


Farid Sufian Bin Shuaib

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Staff Details

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ International Law (Including Public and Private International Law, Law of the Sea, International Trade Law)
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Justice System
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Syariah Law ~ Other Syariah Law n.e.c.
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Media and Communications ~ Other Media and Communication n.e.c.
ADMINISTRATION OF ISLAMIC JUDICIARY 2012/2013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2018/2019 2021/2022 2023/2024
COMPARATIVE LAW 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I 1995/1996 1996/1997 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2018/2019
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW 2012/2013 2013/2014 2017/2018 2019/2020 2020/2021
INTRODUCTION TO MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009
ISU-ISU UNDANG-UNDANG PERLEMBAGAAN 2012/2013 2014/2015 2015/2016
LAW OF TORTS I 1995/1996
LAW OF TORTS II 1994/1995 1995/1996
LEGAL METHOD 2007/2008 2008/2009
LEGAL SYSTEM AND HISTORY OF MALAYSIA 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014
MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2016/2017 2017/2018
MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM I 1995/1996 1996/1997 1998/1999 2004/2005
MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM II 1995/1996 1997/1998 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 2007/2008
SISTEM UNDANG-UNDANG MALAYSIA 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2017/2018 2018/2019
In Progress
2021 - Present Curricula Development on Climate Change Policy and Law (CCP_Law) ERASMUS+ CBHE project ID 618874_CCP- Law
2021 - Present The Foundation of Human Rights in Islam
2020 - Present The Use of Dualist and Monist Theories in the Application of International Law in Domestic Legal System: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia
2020 - Present The Use of Dualist and Monist Theories in the Application of International Law in Domestic Legal System: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia
2019 - Present Formulating legal framework on refugee status in protecting sovereignty and security of Malaysia
2019 - Present Malaysia's Accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Legal Implications and the Law Reforms that Need to be Made to Implement it
2019 - Present Formulating legal framework on refugee status in protecting sovereignty and security of Malaysia
2019 - Present Malaysia's Accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Legal Implications and the Law Reforms that Need to be Made to Implement it
2010 - Present Constitution, Administration, Good Governance, Integrity and Human Rights Research Unit (CANGGIH)
2010 - Present Constitution, Administration, Good Governance, Integrity and Human Rights Research Unit (CANGGIH)
Unknown - Present Contribution of Tan Sri Harun M. Hashim in the Legal Development in Malaysia
Unknown - Present Contribution of Tan Sri Harun M. Hashim in the Legal Development in Malaysia
2019 - 2019 Agenda Reformasi Dewan Negara (PARLIMEN MALAYSIA)
2019 - 2019 Agenda Reformasi Dewan Negara (PARLIMEN MALAYSIA)
2017 - 2017 Malaysia's Accession to the Hague Children's Conventions: The Feasibility Analysis
2017 - 2017 Kajian Kebolehlaksanaan Penyampaian Perkhidmatan Alternatif (ASD) Dalam Perkhidmatan Penjagaan Warga Emas dan Pemulihan Penagihan Dadah
2017 - 2017 Kajian Kebolehlaksanaan Penyampaian Perkhidmatan Alternatif (ASD) Dalam Perkhidmatan Penjagaan Warga Emas dan Pemulihan Penagihan Dadah
2017 - 2017 Malaysia's Accession to the Hague Children's Conventions: The Feasibility Analysis
2013 - 2013 Teras 5; Hak Kewajipan Antarabangsa
2013 - 2018 Formulating a New Legal Framework for Film Censorship in Malaysia
2013 - 2013 Teras 5; Hak Kewajipan Antarabangsa
2013 - 2018 Formulating a New Legal Framework for Film Censorship in Malaysia
2013 - 2017 Security Offences Law Vis a Vis Right to Privacy in Malaysia: Guidelines for Reconciliation and Enforcement
2013 - 2017 Security Offences Law Vis a Vis Right to Privacy in Malaysia: Guidelines for Reconciliation and Enforcement
2012 - 2013 Judicial Powers and the Role of the Malaysian Central Bank's Shariah Advisory Council as Determiner of Islamic Banking Disputes
2012 - 2013 Judicial Powers and the Role of the Malaysian Central Bank's Shariah Advisory Council as Determiner of Islamic Banking Disputes
