

INVITATION TO CIE POLICY DISCUSSION SERIES: Revisiting the Methodology of Estimating Poverty from Multidimensional Perspective - A Rejoinder to Professor Alston’s Observation on the Estimation of Poverty Incidence

INVITATION TO CIE POLICY DISCUSSION SERIES: Revisiting the Methodology of Estimating Poverty from Multidimensional Perspective - A Rejoinder to Professor Alston’s Observation on the Estimation of Poverty Incidence

Start Date : 15 Nov 2019   End Date : 15 Nov 2019

Location : Ibnu Sina Presentation Room, Level 1, KENMS

Organizer : Centre for Islamic Economics (CIE)


Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh    

Dear Prof./Assoc.Prof./Dr./Sir/Madam/Br./Sr.,

The Centre for Islamic Economics (CIE), in collaboration with the Department of Economics, KENMS is pleased to invite all IIUM community to our upcoming CIE Policy Discussion Series. The details of the session are as follows:


Revisiting the Methodology of Estimating Poverty from a Multidimensional Perspective (MPI) in Human Development Report (HDR): A Rejoinder to Professor Alston’s Observation on the Estimation of Poverty Incidence 


Prof. Ataul Huq Pramanik, Visiting Fellow of CIE and IIIT (East and Southeast Asia) 


FRIDAY, 15 November 2019 


10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Ibnu Sina Presentation Room, Level 1, KENMS  

Prof. Ataul Huq Pramanik is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Islamic Economics, KENMS and the International Institute of Islamic thought (IIIT- East and Southeast Asia). Previously, he served more than 30 years as a faculty member at the Department of Economics, KENMS. In this policy discussion series, he revisits the methodology in the estimation of Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI as part of his response to the controversial comments made by Philip Alston, the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, who recently visited Malaysia and subsequently claimed that the poverty incidence in Malaysia has been grossly under reported.

We look forward to your presence and participation in the discussion.

Thank you.