

IIUM Shawwal Gathering 2019/1440H at CFS Gambang Campus.

IIUM Shawwal Gathering 2019/1440H at CFS Gambang Campus.

Date : 05 July 2019

Reported by : syaukat

Category : News


IIUM Shawwal Gathering 2019/1440H at CFS Gambang Campus.

The IIUM Shawwal Gathering 2019/1440H at CFS Gambang was successfully held on 3rd July 2019 / 29th Shawwal 1440H at its very own main hall, Al-Khawarizmi. CFS campus was chosen as the venue for this year's Shawwal Gathering in conjunction with CFS movement into its new campus.

Invited guests, staff from Gombak, Kuantan, Pagoh campus and students attended the programme which started from 10.30 a.m. until 12.30 p.m..

The programme started with the Honorable Rector arrival at the hall then delivering a short speech. Following that, 10 staff and 10 students were presented with financial assistance from IIUM Endowment Fund. Not only that, 2 persons were chosen for the best dress competition for male and female.

Last but not least, the event was concluded with a performance by CITRA band from Gombak campus, singing ‘Hari Raya’ songs. During the event, the Honorable Rector took some time to walk around the hall, greeting staff and students. Many took the opportunity for a selfie with the Rector.

Among the choices of food served at the gathering were Malay traditional food such as ketupat, rendang, satay, noodles, Arabic food and also the most sought after menu on that day which was roast lamb.

Centre for Foundation Studies,

International Islamic University Malaysia