

Adobe Photoshop Workshop

Adobe Photoshop Workshop

Start Date : 31 Mar 2019   End Date : 31 Mar 2019

Location : Seminar Room 1, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Science

Organizer : Allied Health Sciences Students' Society (HEALS)


Allied Health Sciences Students' Society (HEALS) will be organizing a Adobe Photoshop Workshop for those who are interested in designing. This workshop is aiming for participants from all levels as long as you have some interest in it. 

What is Photoshop?

Photoshop is Adobe's photo editing, image creation and graphic design software.

photoshop icon

The software provides many image editing features for raster (pixel-based) images as well as vector graphics. It uses a layer-based editing system that enables image creation and altering with multiple overlays that support transparency. Layers can also act as masks or filters, altering underlying colors. Shadows and other effects can be added to the layers. Photoshop actions include automation features to reduce the need for repetitive tasks. An option known as Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud) allows users to work on content from any computer.