

Iftar with Dnasti Orphanage

Iftar with Dnasti Orphanage

Date : 01 August 2013

Reported by : WebMaster

Category : News


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During the Holy month of ramadhan while engoying the bleesing from Allah (S.W.)  and through the hard work of Mrs NIK NOOR KAUSSAR BINTI NIK MOHD HATTA, Kulliyyah of Nursing has invited members and children of DNASTI orphanage for Iftar in a short programm to  help and assist orphans  supporting thier needs and srengnthining ukhuwah between staffs and orphans.

May Allah bless all the Ummah

Nik Noor Kaussar Nik Mohd Hatta
Islamization of Human Knowledge (IOHK)

Kulliyyah of Nursing

International Islamic University Malaysia