

Al Liqa Al Jamaie No. 1/2021.

Al Liqa Al Jamaie No. 1/2021.

Start Date : 15 Jan 2021   End Date : 15 Jan 2021

Location : Online

Organizer : IIUM


We have the pleasure to invite all staff to the Al Liqa Al Jamaie No. 1/2021. The scheduled is as follows: 

 DATE / DAY : 15th JANUARY 2021 / FRIDAY

 TIME               : 9:00 A.M.  -  10:30 A.M.

 Due to the Movement Control Order (MCO), the Al Liqa Al Jamaie No. 1/2021 can be attended via the IIUM Official YouTube Channel ( staff and via Zoom meeting for University Management Committee members, deans and directors. The Zoom meeting link will be updated by email via Google calendar)  


Please take note that the attendance for this event is compulsory for those who are not on official leave and CTD points will be given (registration using QR code).


For IIUM Official YouTube channel, the QR code will be displayed on screen during the live streaming, viewers are requested to subscribe and like the IIUM Official YouTube channel.