Staff Directory

Sofiah Bt. Samsudin

Academic Qualification

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah Studies) - Doctor of Philosophy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
  • Master in Fundamental Principle of Religion/Tafseer - Masters Degree, University of Jordan
  • Bachelor of Usuluddin - Bachelor Degree, Universiti Malaya (UM)

Sofiah Bt. Samsudin (Dr.)

Assistant Professor
IIUM Gombak Campus


Expert Profile

Sofiah binti Samsudin obtained her BA (Hons) in Usuluddin from the University of Malaya in 1991. Upon completion of her BA, she joined International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) as an Assistant Lecturer. She then completed her MA degree in Ulum al-Quran and Tafsir from the University of Jordan, Amman, and later obtained her Ph.D from University Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2003. She was given the Best Teacher Award in Art and Social Sciences category university level during Quality Day 2009. JAKIM appointed her as a member in the development of Post Marriage Module in 2012 as well as a committee member in Action Plan for the Development of Muslim Woman 2014. Presently, Dr Sofiah is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Qurân and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences.

Area of Specialisation

  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Religious Studies ~ Quranic and Hadith Studies - Sciences of Qur'an and Tafsir Ayat al-Ahkam Methodologies of Tafsir Early Development of Childhood in Qur'an Women in the Qur'an Business in the Qur'an Textual Studies of Kutb al-Tafasir

Teaching Responsibilities

'ULUM AL-QUR'AN 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020
'ULUM AL-QUR'AN (SCIENCES OF QUR'AN) 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023
'ULUM AL-QUR'AN: SCIENCES OF QUR'AN 2018/2019 2017/2018 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009
AL-HIKAM WA AL-AHKAM FI AL-QUR'AN 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020
AL-KHITAB AL-QUR'ANI: QUR'ANIC DISCOURSE 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2008/2009
ANALYTICAL STUDIES IN SCIENCES OF THE QUR'AN 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2008/2009
AYAT AL-AHKAM (ARABIC) 2007/2008 2006/2007 2005/2006
AYAT AL-AHKAM: LEGISLATIVE VERSES 2018/2019 2017/2018 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2009/2010 2008/2009
FINAL YEAR PROJECT I 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020
FINAL YEAR PROJECT II 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
INDUSTRIAL TRAINING 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019
INTERNSHIP 2018/2019 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013
METHODOLOGY OF MUFASSIRIN I (ARABIC) 2006/2007 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004 2002/2003
RESEARCH PAPER I 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2018/2019 2017/2018
RESEARCH PAPER II 2023/2024 2021/2022 2019/2020
SCIENCES OF QUR'AN (ARABIC) 2006/2007 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004 2002/2003 1997/1998 1996/1997
SCIENCES OF THE QURAN I (ARABIC) 1996/1997 1995/1996
STUDY OF QUR'AN I 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004 1996/1997
STUDY OF QUR'AN II 2006/2007 2002/2003
STUDY OF QUR'AN IV 1997/1998
TADRIB 'ILLMI FI AL-BAHTH: ACADEMIC EXERCISE 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014
USRAH IN ACTION 1 2021/2022
USRAH IN ACTION 2 2022/2023


