

CAP wants ban on sale and display of ciggies at eateries

CAP wants ban on sale and display of ciggies at eateries

Date : 28 January 2019

Reported by : Roslan Bin Rusly

Category : News


PETALING JAYA: Poison and food should not be sold together, says the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP). The association said an outright ban should be imposed on the sale as well as display of cigarettes at eateries. 

Otherwise it would only make a mockery of the smoking ban imposed at such outlets, said its president S.M. Mohamed Idris. "Why allow cigarettes to be sold at eateries where smoking is banned (effective Jan 1 this year)?" he asked. 

Laws should also be amended to ban sales of cigarettes at eateries, coffee shops, convenience stores, grocery stores, mini markets, supermarkets and other outlets associated with food products, he said. 

He said this in response to concerns raised by civil society groups over claims tobacco companies were offering attractive incentives and rewards to retail outlet operators who prominently display their brands at counters. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Pharmacy Department lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Haniki Nik Mohamed had said a study showed 70% out of 240 retailers interviewed had prominently displayed cigarette packs accordingly on "power walls" following incentives offered by the tobacco companies. 

He said shopping vouchers and cash incentives were given if the operators achieved the required sales target. Mohamed Idris said the authorities should immediately plug loopholes in the law that allow tobacco companies to promote their products openly.

 Although advertisement of tobacco products are banned in Malaysia, there is no provision in the law barring display of cigarette packs.

 South-East Asia Tobacco Control Alliance senior policy adviser Dr Mary Assunta Kolandai had noted that Thailand and Singapore had banned showcasing cigarette brands in shops.

 "It is high time the authorities look into amending the laws to ban sales and display of tobacco products, as such products posed serious threat to public health," said Mohamed Idris.


Source; The Star