

KAHS Iftar Jamaei 2019

KAHS Iftar Jamaei 2019

Date : 22 July 2019

Reported by : Izzuddin

Category : News


On 8th of May 2019, IOHK-KAHS (Islamisation of Human Knowledge) in collaboration with KAHS students society (HEALS) have organised an iftar jamaei (grand fast breaking) among staff and students. The participants reached approximately 400 people.

The programme started with a simple tazkirah by Dr. Yusof and dua', followed by a brief fast breaking with dates and water. Maghrib prayer followed afterwards and the feast began. 

Some participants stayed back for Isya' and tarawikh prayers before it was ended by a simple 'moreh'. Overall, it was a successful event between the staff and students. Thank you to all contributors for the event. Here are some pictures.