اختلاف القراءات في "التلخيص في تفسير القرآن العزيز" للكواشي- وأثره في توضيح معاني القصص القرآني من خلالسور يونس ويوسف ومريم: دراسة تحليلية Different readings in "Summary in the Interpretation of the Qur'an" al- Aziz" of Al- Kawashi- and ists impact on clarifying the meanings of Qur'anic stories through surah Yunus, Yusuf and Maryam: An analytical study.
Different Readings In "Summary In The Interpretation Of The Qur'An" Al- Aziz" Of Al- Kawashi- And Its Impact On Clarifying The Meanings Of Qur'Anic Stories Through Surah Yunus, Yusuf And Maryam: An Analytical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Co-supervisor
المنهج الدعوي للأنبياء في سورة هود : دراسة تطبيقية على تفسير الشعر اوي أنموذجا The advocacy approach of the prophets in Surat Hud: An applied study on the interpretation of poetry, as a model.
The Advocacy Approach Of The Prophets In Surat Hud: An Applied Study On The Interpretation Of Poetry, As A Model.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Member Supervisory Committee
إعداد شخصية الشباب املسلم املاليزي املتميزة يف ضوء السنة النبوية دراسة حتليلية معاصرة .
Preparation Of Oustanding Identity Of Malaysian Muslim Youth In The Light Of Sunnah.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Foundations Of Research Methodology In The Holy Qur'An.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
ترجيحات محمد عزة دروزة في كتابه "التفسير الحديث" دراسة تحليلية لسور: الفاتحة ‏والبقرة والأنفال.
Muhammad Izzat Darwazah'S Preponderances In His Book Al-Tafseer Al Hadith, An Analytical Study Of Chapters: Al-Fatihah, A-Baqarah And Al-Anfal.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
استراتيجيات تعديل السلوك الإنساني في القرآن الكريم والنظريات الغربية: دراسة تحليلية.
Strategies Of Human Behavior Modification In Holy Quran And Western Theories: An Analytical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
صناعة العاماء الربانيين في ضوء القرآن الكريم: دراسة موضوعية تحليلية .
The Development Of Religious Scholars In The Light Of The Holy Qur'An: Thematic And Analytical Study .
Ph.D Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
Foundations Of Research Methodology In The Holy Qur'An.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
التمكين في ضوء القرآن الكريم :دراسة تحليلية لنماذج مختارة .
Understanding Of Empowerment In The Light Of The Qur'An: Study Of Selected Examples.
Ph.D Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
الوحدة الموضوعية في قصص سورة البقرة عند الإمام البقاعي السمع والطاعة أنموذجًا .
The Thematic Unity In The Stories Of The Surah Al-Baqarah From The Views Of Al-Imam Biqa'I: Hearing And Obedience As A Model.
Ph.D Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
التمكين في ضوء القرآن الكريم :دراسة تحليلية لنماذج مختارة .
Understanding Of Empowerment In The Light Of The Qur'An: Study Of Selected Examples.
Ph.D Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
الصفات السلبية النافية للمحبة الإلهية في ضوء القرآن والسنة: دراسة تحليلية.
Blameworthy Characters That Nullify The Love Of Allah In The Light Of Quran And Sunnah.
Ph.D Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
الترجمات الألبانية في للقرآن الكريم في الفترة 1980-2014: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة.
Albanian Translations Of The Holy Qur'An From 1980 To 2014: An Analytical Comparative Study .
Ph.D Completed 2018 Member Supervisory Committee
Sustaining The Muslim Institution Of Marriage In Malaysia: An Analytical Study Of Qur'Anic Stories .
Ph.D Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
التوجيهات القرآنية لعلاج الانحرافات الجنسية لدى الشعب الماليزي المسلم: دراسة تحليلية لولاية سلانجور أنموذجًا.
Quranic Guidance In Dealing With Sexual Deviancy Among Malaysian Muslim Community: An Analytical Study In Selangor.
Ph.D Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
الترجمات الألبانية في للقرآن الكريم في الفترة 1980-2014: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة.
Albanian Translations Of The Holy Qur'An From 1980 To 2014: An Analytical Comparative Study .
Ph.D Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
تفسير الجواهر للشيخ طنطاوي جوهري: دراسة تربوية تعليمية.
Al-Jawahir Exegesis By Shaykh Tantawi Jawhari: An Educational And Pedagogical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
The Interpretation Of Qur'An And Its Trend Among Al-Shi'Ah Al-Imamiyyah Al-Ithnay Ashriyyah.
Ph.D Completed 2011 Main Supervisor
محمد مكين وترجمته الصينية للقرآن الكريم: دراسة تقويمية Muhammad Makin and His Chinese Translation of the Qur'an: An Evaluative Study .
Muhammad Makin And His Chinese Translation Of The Qur'An: An Evaluative Study .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
منهج صناعة القدوة الصالحة في المجتمع المعاصر دراسة في ضوء القرآن والسنة The Methodology of Cultivating Righteous Role Models in the Contemporary Society: A Study in the Light of the Quran and Sunnah.
The Methodology Of Cultivating Righteous Role Models In The Contemporary Society: A Study In The Light Of The Quran And Sunnah.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
جهود علماء باكستان في علم القراءات :الشيخ فتح مح والشيخ رحيم بخش الباني بتي أنموذجا Pakistani Scholars' Contribution to the Science of Qira'at: The examples of Sheikh Fath Muhammad and Sheikh Rahim Bakhsh Al-Bani .
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
تحليل تخريج الحديث في مقررات التربية الإسلامية للمناهج القياسية في المدارس الثانوية (KSSM) : دراسة حالة حول فهم الطلاب للحديث النبوي في MRSM،كوالا بيرانج ، تيرينجانو .
Analysis Of Takhrij Hadith In Islamic Education Textbook Of Curriculum Standard Secondary School (Kssm) : A Cse Study About Mrsm Kuala Berang, Terengganu.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
The Islamic Influence On Manners Of The Malay Society In Malaysia.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Identifying The Construct Of Certitude In The Qur’An Towards The Eradication Of Religious Doubt Amongst Muslims In The West.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
