Staff Directory

Che Amnah Bt. Bahari

Academic Qualification

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Thought - Doctor of Philosophy, International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization (IIUM ISTAC)
  • Master of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Heritage - Masters Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Bachelor of Economics - Bachelor Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia

Che Amnah Bt. Bahari (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)

Associate Professor
IIUM Gombak Campus


Area of Specialisation

  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Accounting ~ Management Accounting (Including Strategic Management Accounting, Performance Management, Cost Management, Management Accounting Control System) - Ethics and Quality Control
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Community Development ~ Community Mobilisation - Mosque mobilisation

Professional Membership

  • 2013 - 2013: Member of Profesional Body / Association, Graduate School of Management, IIUM


Religious Identity Of The Children Of Interfaith Marriages In Malawi: A Case Study Of Nkhotakota District .
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Analysis Of The Qur'Anic Methodology Of Da'Wah For The Contemporary Western Context .
Ph.D Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
Methods Of Christian Evangelization, Islamic Dawah And Their Approaches - Comparative Study Through Foundation Stage.
Ph.D Completed 2017 Co-supervisor
Online Al-Da'Wah Al-Fardiyyah On E-Group : A Study On 'Islah.Net'.
Ph.D Completed 2014 Main Supervisor
Understanding And Practice Of Honesty In Business Ethics: A Case Study Among Muslim And Buddhist Entrepreneurs In Kuala Lumpur And Selangor. .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
An Analytical Study Of Shaykh Muhammad Awwal’S Al-Mafahim Al-Tijaniyyah And The Practices Of Al-Tijaniyyah Sufi Order In Nigeria .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Humanity And Universality In The Discourse Of Mawdudi: An Analytical Study.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Scientism: Stenmark'S Discourse And Its Relevancy To Islam.
Master Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
The Internalization Of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah’S Theory On The Remedy Of Stress And Depression: A Case Study Of Iium Postgraduate Students.
Master Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
The Relevance Of Sa'Id Nursi'S Approach In Dealing With New Atheism : An Analysis.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
Danwah And Interfaith Marriages In Malawi: A Case Study Of Nkhotakota District.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
K.H. Noer Alie’S Contribution To The Islamic Educational System (1956-1990).
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
No Title.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
A Response Of Syed Sheikh Al-Hadi (1867-1934) To Modernity In Malaya: A Special Focus On His Educational Reform.
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
المعرفة والنظر عند سيف الدين الآمدي .
Theory Of Knowledge In The Discourse Of Saifuddin Al-Amidi.
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
Prophet Ya'Qub'S Parenting Style : A Thematic Study.
Master Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
The Concept Of Tasamuh : A Study Of Najm Al-Din Al-Tufi'S Thought.
Master Completed 2014 Main Supervisor
Quranic Methodology In Studying Religions: Ahlulkitab.
Master Completed 2006 Main Supervisor

Research Projects

No data
2022 - Present A Biblometric Analysis of Islamization of Knowledge Literature in Islamic

Award & Recognition

29 Jun, 2021 Gold Medal - PERKAMA International
21 Jun, 2021 Silver - Product Innovation and Commercialization - KIRKHS University
14 Dec, 2012 Award for 25 Years of Service - International islamic University University
22 Feb, 2012 Invention and Innovation Exhibition 2012 - International islamic University University



2021 An analysis of ibn qutaybah’s positive synchronisation methodology of mukhtalif al-ḥadīth. TAFHIM, 14 (1) pp. 69-91
2021 Jalāl al-Dīn al-Rūmī’s concept of Ibtilā’: its application to stress management. Al-Itqan, 5 (1) pp. 5-18
2021 Social media and Islamic ethics: an insight to instagram use by Muslim university students in Malaysia. Intellectual Discourse, 29 (1) pp. 175-206
2020 Halal Quality Management System: A comparison between Halal and Kosher. Al-Itqan, 4 (1) pp. 88-115
2020 Qur’ānic approach to peace building: action guide from the mother and the sister of prophet Mūsā. Al-Burhan, 4 (1) pp. 1-13
2020 Relativism and intolerance, two sides of a coin: Qur’ānic exposition. Al-Itqan, 4 (1) pp. 24-48
2020 Stress alleviation – benefitting from the twenty-fifth flash of Saʿīd Nursī’s Lem’alar. Al-Itqan, (Special Issue No. 2) pp. 31-55
2019 Tawakkul: exemplary deeds of the mother and the sister of prophet Mūsā. Al- Itqan, 3 (2) pp. 5-22
2019 The arrival of Islam in Malawi. Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 7 (2) pp. 39-47
2019 The role of Muslim women in civil society in promoting values and principles for building peace: action guide from the Qur’ān = Peranan wanita Muslim dalam masyarakat awam dalam mempromosikan nilai dan prinsip untuk membina keamanan: panduan tindakan dari Al-Quran. Jurnal Sains Insani, 4 (1) pp. 30-36
2016 Exploration of the role of mosques in community development: Malaysian experience. e-journal of Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization, 3 (1) pp. 23-31
2011 al-Da'wah al-fardiyyah : discourse on its action plan. Journal of Islam in Asia, Spcl (3) pp. 378-397
2010 Developing a Muslim response to the western criticism of the Prophet Muhammad. INSIGHTS, 2 (4) pp. 103-122
Conference or Workshop Item

2020 Exploring the effectiveness of the Islamic Spiritual Enhancement Module (ISEM) in reducing stress among university students.. In: Scholarship Advancement Project Seminar 2020,
2020 Positive synchronisation of Mukhtalif al-Ḥadīth: an analysis of Ibn Qutaybah (d.276AH/894CE)’s methodology. In: The Inaugural Jamalullail Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference (JCIC1),
2018 The roles of Muslim women in civil society in promoting values principles for building peace : action guide from the Qur'an. In: e-Proceeding International Conference on Civilization, Ethnicity and Islamic Heritage ( i-STET 2018),
2016 Interfaith dialogue and the role of mosque: a case study of Klang valley’s mosques. In: 60th The IIER International Conference,

2021 A manual of spiritual therapy: Islamic perspective. International institute of Muslim Unity, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-25504-0-2
2021 Spiritual therapy : an islamic perspective. International Institute for Muslim Unity (IIMU) Islamic Book Trust International Institute for Muslim Unity, ISBN: 9789670526942
2017 K.H. Noer Alie’s role in Islamic educational system. IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-967-418-562-6
2017 Prophet Yaʻqūb’s parenting style. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-572-5
2010 Ketokohan Ibn Qutaybah. IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789675272493
2009 Ta'wil mukhtalif al-hadith: an annotated translation. IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789833855896
Book Section

2014 Ethics in the Qur'an and the hadith. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674183257, pp. 42-67
2014 Ethics in the Qur'an and the hadith. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674183257, pp. 42-67
2011 Muslim response to Western criticism of Prophet Muhammad. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225692, pp. 53-64
2011 The relevancy of Ibn Qutaybah's discourse. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225180, pp. 171-195
2009 Annotated translation of Ta'wil Mukhtalif al-Hadith . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789823855780, pp. 145-149