

IIUM Students Won ASEAN Public Speaking Competition 2.0 Aminuddin Baki Cup 2018

IIUM Students Won ASEAN Public Speaking Competition 2.0 Aminuddin Baki Cup 2018

Date : 02 August 2018


Category : News


By IIUM World Debate & Oratory Centre (IWON), March 12, 2018.  

Two students representing IIUM have made the University proud by winning both categories of the ASEAN Public Speaking Competition 2.0 Aminuddin Baki Cup organised by Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). Sr. Sufiatul Aishah Bt Rashidi (KOE) emerged as the Champion of the Malay category while Br. Syed Muhammad Amirulamin (KOE) was crowned the Champion of the English Category. Each of them won RM800 and a challenge trophy.  

The theme for the tournament revolves on ASEAN community. After advancing from the preliminary rounds, the students went through the semi-final and grand final of the tournament, where at each stage the participants must undergo two segments. During the first segment, the participants presented their prepared speech while in the second segment, they have to deliver an impromptu speech based on questions given by the judges on the spot, meant to test the students critical and oratory skills further.

  In the Grand Final, Sr. Sufiatul presented her winning speech entitled “Bersama Bersatu di Bawah ASEAN” (Unity under ASEAN) while “ASEAN is Still Relevant” was the title of Br. Syed’s winning speech. The tournament, which was held on the 10th – 11th March 2018, saw a total of 30 participation from across ASEAN countries