

TILAWAH PLACEMENT TEST (TPT) in semester 2, 2020/2021

TILAWAH PLACEMENT TEST (TPT) in semester 2, 2020/2021

التاريخ : 23 February 2021

المحرر : Raja Munirah Raja Sulaiman

الفئة : IIUM Community



TPT in semester 2, 2020/2021

Please take note that 4th year students who have not taken the TPT have by default, been registered in Tilawah Course Level 1 for semester 2, 2020/2021. This is to make sure that the affected students would be able to fulfil the Tilawah requirements before their graduation.

However, for 3rd, 2nd and 1st year students who have not sat for the TPT placement yet, you are strongly advised to take the TPT this semester. We are planning to have a series of TPTs this semester to make sure all students have their placements.

The dates of TPTs are as follows:

  1. 1st Batch: 24th, 25th February 2021 (New students only)
  2. 2nd Batch: 26th March 2021 (Others)
  3. 3rd Batch: 30th April 2021 (Others)
  4. 4th Batch: 28th May 2021 (Others)

Please make sure that you check announcements in CELPAD website and i-maalum regularly for any updates on TPT and dates of registration for the test. Kindly take note that you will not be allowed to take the TPT without prior registration.