

KAHS Ibadah Camp 2019

KAHS Ibadah Camp 2019

Date : 22 July 2019

Reported by : Izzuddin

Category : News


Every year, every Kulliyyah/Centre/Division/Institute/Office in IIUM must organise an Ibadah Camp for their respective staff. This is to instill the spirit of Islamisation in IIUM staff in parallel to the Mission of IIUM. The theme of Ibadah Camp is changing every year and the selected theme for this year is "Islamic Civilisation - Saviour of Mankind".

The theme is aiming to educate the staff of how important the Islamic Civilisation is especially in bringing the people during the Age of Ignorance into the light which uplifted the purpose of the existence of mankind. Allah mentioned in the Qur'an:

يُخْرِجُهُمْ مِنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ

He brings them out of darkness into light. (Quran 2:257)

The term zulumat (darkness) in this verse is used in plural form. This shows that there are different types of darkness. On the other hand, nur (light) is not plural or it would have been anwar. The reason behind this is that, light is only one. There is only one true and real light. However, several types of darkness exist. In order to benefit from the light of sun, there is only one way: to remove any barrier in the way of sun’s light, but there are many ways to make a place dark. Thus in the Quran sirat al-mustaqim (the right path) is one.

Many activities have been held during KAHS Ibadah Camp 2019 including talks, games, cow slaughtering, 'gotong-royong' and durian feast. Two renowned speakers were invited to complete the programme who were Prof Dr. Mohd Zaini Bin Othman (Pusat Kajian Tinggi Islam, Sains Dan Peradaban (Casis), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) and Br. Nor Hamizi Bin Jamaluddin (the champion of Pencetus Ummah, a reality TV show).

Here are some wonderful moments captured during the programme.

KAHS Ibadah Camp 2019 Working Committees with the Dean