

Appreciation Ceremony for Successful Quitters!

Appreciation Ceremony for Successful Quitters!

Date : 04 May 2021

Reported by : Nur Fitrah Ahmad Tarmizi

Category : News


One of the most anticipated programs organised by the IIUM Smoke-Free Campus Flagship is the operation of Quit Smoking Clinic (QSC). This clinic offers both motivational and pharmacological interventions in order to assist smokers among IIUM staff and students to quit smoking. Since its operation in November 2019, a total number of ten (10) clients have participated and three (3) of them have successfully quit smoking, being abstinent without having a single puff of cigarette for at least six months from the last cigarette (quit rate = 30%). 

On 8th April 2021, an appreciation ceremony in the presence of Dr. Shukri, the Coordinator of IIUM Flagship Kuantan Campus, and Dr. Che Suraya, the dean of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy was held at the Kulliyyah of Pharmacy to celebrate all successful quitters. A certificate of achievement was given to them as a token of appreciation for their success. It is also hoped that their success will boost the motivation of other clients who are still trying to quit smoking. In sha Allah.

Dr. Che Suraya is giving a certificate of achievement to one of the successful quitters.

Dr. Shukri is giving a token of appreciation for one of the QCS clients.

Members of quit smoking clinic, IIUM Kuantan Campus.