التاريخ : 27 January 2022
المحرر : syarel azill yaali
الفئة : IIUM Community
غرد هذا
Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt
Dear All Student
Please be informed, Student Feedback Survey (SFS) Semester 1, 2021/2022 will be open from week 10 until the day of the final examination period (6/12/2021-17/2/2022).
All students must complete the SFS within the time period allocated. Failure to do so will cause the student's examination slip or examination results to be withheld or as determined by the senate from time to time. It will be released once the student completed the SFS.
Therefore, your cooperation to request the students to answer the survey in order to prevent any issues related to examination barring and suspension of result slips is very much appreciated.
- Students MUST complete all sections of the survey
- The result of this exercise will be the official SFS scores and thus, will be made available only after the last date of the submission of the final grades in the Final Result Entry System. Lecturers will not be able to view your personal record, only the class average
The SFS link is http://sfs.iium.edu.my.
The SFS provides valuable information to the university on the conduct of the courses, we appreciate your time you take up to fill up.
Policy on Student Feedback Survey (SFS) is available on the KCA website https://www.iium.edu.my/office/kca/governance-and-policy
Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation