



Date : 13 March 2020

Reported by : syaukat

Category : News


CFS Sejahtera Room (CSR) is a collective collaboration among all CFS community (both staff and students) to ease the burden of CFS students in fulfilling their basic needs. The CSR offers dry foods and other essential items, pre-loved or brand new, to the students in need. They can pay any amount as they wish for the items taken from the CSR. 

The objectives of CFS Sejahtera Room is to help those in need, particularly CFS students. Furthermore is inculcate spirit of sadaqah among CFS community. Other than that, it is done to support CFS Zero Hunger SDG initiative by providing dry foods such as biscuits, cereals, 3-in-1 drinks sachets, healthy snacks and others to students in need and to support CFS I-Cycle SDG initiative by encouraging CFS community to donate their ‘unwanted but usable’ essential items such as stationery, books, clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, toiletries, kitchen utensils and others to students in need. It helps to reduce waste while preserving the earth by donating and reusing the pre-loved items.

In the beginning of its establishment, the CSR depends solely on the donation of dry foods and pre-loved or brand new essential items from CFS staff. The donors among staff will be awarded with SDG points. Besides, the CSR also received donation from CFS students. In return, they may take any items from the CSR for free. Then the students in need can pay any amount as they wish for any items that they take from the CSR.