

Awareness Briefing on Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (HSEMS)

Awareness Briefing on Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (HSEMS)

Start Date : 16 May 2019   End Date : 16 May 2019

Location : Conference Room, Kulliyyah of Science

Organizer : Kulliyyah of Science Health, Safety and Environment Committee, (KOSHSEC)


Awareness Briefing on Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (HSEMS).

The Kulliyyah of Science is committed towards Kulliyyah HSE Policy, obejctives and planning. Thus, this program aims to raise awareness of occupational safety, health and environment at the Kulliyyahso that all staff may enjoy a safe and healthy workplace. 

The details are as follow:-

Date: 16 May 2019

Day: Thursday

Time: 9.00 am - 12.00 pm

Venue: Conference, Kulliyyah of Science.

CTD point is available

Your attendance is highly appreciated.