2011 - 2012 Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission's Powers In Regulating Online Publication: The Case Of Publication in Public Internet
2011 - 2016 Establishing the Syariah Apex Court in Improving Administration of Islamic Law
2011 - 2016 Establishing the Syariah Apex Court in Improving Administration of Islamic Law
2011 - 2012 Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission's Powers In Regulating Online Publication: The Case Of Publication in Public Internet
2011 - 2011 Selected Human Rights Issues in Malaysia and its Interplay with International Law Instruments
2011 - 2011 Selected Human Rights Issues in Malaysia and its Interplay with International Law Instruments
2010 - 2011 Administration of Syariah Criminal Justice under the Constitutional Framework
2010 - 2011 Administration of Syariah Criminal Justice under the Constitutional Framework
2009 - 2010 Sedition Law as a Tool to Manage Ethnic Relations
2009 - 2010 Towards Malaysian Common Law: Implanting Indigenous Norms using Common Law Methods
2009 - 2009 Controlling Political Communication in the Blogosphere
2009 - 2009 Controlling Political Communication in the Blogosphere
2009 - 2010 Sedition Law as a Tool to Manage Ethnic Relations
2009 - 2010 Towards Malaysian Common Law: Implanting Indigenous Norms using Common Law Methods
2008 - 2008 Constitutional Restatement of Parallel Jurisdiction Between Civil Courts and Syariah Courts by Art.121(1A): Twenty Years On (1988-2008)
2008 - 2008 Creeping Monism in Malysian Legal Discourse in Reference to International Law
2008 - 2009 Review on the Position of Council of Religion of Islam, Fatwa and Shariah Officers
2008 - 2009 Understanding the Constitution: The Need for a Paradigm Shift
2008 - 2010 Judicial Appointment Process in Malaysia : A Proposal for Reform
2008 - 2008 Creeping Monism in Malysian Legal Discourse in Reference to International Law
2008 - 2009 Review on the Position of Council of Religion of Islam, Fatwa and Shariah Officers
2008 - 2010 Judicial Appointment Process in Malaysia : A Proposal for Reform
2008 - 2009 Understanding the Constitution: The Need for a Paradigm Shift
2008 - 2008 Constitutional Restatement of Parallel Jurisdiction Between Civil Courts and Syariah Courts by Art.121(1A): Twenty Years On (1988-2008)
2007 - 2008 Parallel Court Systems and Conversion of One Spouse to Islam: A Case Commentary on Saravanan Thangathoray v Subashini Rajasingam & Another Appeal
2007 - 2008 Ahmad Ibrahim and Development of Syariah Courts after the Independence
2007 - 2008 Parallel Court Systems and Conversion of One Spouse to Islam: A Case Commentary on Saravanan Thangathoray v Subashini Rajasingam & Another Appeal
2007 - 2011 The Role and Powers of Syari'ah Courts in Islamic Finance and Halal Governance
2007 - 2011 The Role and Powers of Syari'ah Courts in Islamic Finance and Halal Governance
2007 - 2008 Ahmad Ibrahim and Development of Syariah Courts after the Independence
2005 - 2006 The Development Of Shariah Courts Before and After Merdeka
2005 - 2006 The Development Of Shariah Courts Before and After Merdeka
2004 - 2007 Basic Concepts Under the Malaysian Federal and States Constitution
2004 - 2007 Basic Concepts Under the Malaysian Federal and States Constitution
2021 Mass media rights under Afghanistan Laws: challenges and prospects. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 17 (1) pp.99-122
2020 The distribution of petroleum resources in Malaysia: unpacking federalism. The Journal of World Energy Law & Business (00) pp.1-17
2020 Security challenges for journalists and the mass media in advancing free speech in war torn countries: The case of Afghanistan. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 16 (1) pp.59-77
2019 Lessons from a secular state: extracting the essence of the constitution and its implication on judicial interpretation of human rights provisions in Turkey and Malaysia. Al-Shajarah , xx (xx) pp.1-19
2019 Embracing international human rights law: the Malaysian experience in navigating the dual quality of international law. IIUM Law Journal , 27 (2) pp.265 -277
2018 Comparative Law in Asia: the case for intra-Asia intensification. Indonesian Comparative Law Review , 1 (1) pp.1-4
2018 Administration of Islamic Law and human rights: the basis and its trajectory in Malaysia. Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies , 56 (2) pp.281-304
