

Malaysia Public Universities Health Science Deans' Council Meeting held in KAHS

Malaysia Public Universities Health Science Deans' Council Meeting held in KAHS

Date : 13 November 2019

Reported by : Izzuddin

Category : News


The Malaysia Public Universities Health Science Deans' Council Meeting No. 3/2019 was conducted on 1st November 2019 at Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, IIUM Kuantan Campus. The Deans and representatives of the Deans of health science faculty/department/unit of all public universities in Malaysia, as well as the representatives, from the Ministry of Education Malaysia joined and attended the meeting. The meeting started at 9.00 am and ended before the Jumaat prayer at 12.30 pm. 

The main purpose of the council was to discuss and come out with consensus decision on any matters related to the good offer and delivery of any health science undergraduate program as well as the good and well being of the undergraduate students themselves pursuing any health science related bachelor degree program in any public university in Malaysia.

As for the recently conducted meeting, among matters that were discussed were the issues of meeting the Minister of Health Malaysia in the near future for discussion and decision on matters related to the industrial training, future professions of the graduates of health sciences and its way forward from year 2020, possibility to upgrade current programs' syllabus or offer new academic programs that are relevant with the current scenery and finally suggestion to have programs which involve the health science faculty/department/unit from other private universities in Malaysia.