

NMPC Environment Month - Plant Jumble Sales

NMPC Environment Month - Plant Jumble Sales

Start Date : 01 Mar 2011   End Date : 31 Mar 2011

Location : 1st floor, Kulliyyah of Pharmacy,

Organizer : Kulliyyah of Pharmacy


NMPC GreenPlease help us to install green environment to the world!

First of all, I would like to say millions of thanks for supporting ‘NMPC ENVIRONMENT MONTH' that been organized by Natural Medicinal Products Centre(NMPC), Kulliyyah of Pharmacy. This campaign has been created to educate people (especially IIUM community) as well the publics - to gain consciousness on the environment hazards we are facing today and to search for solutions on how we can save our earth.

There are many things that we can do to save the environment. Whether you live in the Capital City, Pekan or Chero’ Tok Kun, you can help to clean up your local environment and work toward improving the global environment. One way you can help the environment is by planting a plant in your home or anywhere where is available and legally allowed ? . As we all aware, Kulliyyah Pharmacy has one shade house located behind Kulliyyah Pharmacy building. The shade house was used by the researcher and also the student that conducting research involving with plant. It is also like a collection center for varieties of plant especially medicinal plants and herbs. At the moment we have about 30 species of medicinal plants and herbs.

You can also take part in the campaign by buying our plants and create your own garden or donating plant from your personal collection for us to breed. We will give to you some souvenirs as a token of appreciation instead.

Hopefully by doing this we could contribute something to the ummah and also to the world…