2017 Kesan globalisasi terhadap guna pakai Undang-undang Islam di Malaysia = The effect of globalization on Islamic Laws in Malaysia. Kanun Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia , 29 (2) pp.17-37
2017 Islam, nation-state and the legal system of Malaysia. Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Law Review , 7 (1) pp.75-90
2017 Towards an Apex sharia court in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 25 (Special Issue) pp.309-322
2017 If you don’t trust judges, let the scholars decide: The primacy of the Malaysian shariah advisory council on Islamic finance. Journal of Commercial and Intellectual Property Law , 3 (2) pp.105-112
2015 Isu-isu perlembagaan dan hak asasi manusia dalam pentadbiran keadilan jenayah syariah. Kanun-Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia , 27 (1) pp.33-51
2015 Federalising Shariah courts in Malaysia: lessons from the Indonesian peradilan agama . Malayan Law Journal , 1 pp.lviii-xv
2015 Position, status and role of Malay language in Malaysia = Kedudukan, status, dan peranan Bahasa Melayu di Malaysia. Perspektif: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan , 7 (1) pp.1-11
2012 The rights and duties of journalists in a constitutional democracy: An analytical exposition. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science , 6 (11) pp.145-152
2011 Controlling political communication in the blogosphere: business as usual in Malaysia. Communications Law , 16 (1) pp.27-30
2011 Administration of Shariah Criminal Justice under the Malaysian Constitutional Framework: Issues and Suggestions. Malayan Law Journal , 6 pp.i-xvi
2011 The Islamic Legal System in Malaysia. The Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal , 21 (1) pp.85-113
2011 Malaysian Judicial Appointment Process: An Overview of the Reform. Journal of Applied Sciences Research , 7 (SI/13) pp.2273-2278
2011 Spousal religious conversion: Choice of laws and forums in Malaysia. IIUM Law Journal , SEd pp.19-38
2011 Islam and the legal system of Malaysia. CLJ Syariah Reports (Laporan Syariah) , 1 (2) pp.i-xvi
2009 Towards Malaysian common law: convergence between indigenous norms and common law methods. Jurnal Undang-undang dan Masyarakat , 13 pp.158-169
2009 Does doctor know best? The recent trend in medical negligence. Biomedical Imaging and Interrvention Journal , 5 (1) pp.1-3
2009 Pentadbiran dan Institusi Islam di Malaysia: Cadangan ke Arah Pemantapan. Kanun- Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia , 21 (1) pp.12-28
2009 Muzzling communication: sedition law as a tool to manage ethnic relations. The Law Review pp.164-178
2008 The status of international law in the Malaysian municipal legal system: creeping monism in legal discourse. IIUM Law Journal , 16 (2) pp.181-202
2008 Constitutional restatement of parallel jurisdiction between civil courts and Syariah courts in Malaysia: Twenty years on (1988-2008). Malaysan Law Journal , 5 pp.xxxiii-l
2008 Strengthening administrative institutions of Islamic law in Malaysia: an overview. Shariah Journal , 16 pp.443-464
2007 Parallel court systems and conversion of one spouse to Islam: A case commentary on Saravanan Thangathoray v Subashini Rajasingam and Another Appeal. The Law Review pp.246-261

Conference or Workshop Item

2020 The Legal System of Malaysia. In: Special Lectures on Law and Politics
2020 Introduction to the Malaysian legal system: A comparison. In: Guest Lecture Series
2020 Implications of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court Justices Selection System on Judicial Independence: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia. In: The 9th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS 2020)
2020 Improving the protection of child’s right in Malaysia. In: International Webinar on the System and Rules on Child Protection
2020 The pandemic and the Notion of Duties and Responsibilities under Human Rights: The Hashtag #KitaJagaKita in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Law and Human Rights: Reimagining the Vision on Law and Human Rights
2019 International Law within the domestic legal system: The Malaysian perspective. In: International Seminar on International Law within Domestic Legal System: Diverse Approaches
2019 A new Malaysia? constitutional development after the 2018’s general election. In: Seminar Series of KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies)
