

KON to visualise its independency globally

KON to visualise its independency globally

Date : 21 August 2020

Reported by : Danial Yusof

Category : News


By Danial Yusof

KUANTAN, 21 August 2020: The kulliyyah must inculcate the Islamic spirit in its academics and flagship programmes to make the kulliyyah different from other school of nursing, particularly in Malaysia, and enhance the interest of international students to join the kulliyyah in the future, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak said.

The Rector said this during his session with Kulliyyah of Nursing (KON) in campus here on Wednesday (19 August).

He is concerned about how the kulliyyah can visualise its independency globally to further up-skill and move forward. In this connection, he suggested for the kulliyyah to do community mapping by focusing on needy community and ensuring all objectives are met by giving impact rather than just finishing the task.

“This kulliyyah can do a lot more on its own without having to depend on other people, thus for the discussion on how to make sure that the nursing kulliyah will go beyond is through collaborating with other entities.

I hope the kulliyyah will consolidate this idea by working with everyone and find a common platform so that the kulliyyah will be a kind of icon as far as IIUM is concerned and also a flagship for IIUM,” the Rector added.

Meanwhile, according to the Dean of KON, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salizar Mohamed Ludin, the kulliyyah is the centre for reference for nursing programme in Asia and the first in Malaysia with its independent nursing faculty to integrate Islamic values as its basis in the curriculum. 

“This kind of curriculum is suitable for everyone and is not limited for Muslims, so when we said about spirituality, if you are a Muslim, you use the Muslim knowledge, but if you are a non-Muslim, you take the values in the teaching,” she said.

She added that the kulliyyah is the pioneer for Masters and PhD programme in bio-behavioural sciences in Malaysia where most of the programmes are offered by the United States-based universities mainly for non-nursing programme students.

The Dean later commented on the Rector’s suggestion on its flagship programme by mentioning that the kulliyyah will come out with a flagship progamme with collaboration with other expertise as part of the programme.

“We are planning to have our flagship programme called ‘Rumah Ihsan’, it is an old folks home where we want the community to have a sustainable life. The programme will be led by us with the help from other kulliyyah to cover in every aspect,” she said.***
