التاريخ : 07 August 2012
المحرر : WebMaster
الفئة : Announcements
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Congratulation, Ramadhan al-Mubarak is back.
Why Ramadhan is special?
It has the real secret recipe that we need to solve all the problems of humanity.
It has the splendid formula that suppresses all other theories, ideologies, concepts and modules.
It is the best educational institution that clears all the doubts & misconceptions of today’s educational policies.
It is everything or the gist and cream of all the wisdoms and knowledge that we need as a murabbi of this ummah.
For further digestion and assimilation of what has been highlighted in the above passage, welcome to CCAC, Garden of N?r and Yaq?n, IIUM
For those who are still struggling, searching or being swayed by all the speculation, manipulation, pollution and fantasy, hunting for a peace of mind or formula to today’s social ills and dilemma or dichotomy, we humbly invite you to our homestay in CCAC.