2019 Innovation and sustainability in the disruptive era: The case of a new Malaysia. In: ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws 2019 (IACL)
2018 Using legal tools in achieving social justice and peace: a look at the experience of Malaysia. In: 7th International Conference on Acheh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) in conjunction with the 2nd Ar-Raniry International Conference on Islamic Studies, Islam and Social Justice: Towards Sustainable Peace in Regional and Global Contexts
2018 Comparative law in Asia: the case for intra-Asia intensification. In: Asian Conference on Comparative Laws 2018 (ASIAN-COL)
2018 The legal pluralism in Malaysia. In: Public Lecture, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia
2018 The relevance of the tradition in the Malaysian constitution. In: Visiting Lecturer "The Relevance of the Traditions in Malaysian Constitution"
2018 The religious authorities' competency to make rules in Malaysia: a preliminary remark on the contested power. In: 2nd Postgraduate Conference Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga (UIN-SUKA)
2018 The position of religion in the Turkish and the Malaysian constitutions. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2017 The use of the majalla in Islamic finance in Malaysia: a preliminary study. In: International Symposium of the Majalla: Codification, Practice and Contemporary Effects
2017 The legal system in Malaysia and the position of Islam. In: The Legal System in Malaysia and The Position of Islamic Law Conference
2017 The legal position and constitutional framework in the implementation of Islamic criminal law. In: International Workshop on Islamic Law
2017 Detention under anti terrorism laws in Malaysia and Nigeria: an expository study on Boko haram suspects. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6)
2017 Women, family, pluralism and the law in Malaysia. In: 3rd International Social Gender Justice Congress
2017 Administration of Islamic law and human rights: The basis and its trajectory in Malaysia. In: Workshop on the Human Rights Discourse in the Administration of Islamic Law in Malaysia and Indonesia
2016 The continuing saga of the proposed Malaysian Press Council: a boone or bane?. In: International Conference on Media, Communication, Culture and the Dynamics of Change (ACMC 2016)
2016 Views on film censorship by films practitioners in Malaysia and Bangladesh: some preliminary findings. In: 7th International Borneo Business Conference (IBBC 2016)
2016 Global poverty, justice and law = Küresel fakirlik, adalet ve hukuk. In: 4th International Religion and Human Rights Workshop
2016 Kesan globalisasi terhadap guna pakai undang-undang Islam di Malaysia. In: Simposium Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia Mengenang Dr. Mahamad bin Arifin
2016 Kebolehlenturan pentafsiran perlembagaan dalam pencapaian matlamat lebih utama. In: Persidangan Meja Bulat: Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Maqasid Shari`Ah: Perbahasan Awal
2015 Kebebasan asasi berkaitan orientasi seksual dan pengenalan gender dalam undang-undang Malaysia. In: Diskusi Ilmiah Isu-isu Mahkamah Syariah 2015
2015 Reviewing the pressures to reform film censorship in Malaysia. In: Global Multidisciplinary Academic Conference 2015 (GMAC 2015)
2015 Towards an APEX Syariah court in Malaysia. In: 4th International Conference on Law & Society (ICLAS IV) 2015
2014 Pelaksanaan undang-undang harta pusaka Islam dalam sistem perundangan Malaysia: satu perspektif perlembagaan. In: Seminar Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Harta Pusaka Islam Malaysia 2014 (SUPPHI 2014),
2014 Position, status and role of Malay language in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Law and Society III (ICLAS III)
2014 Film censorship in Malaysia: balancing free speech and tradition. In: International Conference on Law and Society III (ICLAS III)
2014 Federalising religious courts in Malaysia: lessons from the Indonesian peradilan agama. In: International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSAM) 2014
2014 Isu-isu perlembagaan dan hak asasi manusia dalam pentadbiran keadilan jenayah syariah. In: Seminar Undang-Undang dan Masyarakat ke-2 (SLAS II)
2014 Searching the essence of the Malaysian Constitution: between Islam and secular. In: Seminar of Law and Society 4 (SLAS 4): Development of the Law and Islamization, The Malaysian and Indonesian Perspectives
2013 Transformation of Syariah courts: Tradition, constitution, law and practice. In: Seminar on Islamic Law in Practice with Global Perspective
