

UPM's Grid Awareness

UPM's Grid Awareness

Start Date : 09 Mar 2011   End Date : 09 Mar 2011

Location : Infocomm Development Centre (IDEC), University Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Organizer : Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah Of Laws (AIKOL)


Grid Awareness Seminar 2011 is being organised by Infocomm Development Centre (IDEC), UPM  to expose educators, researchers and students to grid computing technology. UPM is among the first  public institution of higher education that has established distributed grid facilities in accordance to Asia-Pacific and European Union best practice. As such the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has appointed IDEC to provide information and share their knowledge and experience with other institutions in order to assist them build their own campus grid. The seminar will fokus on the hardware and grid computing software requirement as well as their installation and administration. For more information visit the seminar website here.