

Sharing BookDoc's Experience as the Digital Frontliner of Covid-19 In Malaysia

Sharing BookDoc's Experience as the Digital Frontliner of Covid-19 In Malaysia

Date : 12 May 2020

Reported by : Norshahida Hussain

Category : News


Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera,

Dear IIUM Community,

May this email reach you in the best of health and circumstances by the grace of Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

The Office of Industrial Links (OIL) IIUM cordially invites you to join the IIUM Industrial Webinar Series 2020.

In this session, BookDoc, a digital healthcare service provider that connects patients with medical care professionals will share their insights on the collective responsibility together with the Government of Malaysia, especially Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) in the Covid-19 pandemic.

The details of the event are as follows:

Topic :
Sharing BookDoc's Experience as the Digital Frontliner of Covid-19 In Malaysia

Speaker :
Dato' Chevy Beh
Founder of BookDoc

Day/Date :
Friday, 15th of May 2020

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Via Google Meet :

Don't miss out on the event. Mark it in your calendar. Your participation and support are highly appreciated.

Thank you very much and wassalam.

Best regards,