2013 Restatement on the origin and basis of the Malaysian legal system. In: International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS)
2013 Legal pluralism and the place of Syariah courts in the Malaysian legal system. In: International Seminar on The Contemporary Implementation of Islamic Law in Iran, Malaysia, and Indonesia: A Comparative Study
2013 Student exchange programme between the International Islamic University Malaysia and the Universitas Muhammadiyyah Yogyakarta: An overview. In: International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS)
2012 Censorship and the Law: Balancing Public Interest and Free Speech . In: Conference on Media and Society, Media, Censorship and Society: Crossroads between Global and Local Realities
2012 Exploring Court Systems in the Region: The Case of Indonesia. In: BIMP-EAGA Conference (BEC) 2012
2012 Malaysian communications and multimedia commission’s powers in managing and regulating online publication . In: 2nd International Conference On Management
2011 A case study on improving essay writing tasks. In: Enhancing Learning: Teaching and Learning Conference 2011
2011 Exploring the Policy of relinquishing Judicial Powers to the Jurists in Determining Islamic Banking Disputes: The Case of Bank Negara's Shariah Advisory Council. In: 2nd International Conference on Public Policy & Social Sciences 2011: Socio-Economic Transformation Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century
2011 Tensions between the Government and the governed in exercising communications rights in Malaysia: The case of online speech. In: Conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR 2011): Cities, Connectivity and Creativity
2010 Controlling political communication in the blogosphere: Business as usual in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Communication and Media (iCOME) 2010: Communication and Society: Challenges and Engagement
2010 Reforming the judicial appointment process in Malaysia. In: International Conference o f Societies in Transition: Balancing Security, Social Justice and Tradition
2009 Pinning for judges in harmonising Civil Law and Shariah: Challenges and prospects. In: 4th International Conference on Harmonisation of Civil Law and Shariah 2009: Towards Harmonisation of Civil law and Shariah: Theories and Practices in the Era of Globalisation
2009 Malaysian judicial appointments commission and independent judiciary: a change we believe in?. In: 6th Asian Law Institute Conference: Dynamics of change in Asia
2009 Competition law as a tool to ensure diversity of voices and access to the media. In: First International SEARCH Conference 2009
2009 Curing the hiccup: Reforming administration of Islamic law in Malaysia. In: Workshop on Creating Islamic Lawyers and Judges: Islamic Law in the Law Schools and Judicial Training Academies of Muslim Southeast Asia
2009 Muzzling communication: Sedition law as a political tool to suppress dissent or a legal tool to manage ethnic relation?. In: 7th Biennial PACA International Conference: Communication Encounters Across Cultures


2017 Proceeding: International Conference on Law and Society. Faculty of Law & LP3M Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) . ISBN 9786027577961
2016 Halsbury's Laws of Malaysia: Islamic Law, 2016 Reissue, 14(2). LexisNexis . ISBN 978–967–400–639–6
2010 Statutes on Malaysian legal system, revised 3rd edition. Harun M Hashim Law Centre . ISBN 983-41203-3-8
2010 Administration of Islamic law in Malaysia: text and material, 2nd edition. LexisNexis . ISBN 9789675371479
2009 Constitution of Malaysia: text and commentary, 3rd Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall . ISBN 9789673490271
2009 Undang-undang harta dan amanah. Jabatan Undang-undang, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia . ISBN 9789834120368
2008 Powers and jurisdiction of Syariah Courts in Malaysia, 2nd Edition. LexisNexis . ISBN 978-967-96-2922-4
2007 Pentadbiran keadilan : artikel terpilih. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 9789836297143
2007 Sumber undang-undang Malaysia : artikel terpilih. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 9789836297167
2006 Administration of Islamic Law in Malaysia: text and material. Malayan Law Journal . ISBN 967-962-302-5
2006 Statutes on family law . Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, AIKOL, IIUM . ISBN 953-40413-3-0
