

Information on the Implementation of Safety amd Health Policy and Guidelines During CMCO

Information on the Implementation of Safety amd Health Policy and Guidelines During CMCO

Date : 09 July 2020

Reported by : Mohd Ikhwan Azmy

Category : News


Dear all.

The University has produce certain guidelines which shall be implemented and adhered to by all staff working on campus effective 21st May 2020. There are as follows:

1) All WOC (working on campus) staff must undergo body temperature check at their respective KCDIOs every time they come to campus and before they clock in for duty, effective 21st. May 2020.

2) All WOC staff must complete a tracing survey every time they come to campus and before they clock in for duty, effective 21st. May 2020. QR Codes of the survey will be placed in strategic locations in KCDIOs by Safety Liaison Officers (SLOs).

3) all staff are responsible to clean their own office space, and common office tools and equipment. DBSB cleaning staff will only perform cleaning duties as per their current contracts.

4) All staff on any of the IIUM campuses must practice the following: 

a) Physical distancing of 1 metre apart at all time.
b) Wear face masks at all times when in crowded, confined and contact situation.

However, due to inavailability of thermometer till next week, we would like to ask for your kind cooperation to take the temperature reading at the main entrance and to register it in the online form.

Attached the QR code for your attention. We would like to request every individual dept to print and paste it at the appropriate place.

Together we can stop the spread of Covid 19 among IIUM Community.