Staff Directory

Mehmet Ozay

Academic Qualification

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology of Religion - Doctor of Philosophy, Marmara University
  • Master of Sociology and Antropology - Masters Degree, Marmara University
  • Bachelor of English Teaching - Bachelor Degree, Marmara University

Mehmet Ozay (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)

Associate Professor
IIUM KL Campus


Teaching Responsibilities

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2023/2024 2022/2023


Building A Cohesive And Harmonious Ummah: A Framework For Overcoming A Division And Fostering Unity.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Concept Of Intuition And Its Palace In The Positivistic Naturalized Epistemology: An Analtical-Critical Study Of Nurettin Topcu Approach(1909-1975).
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Criticism Of Christian Political Culture In The Context Of Secularization - Weltanschauung And The Rise Of Cdu After 1945 To The Present In The Federal Germany. .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Disseminating Of Modernity In Malay Society During British Colonial Era.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Social Media And Its Impact To The Malay Teennagers In Malaysia.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor

Research Projects

2022 - 2023 A Man of Change or Illusion: Mohammad Said, Media, and Nationalism
2024 - Present Al-Jawaib: Arab Journalism and Intellectual Dialogue with the Malay World



2024 H. Mohd Said & Keadilan Buruh., 24 April 2024 () pp. 3-3
2024 Isu-isu Palestina di tulisan Mohd. Said. Waspada, 19 January 2024 () pp. B3-B3
2024 Jurnalisme di Aceh: awal kemerdekaan., 29 May 2024 () pp.
2024 Mohammad Said dan politik global. WASPADA, () pp.
2024 Taiwan votes for continuity of de facto sovereignty. Politics Today, () pp.
2023 An overview on Ottoman manuscript collection in the Sayyid Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Library. Studia Islamika, 30 (2) pp. 235-259
2023 Berkesinambungan: bagasi damai Iran-Arab Saudi dan China., 6 April 2023 () pp.
2023 FGD Bahas Sosok H Mohammad Said Menuju Pahlawan Nasional. Waspada, () pp. 1-2
2023 Indonesia: Nahdhlatul Ulama’s dual identity on the global stage. Politics Today, () pp. 1-3
2023 Mengenang 28 tahun H. Mohd. Said., () pp. 1-3
2023 Preliminary view on journalistic and intellectual life of Mohammad Said (MS): a discourse on anti-colonial struggle. Journal of Tamaddun, 18 (2) pp. 247-262
2023 Resolving conflicts through peaceful dialogue. New Straits Times, 17 January 2023 () pp.
2023 Resolving conflicts through peaceful dialogue. New Straits Times, 17 January 2023 () pp.
2023 Retno Marsudi & perubahan paradigma., 10 October 2023 () pp.
2023 Sultan Abdul Hamid II bertemu Habib Abd al-Rahman?. Waspada, 20 January 2023 () pp. B3-B3
2022 A preliminary discussion on the notion of nationalism in Weber’s thought: Max Weber and his cogitation of nationalism. İnsan & Toplum - Journal of Humanity & Society, 12 (3) pp. 25-46
2022 Mohd. Said, sang patriot pena. demi kebenaran dan keadilan, 18 Aug 2022 () pp.
2022 Sikap global Türkiye dan G20. Waspada, 9 December 2022 () pp.
2022 Türkiye: role model for underdeveloped, developing countries. New Straits Times, 14 December 2022 () pp.
Conference or Workshop Item

2023 “Cheng Ho, the Admiral of Ming Dynasty and the engagements with the littoral states in the Indian Ocean”. In: Sixth Zhenghe Forum 2023.International Conference on Zehghe Voyages and the Unofficial History of Chinese-Southeast Asian Relations,
2023 Continuity between Secularization in Late Ottoman and Laicism in the Republic of Turkey through socio-political change. In: 1st International Conference on Sociology of Religion», Faculty of Social Science UIN North Sumatra & ASAGI Parapat Lake View,
2023 H. Mohd. Said: his journalism and intellectual life. In: Virtual Seminar on the Commemoration of the 28th Year of the Demise of Haji Mohd. Said,,
2023 Koeli kontrak and systemic changes inquiries: an advocacy of Mohd. Said against Dutch Capitalist Economy. In: «Islamic History and Heritage: Remembering the Past, Remaking the Future»,
2023 Malaysian-Turkish politics and civilization: exploring new perspectives. In: ISOGOC IV, 4th International Seminar on Government & Civilization,
2023 Some reflections of socio-political changes in Turkey in Vernacular Press in the Archipelago, 1920-1940. In: The Ottomans and the Malay World: Contemporary Reflections on History, Culture, and Economy,,
2023 The phenomenon of social change and its epistemological sources in the Ottoman State and early Republican era. In: “The Role of Philisophy in Boosting Religious Intuition in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”,
2022 The problem of ‘Historical Epistemology’ in Ottoman Malay-World relations. In: The Middle East and the Malay world: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges,
2022 Understanding of the Islamization process of the Malay Archipelago in a ‘systemic way’. In: HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM: SILANG PENDAPAT MASUKNYA ISLAM DI INDONESIA,

2023 A classical book and its content: masā’il al-muhtadī li İkhwānil mubtadī (the guide for the right path for beginners). ISTAC-IIUM Publications, ISBN: 978-983-9379-73-0
2023 The Ottomans and the Malay world relations. ISTAC-IIUM, ISBN: 978-983-9379-74-7
2022 Dünya siyasetinde asya-pasifik 5. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, ISBN: 978-625-427-676-7
Book Section

2023 The problem in historical epistemology of Ottoman-Malay world relations. In: Gerakbudaya Enterprise, ISBN: 978-967-0076-26-3, pp. 51-78
2022 Asya Pasifik bölgesi uzerine kısa bir değerlendirme. In: Nobel Akademik Yayincilik, ISBN: 978-625-427-676-7, pp. xxxvii-xliv
2022 Pasifik savaşi Japon işgali sürecinde Sumatra adasi’nda açe’nin siyasal rolü = The political role of ace in the island of Sumatra during the Japanese occupation in the pacific war. In: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, ISBN: 978-625-427-676-7, pp. 111-135