

Officiating Ceremony of IIUM Inter-Campus Ultra Distance Cycling (MY1200) in celebration of World Rare Disease Day

Officiating Ceremony of IIUM Inter-Campus Ultra Distance Cycling (MY1200) in celebration of World Rare Disease Day

Date : 02 March 2020

Reported by : Danial Yusof

Category : News


KUANTAN, 28 FEBRUARY - - International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Kuantan campus officiated the IIUM Inter-Campus Ultra Distance Cycling (MY1200) which held at Banquet Hall, Office of the Campus Director, IIUM Kuantan Campus, today.

The event was attended by the Deputy Rector (Responsible Research & Innovation) Prof. Dr. Ahmad Hafiz Zulkifly accompanied by Prof. Dr. Jamalludin Abdul Rahman, MY1200 Technical Director and Mr. Ir. Lee Yee Seng, President of Malaysia Lysosomal Disease Association (MLDA).

There were 461 participants registered for MY1200 which comprises of three different stages namely Fun-ride (70km), Endu-ride (280 km) and Ultra-ride (1200 km) respectively. All participants gathered to collect their ‘ride pack’ and listening to technical briefing for MY1200.

The Deputy Director commented that both IIUM and Malaysia made its own history for making the ultra-ride distance of 1200 km which was never been held for all this while.

“I hope all participants will be having fun and achieve your own targets and fight with your own strength”, he added.

In the meantime, the ceremony is to celebrate the World Lysosomal or Rare Disease Day which takes place on the last day of February annually. Two families with their kids diagnosed with rare diseases attended the ceremony and receive financial assistance from the sponsors.

“This year is somehow special for us because the world rare disease day is fall on the 29th February which only comes once in every 4 years”, said the President of MLDA.

He later thanked IIUM for agreeing in celebrating the world rare disease day together with MY1200.***