gap analysis of legal treatise and national legislation . In: The Third International Multidisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences
2015 Balancing the market power on the supplier and creative use markets: impacts of competition law. In: The Sixth Conference on European and Asian Intellectual Property: Exploring Sensible Ways for Paying Copyright Owners
2015 Creative Commons: through the lens of Court cases. In: Creative Commons and Copyright for e-learning Educators
2015 Pengharmonian Akta Kontrak 1950 dan prinsip-prinsip shariah. In: Persidangan Meja Bulat Pengharmonian Undang-undang-Kajian Undang-undang Bertulis
2015 Managing the risks of big-data environment through data protection law: the position in Malaysia and Indonesia. In: The 3rd International Conference on Internet Services Technology and Information Engineering 2015
2015 Misappropriation of indigenous people's cultural expression through the sales of their arts and crafts: should more be done?. In: 4th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS IV) 2015
2015 An analysis of the copyright provisions of the TPPA. In: Roundtable discussion
2014 Copyright reforms in Malaysia: amidst technological changes: what they mean to librarians. In: Forum Memahami Isu Hakcipta di Malaysia 2014
2014 Criminalization of Misappropriation of Traditional Cultural Expression (TCE). In: International Conference on Law, Order and Criminal Justice 2014 (ICLOCJ 2014
2012 Data breach on the critical information infrastructures: lessons from the Wikileaks. In: 2012 International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec
2011 Genetic testing of newborns: an ethico-legal perspective. In: 1st Malaysia Conference on Rare Disoders & Medical Genetics Conference 2011
2010 Bio-diversity, traditional knowledge and intellectual property: is sui generis the way forward for Malaysia?. In: Biodiversity-Biotechnology: Gateway to Discoveries, Sustainable Utilization and Wealth Creation
2010 An ideal legal system to combat cyber crime: issues and way forward. In: The Digital Forensics Satellite Event for Researchers & Aacademicians - Cyber CSI / Cyber Security Malaysia Awards, Conference & Exhibition 2010
2010 Intellectual property system with a heart? Public health safeguards in national patent legislation. In: 7th Asian Law Institute Conference


2022 Encyclopedia of laws: intellectual property - Malaysia. Wolters Kluwer . ISBN 978-90-654-4887-3
2020 Trademarks Law: cases and commentary. Sweet & Maxwell . ISBN 978-967-2919-13-1
2018 Malaysia [International encyclopedia of laws on intellectual property law]. Wolters Kluwer . ISBN 978-90-654-4887-3
2015 Patent law in Malaysia: cases and commentary (second edition). Sweet & Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789670735894
2013 Malaysia: Intellectual Property. Kluwer Law International . ISBN 978-90-654-4887-3
2013 Malaysia: Intellectual Property. Kluwer Law International . ISBN 978-90-654-4887-3
2011 Biotechnology law and policy : searching for a balance. Madhav Books . ISBN 9789380615028
2010 Complexity of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs): a key issue in Malaysian trade policy. Khazanah Nasional . ISBN 9789834419356
2009 Intellectual property system and industrial development in Malaysia. IIUM Press . ISBN 9789675272332
2003 Patent law in Malaysia : Cases and commentary. Sweet & Maxwell Asia . ISBN 983-2631-13-0

Book Section

2021 Bridging fair dealing and fair use concepts: Malaysia's transition to a hybrid system. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978-1-108-48304-9 , pp.216-230
2021 Divergent methodological approaches to intellectual property in mixed jurisdiction countries. In: Handbook of Intellectual Property Research Oxford University Press , pp.846-859
2021 “Like, comment, share… and guilty as charged” – why social media users should relook at section 233 CMA 1998. In: Family law in Malaysia and beyond Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia & AIKOL, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-87-8 , pp.187-204
2020 Human DNA and stem cell research: ethical and religious concerns. In: Intellectual property law and human rights Wolters Kluwer . ISBN 978-94-035-1304-1 , pp.987-1018
2020 Centre for Postgraduates Studies. In: IIUM emergency remote teaching and learning Centre for Professional Development (CPD), International Islamic University Malaysia. , pp.14-15
2019 Muslim friendly tourism: the protection of Halal Integrity at the International Level. In: Consumer Related Issues in Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws . ISBN 978-983-43090-7-7 , pp.43-54
2019 Muslim friendly tourism: the protection of Halal Integrity at the International Level. In: Consumer Related Issues in Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws . ISBN 978-983-43090-7-7 , pp.43-54
2019 Defending the integrity of the Malaysian halal logo as a certification mark. In: Consumer Related Issues in Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws . ISBN 978-983-43090-7-7 , pp.57-68
2019 Defending the integrity of the Malaysian halal logo as a certification mark. In: Consumer Related Issues in Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws . ISBN 978-983-43090-7-7 , pp.57-68
2019 Protecting cultural heritage as a Muslim friendly tourism product: A case study of Annah Rais Long House Village Sarawak. In: Consumer related Issues in Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws . ISBN 978-983-43090-7-7 , pp.99-119
2019 Protecting cultural heritage as a Muslim friendly tourism product: A case study of Annah Rais Long House Village Sarawak. In: Consumer related Issues in Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws . ISBN 978-983-43090-7-7 , pp.99-119
2018 Between regulatory reforms, trade liberalisation and technology dependence: intellectual property challenges in Malaysia. In: Malaysia's trade governance at a crossroads Khazanah Research Institute . ISBN 978-967-16335-2-6 , pp.189-221
2017 The intellectual property dimension of bilateral and regional trade agreements in ASIA: implications for trade and development policy. In: WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers: 2017 ASIAN edition: Research Papers from the 2017 Regional WIPO-WTO Colloquium for IP Teachers and Scholars in ASIA World Intellectual Property Organization . ISBN 978-92-870-4372-6 , pp.42-51
2017 IP teaching syllabi in Asia: should more be done?. In: WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers: 2017 ASIAN edition: Research Papers From the 2017 Regional WIPO-WTO Colloquium for IP Teachers and Scholars in ASIA The WIPO Academy and the WTO Intellectual Property, Government Procurement and Competition Division . ISBN 978-92-870-4372-6 , pp.52-61
2015 Human stem cell research: ethical and religious concerns over patenting biotechnological inventions in Malaysia. In: Intellectual Property Law And Human Rights Kluwer Law International . ISBN 978-90-411-5836-9 , pp.783-808
2015 Human stem cell research: ethical and religious concerns over patenting biotechnological inventions in Malaysia. In: Intellectual Property Law And Human Rights Kluwer Law International . ISBN 978-90-411-5836-9 , pp.783-808
2015 Scope and duration of compulsory licensing: lessons from national experiences . In: Compulsory LIcensing: Practical Experiences and ways Forward Springer . ISBN 978-3-642-54703-4 , pp.207-220
2013 Fighting cyberterrorism with legislative bullet: are we really ready?. In: Law & practice: critical analysis and legal reasoning International Association of IT lawyers (IAITL) . ISBN 9788799485437 , pp.65-79
2013 Integrating information security policies into domestic legislation: the Malaysian experience. In: Law & practice: critical analysis and legal reasoning International Association of IT lawyers (IAITL) . ISBN 9788799485437 , pp.221-235