

I-WIN 4 (2015)

I-WIN 4 (2015)

Start Date : 14 Mar 2015   End Date : 14 Mar 2015

Location : Banquet Hall, Office of the Campus Director, IIUM Kuantan

Organizer : Centris-Kuantan


IIUM Workshop on Islamisation & Integration of Knowledge, I-WIN 4 (2015)

Aim: To incorporate ethical values and maqasid al-shari’ah into science based subjects and practices.

Organizer: Centris Kuantan, Office of the Campus Director, and Science based faculties of IIUM Kuantan.

Theme: Understanding Ethical Issues of Fertility from Islamic Perspective.

Date: 14th March 2015.

Venue: Banquet Hall, Office of the Campus Director, IIUM Kuantan.


The first session of the workshop begin at 9.15 a.m. with five speakers, one English-arabic translator and one MC. The speakers were:

  • Assoc. Prof Dr. Roszaman Ramli, Head of IIUM fertility centre, addressed certain issues related to fertility interm of practices , cases , success stories as well as the challenges to have multiple or triple pregnancy.
  • Dr. Mohamed Ebrahim Elsherbibi Ahmed Saqr from Kolej University Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah (KUIPSAS) highlighted fertilisation from shari’ah perspective and gave some dua from al-quran al-kareem and practices for those who have still do not have children.
  • Sr. Azantee Yazmie Abd Wahab from Kulliyyah of Medicine, addressed nature and steps in nurturing the embryo for fertilization and Sr. Khadijah Muhd Bustaman from Kulliyyah of Medicine convey her speech entitled fertility and how it related to psychological challenges.
  • Dr. Abdurezak Abdulahi Hashi from Kulliyyah of Science, addressed the opinion of the fuqaha fertilisation and artificial insemination and highlighted differences between them.


The afternoon forum was on Understanding Ethical Issues of Fertility from Islamic Perspective. The forum took place in the afternoon of the same of the workshop. It started at 2.15 p.m. and ended 4.45 p.m. with three panelists and moderator.The panelist were. Prof Dr. Roszaman Ramli, Head of IIUM fertility, PHD student from Kulliyyah of Medicine and Sr. Khadijah Muhd Bustaman, lecturer from KUIPSAS Dr. Mohamed Ebrahim Elsherbibi Ahmed Saqr and Deputy Director of Centre for Islamisation, Dr Abdurezak Abdulahi Hashi, while the moderator was Asst. Prof Dr. Marwan Saad Azzubaidi, Kulliyyah of Pharmacy. The forum highlighted various issues related to islamisation and integration of human knowledge, ranging from the right practices of fertility in Islam, the steps and opinion from fuqaha about fertilisation and artificial insemination. Experiences of various academicians are shared. Certain problems encountered by different faculties and institutions were hightlighted.