

Securing of Research Grant Announcement

Securing of Research Grant Announcement

التاريخ : 01 November 2011

المحرر : WebMaster

الفئة : Announcements


Securing of Research Grant Announcement


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh


Referring to the above matter, on behalf of the University, Research Management Centre would like to congratulate Prof. Dr. Hassanuddeen Abd. Aziz from Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences and his research team on their success in securing sponsored research grant which is awarded by the Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah. The RM119,320.00 (USD38,000) funding will support the team for their research proposal entitled "Capacity of OIC-Affiliated Universities on Academic Performance Measurement"


The Centre prays to Allah (SWT) for His grace to guide us in all our endeavours to work sincerely for the betterment of the Muslim ummah.



Thank you.? Wassalam



External Collaboration Unit

Research Management Centre