2006 Halsbury's laws of Malaysia- Volume 14, 2006 Reissue: Family Law, Syariah Law. Malayan Law Journal Sdn Bhd . ISBN 9679627756
2005 Kaedah perundangan, bidang kuasa dan tatacara mahkamah syariah. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 983-62-8386-2
2005 Murtad : kedudukannya di sisi Islam dan perlembagaan Malaysia. Intel Multimedia and Publication . ISBN 9832417260
2004 Statutes on contract law. Harun M Hashim Law Centre . ISBN 983-40413-4-9
2003 Harta sepencarian, prosiding ex-parte, perintah injunksi. Pusat Undang-undang UIAM . ISBN 983-2740-00-2
2002 Statutes on Malaysian legal system. IIUM Law Centre . ISBN 983-41203-1-1
2001 Administration of Islamic law in Malaysia: text and material (1st edition). Malayan Law Journal . ISBN 9789679623024

Book Section

2020 Parliament, treaties and international law. In: Law, principles and practice in the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representative) of Malaysia Sweet & Maxwell . ISBN 9789672339748 , pp.459-471
2018 Syariah courts and issues on administration of Syariah criminal justice in Malaysia. In: Islamic Law in Malaysia: issues, developments and challenges The Malaysian Current Law Journal Sdn. Bhd. . ISBN 9789674571368 , pp.115-128
2018 Percanggahan bidang kuasa antara mahkamah Syariah dengan mahkamah sivil: menyusuri kesan pindaan perkara 121(A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. In: Al-Ahkam Jilid 8: undang-undang Islam dan aplikasi semasa Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) . ISBN 978-983-49-1372-4 , pp.47-69
2012 Fundamental liberties under the Federal Constitution : a critical analysis. In: Human Rights Law: International, Malaysian and Islamic Perspectives Sweet & Maxwell Asia . ISBN 978-967-5040-87-0 , pp.293-309
2012 Contemporary human rights issues in Malaysia. In: Human Rights Law: International, Malaysian and Islamic Perspectives Sweet & Maxwell Asia . ISBN 9789675040870 , pp.311-317
2012 Komentar dan cadangan kajian semula terhadap Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam. In: Korpus Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia: Semakan dan Cabaran Penerbit IKIM . ISBN 9789832636502 , pp.15-28
2012 Komentar dan cadangan kajian semula terhadap Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam. In: Korpus Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia: Semakan dan Cabaran Penerbit IKIM . ISBN 9789832636502 , pp.15-28
2009 Undang-undang wasiat orang Islam di Malaysia: sejarah dan perkembangannya. In: Undang-undang Harta dan Amanah Jabatan Undang-Undang Islam, Kulliyyah Undang-Undang Ahmad Ibrahim & Pusat Undang-Undang Harun M. Hashim, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia . ISBN 9789834120368 , pp.111-122
2009 Hukum harta sepencarian dari sudut pandangan wanita peneroka Felda: satu laporan kajian awal. In: Undang-undang harta & amanah Jabatan Undang-Undang Islam, Kulliyyah Undang-Undang Ahmad Ibrahim & Pusat Undang-Undang Harun M. Hashim, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa . ISBN 9789834120368 , pp.35-58
2009 Instrumen hibah: isu-isu dan cabaran. In: Undang-undang Harta dan Amanah Jabatan Undang-Undang Islam, Kulliyyah Undang-Undang Ahmad Ibrahim & Pusat Undang-Undang Harun M. Hashim, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia . ISBN 9789834120368 , pp.100-110
2007 Sistem perundangan Malaysia: perkembangan penggunaan prinsip ekuiti. In: Sumber undang-undang Malaysia Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9716-7 , pp.102-152
2007 Sistem perundangan Malaysia: perkembangan penggunaan prinsip ekuiti. In: Sumber undang-undang Malaysia Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9716-7 , pp.102-152
2007 Perkembangan mekanisme penyelesaian pertikaian secara alternatif di Malaysia: satu tinjauan. In: Pentadbiran Keadilan: Artikel Terpilih Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9714-3 , pp.28-83
2007 Perkembangan mekanisme penyelesaian pertikaian secara alternatif di Malaysia: satu tinjauan. In: Pentadbiran Keadilan: Artikel Terpilih Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9714-3 , pp.28-83
2007 Badan perundangan sebelum dan selepas merdeka. In: Sumber undang-undang Malaysia: artikel terpilih Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9716-7 , pp.18-75
2007 Badan perundangan sebelum dan selepas merdeka. In: Sumber undang-undang Malaysia: artikel terpilih Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9716-7 , pp.18-75