

Purification of the Soul and its Manifestation for the Academic (Talk will be in Bahasa Malaysia)

Purification of the Soul and its Manifestation for the Academic (Talk will be in Bahasa Malaysia)

Start Date : 14 May 2019   End Date : 14 May 2019

Location : Ibnu Taimiyyah Conference room, Level 3, KENMS

Organizer : Department of Accounting, KENMS


Assalamu'alaikum wrt., wbt.,

On behalf of the Department of Accounting, I am pleased to extend our cordial invitation to all staff to a the above talk as part of the Department of Accounting staff development programme. Details are as follows:

Title: Purification of the Soul and its Manifestation for the Academic (Talk will be in Bahasa Malaysia)
Venue: Ibnu Taimiyyah Conference Room
Time: 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
Day/Date: Tuesday 14th May, 2019

Thank you.