

Community Engagement Program at SK Jabor, Kg. Alor Batu: An awareness on sexual health education and cyber world.

Community Engagement Program at SK Jabor, Kg. Alor Batu: An awareness on sexual health education and cyber world.

Start Date : 08 Oct 2022   End Date : 08 Oct 2022

Location : SK Jabor, Kg. Alor Batu

Organizer : BMS



On the 8 th October 2022, a fun half-day educational program entitled IMPRESS “Ibu Bapa
Memantau Perkembangan Reproduksi, Seksual dan Sosial Anak-anak” was conducted by BMS
Department to educate the importance of sexual education and create awareness on cyber
world among kids and parents. Headed by Dr. Bisha Fathamah Uzir as program director,
thirteen BMS team members and six volunteered facilitators visited the school community,
Sekolah Kebangsaan Jabor, Kg. Alor Batu. This event was officiated by Encik Syafiee bin
Osman, Guru Penolong Kanan Kurikulum SK Jabor.
During this program, a total of 24 families, comprising of 29 children (age between 10-12 yrs
old) participated in this 4-module seminar, and Alhamdulillah, the program has achieved its
goal. For the parents’ module, the participants were exposed to two modules which are
‘Pengenalan dan Bahaya pornografi' and 'Kesihatan Seksual dan Reproduktif’. Besides, the
parents were also introduced to the tips and methods of gadget management among kids
through the interactive LDK sessions. As for the kids’ participants, they were introduced to
two modules, which are ‘Perkembangan seksualiti anak-anak’ and ‘Bahaya Pornografi dan
Dunia Siber’. During the LDK slots, the facilitators have discussed the significant changes
during puberty and the management of gadget/cyber world. Both parents and children have
actively participated and enthusiastically answered all the questions. Prizes were also
awarded to the best families and the best student participant of the program.
Parents, school and committee teams were both satisfied with the outcome and agreed that
primary students should be equipped with this essential knowledge on sexual health and
cyber world. All families were also given TMG coupons on groceries and scrumptious meals
for their cooperation to this half-day event. A beautiful Saturday well-spent indeed!!
On behalf of the program committee, we would like to thank Kulliyyah of Pharmacy (KOP),
Malaysian Against Pornography (MAP), and IIUM staff for sponsoring this program. Special
thanks to KTPRIGS21-057-0057 grant for also funding this project.