

Talk on Quran and Science by Bro. Shah Kirit

Talk on Quran and Science by Bro. Shah Kirit

تاريخ البدء : 05 Mar 2020   تاريخ الإنتهاء : 05 Mar 2020

الموقع : Lecture Hall, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, IIUM Kuantan

المنظم : HEALS



Dear all Kuantan community,

We read Quran everyday and we learn Science almost everyday, whether we realise it or not.

But we rarely try to relate the Holy Book with science that we learn in, but not limited to, classes. 

Do they contradict each other? Or do they verify each other? Or some contradict and some verify each other? Why do they contradict? Is there wrong information the Quran? Or the science itself?

Find out in this talk which will be delivered by Bro. Shah Kirit (President of Global Unity Network) on 5th March 2020, 8.00 pm - 10.30 pm at Lecture Hall, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, IIUM Kuantan.

Please come and join us! Entrance is free and open to all. Mark your calendar NOW!