

Tadarus Al-Quran For Ihya' Ramadhan 1440H

Tadarus Al-Quran For Ihya' Ramadhan 1440H

Start Date : 13 May 2019   End Date : 30 May 2019

Location : Masjid Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, IIUM Kuantan Campus

Organizer : Ihya' Ramadhan 1440H Crew


Tadarus Al-Quran For Ihya' Ramadhan 1440H

Celebrating the ibadah festival in the holy month of Ramadhan, Masjid SHAS is now opening registration for tadarus grouping. Details of the programme are as follow:

Date: 8th until 24th Ramadhan (13th May - 29th May)

Time: 12.30 pm - Before Zuhr (staff and student)

            9.45 pm - After Tarawih (staff, student & public)

Venue: Masjid SHAS, IIUM Kuantan Campus

*Grand Khatam Ceremony is scheduled on 30th May 2019 (25th Ramadhan – Thursday). 

Therefore, all are invited to take this opportunity to improve Quranic recitation. Attached is the google registration link for participation:

We pray to Allah SWT that our sincere participation and contribution deserves His Blessings and Pleasure in this world an in the hereafter.