

2-Days Students and Teachers Training: Interactive Science Subject Enhancement Via 3D Modelling

2-Days Students and Teachers Training: Interactive Science Subject Enhancement Via 3D Modelling

Date : 11 March 2019


Category : News


The Interactive Science Subject Enhancement Training via 3D modelling is an initiative to incorporate 3D modelling as an interactive tool in teaching and learning. The IIUM Engineering team in collaboration with PERINTIS Malaysia and Yayasan Peneraju went to train teachers and students of SK Bukit Kemuning 2, Shah Alam on the 11th and 13th February 2019 respectively.
    Using an opensource 3D CAD design tool, the Year 4, 5 and 6 students are exposed into active learning whereby their creativity and understanding could be increased with hands on class activities as opposed to traditional classroom teaching method.
   A total of 35 teachers and 45 students participating in this 2-days training successfully held at VLE Frog Classroom, Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Kemuning 2, Shah Alam.

-Teachers can now make science subjects more interesting for their students. They can explain moon phases, eclipses and planets interactively with the 3D model modules.

-Students can create their own 3D model of the sun, moon and earth with little help from adults. Through their 3D models, they can recreate, explore and visualise the phenomenon of eclipses, moon phases and the planets in the solar system.

- Students and teachers are empowered with our awesome CAD teaching and learning module. It can tap into their creativity to draw/create anything at all through the 3D modelling tool.

This is an effort by the IIUM Engineering team and PERINTIS Malaysia for the @Yayasan Peneraju, and an initiative to Jom Turun Padang Programme.
