

ISESCO Research Grants

ISESCO Research Grants

Date : 05 April 2016

Reported by : WebMaster

Category : News




Deadline: 31 July 2016


The ISESCO Research Grants programme has been established in response to the needs of promising young researchers in the OIC region, particularly those attached to institutions that lack appropriate research funding for engaging talented young scientists to worthwhile research activity.

Under this scheme, creative researchers in the OIC region working in the fields Nanotechnology, Health Biotechnology, Information and Communication Technologies, Agricultural Biotechnology, Engineering Sciences, Biological Sciences, Frontier Areas of Science and Technology, Medicinal Plants, Applied Sciences  will be awarded grants to enable them to pursue their research enhance their productivity.


ISESCO Research Grants are awarded for high-level and promising scientific research projects carried out by individual scientists in the OIC region.

A Research Grant amounts to a maximum of US$10,000.00 and is normally provided for a period of two years. Requests for additional grants to allow for the extension of a successful project will be considered by ISESCO, subject to the condition that a satisfactory final report on the previous grant is approved by ISESCO program managers.

A grant may be used to purchase scientific apparatus, consumable material and specialized literature at competitive rates. The grant does not cover salaries and travel expenses.

Personal computers are not covered under this scheme.


Applicants should be resident nationals of OIC member states and hold a Ph. D. in the field in which grant is requested. Researcher should also hold a position in a public sector university or a government research institution where project is proposed to be executed. The grants are awarded to young competent scientists under the age of 40 years from those OIC member states where basic tools of research are seriously lacking.


A written agreement is made between ISESCO that grantee and his/her institute. The institute undertakes to administer the grant according to the agreement and to provide laboratory space, salaries and other facilities necessary for the project. Equipment, material and literature provided for the project through the ISESCO Research Grants programme remain the property of the institute after the project is completed.

Application forms are available on-line:


For inquiries, please contact:

Dr. Merezak Maha


Avenue des F.A.R

PO Box 2275, PC Code 10104

Hay Ryad-Rabat,

Kingdom of Morocco

Phone: (+212) 5 37 56 60 52/53

Fax: (+212) 5 37 56 60 12/13