قانون الجذب في ضوء القرآن والسنة: دراسة تحليلية نقدية Evidence of the Law of Attraction in the Quran and the Sunnah: A Critical Analytical Study .
Evidence Of The Law Of Attraction In The Quran And The Sunnah: A Critical Analytical Study .
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
تجارب المؤسسات المعاصرة في تدبر القرآن الكريم : دراسة تقويمية مقارنة Contemporary Institutions' Experiments in Pondering the Holy Quran (A Comparative Evaluative Study) .
Contemporary Institutions' Experiments In Pondering The Holy Quran (A Comparative Evaluative Study).
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
آداب التعامل مع القرآن الكرمي عند اإلمام الغزايل يف كتابه اإلحياء: دراسة ميدانية لطلبة مدرسة األمني اإلسالمية االبتدائية جبومباك سالجنور ماليزي.
Adab Of Dealing With The Qur’An According To Imam Al- Ghazali In His Book Al-Ihya: A Field Study For Students Of Al-Amin Islamic Primary School In Gombak Selangor, Malaysia.
Master Completed 2024 Main Supervisor
الحقوق المشترکة بین الزوجین وتحدیاتها في ولایة تخار أفغانستان: دراسة تحلیلیة في ضوء القرآن والسنة Mutual rights between spouses and Their challenges in The Takhar province ,of Afghanistan : an objective- analytical study in The light of quran and sunnah. .
Mutual Rights Between Spouses And Their Challenges In The Takhar Province ,Of Afghanistan : An Objective- Analytical Study In The Light Of Quran And Sunnah. .
Master Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
التوجيهات القرآنية في توطيد روابط الأسرة: دراسة تحليلية في مدينة فراه بأفغانستان Quranic Directives for Consolidating Family Bonds. An Analytical Study in the City of Farah, Afghanistan.
Quranic Directives For Consolidating Family Bonds. An Analytical Study In The City Of Farah, Afghanistan.
Master Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
آداب حملة القرآن في كتاب التبيان للإمام النووي ومدى تطبيقها لدى حفاظ القرآن الكريم بإندونيسيا: دراسة تحليلية في معهد إنسان قرآني أتشيه .
Adab Hamalatul Qur'An In The Book Of At-Tibyan By Imam An-Nawawi And Its Application To Huffazh Al-Qur'An In Indonesia: Analysis Studies In Ma'Had Insan Qur'Ani Aceh .
Master Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
تربية الأجنة في ضوء القرآن والسنة: دراسة تحليلية للتقاليد الموروثة في إندونيسيا .
Fetal Education In The Quran And Sunnah: An Analytical Study Of Indonesia'S Inherited Traditions .
Master Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
قضية خذلان المسنين في المجتمع الإسلامي أسبابها وعلاجها من منظور القرآن والسنة (دراسة تحليلية) .
The Issue Of Neglecting The Elderly In The Islamic Society. Its Causes And Treatment From The Perspective Of The Quran And Sunnah (Analytical Study).
Master Completed 2022 Co-supervisor
مفهوم القوامة في المجتمع الصومالي المعاصر: دراسة تحليلية في ضوء القرآن والسنة .
The Concept Of Guardianship In Contemporary Somali Society .
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
آراء بنت الشاطئ في بعض مباحث علوم القرآن دراسة تحليلية من خلال كتابها "التفسير البياني" .
An Analysis Of Some Selected Topics Of Science Of Qur'An From Al-Tafsir Al-Tafsir Al-Bayani By Bint Al-Syati' .
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
الاختلاط عبر التطبيقات الإلكترونية وضوابطه في ضوء القرآن والسنة: دراسة تحليلية .
Intermingling Through Electronic Applications And Its Restrictions In Quran And Sunnah Perspectives: An Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
المخالفات المحبطة للعمل الصالح في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي دراسة تطبيقية في ضوء القرآن الكريم .
Discouraging Violations Of Good Deeds On Social Media: An Applied Study In The Light Of The Holy Quran.
Master Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
الآمنون والخائفون في القرآن الكريم عند سيد قطب.
Quranic Descriptors "Those Who Safe" And "The Fearful" According To The Exegesis Of Sayyid Qutub.
Master Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
منهج الإمام الترمذي في التفسير من خلال كتابه "الجامع": دراسة تحليلية.
Methodology Of Imam Tarmizi'S In Quran Interpretation Through His Book "Al-Jami": An Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
منهج الأستاذ سعيد النورسي في تفسر آيات التوحيد في رسائل النور: دراسة موضوعية تحليلية.
Said Nursi'S Methodology Of Interpretation Of Tawhid Verses In His Book Rasailan-Nur: An Objective And Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
نوازل الحيض والنفاس ودور الصب الحديث في ترشيد أحكامها.
Menstruation And Postpartum Bleeding And The Role Of Modern Medicine In Rationalizing Its Provisions .
Master Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
التسامح الاجتماعي في القرآن الكريم دراسة تحليلية لنماذج مختارة من تفسير المراغي .
Social Tolerance In The Qur'An Al-Karim: An Analytical Study Of The Selected Excerpts From Tafsir Al-Maraghi.
Master Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
بر الوالدين في القرآن الكريم: دراسة لأساليبه وصوره ونماذجه .
Honoring Parents In The Qur’An Al-Karim: A Study Of Its Styles, Forms And Samples.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
Characteristics Of Highest Quality Zaytun Oil And Its Benefits: An Analysis Of Quranic Exegesis And Scientific Findings.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
الألفاظ الـــمترادفة الــمتقاربة الــــمعنى في سورة البقرة ومعانيها النفسية دراسة تحليلية.
Synonyms In Surah Al-Baqarah And Their Psychological Meanings: An Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
مفهوم الكتابة في الخطاب القرآني: دراسة موضوعية.
The Concept Of Inscription In The Quranic Discourse: A Thematic Study.
Master Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
معالم التربية الجهادية في سورة التوبة وكيفية الاستفادة منها دراسة تحليلية.
Dimensions Of Education On Jihad In Surah Al-Tawbah And Ways To Benefit From It: An Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
جهود ابن عاشور في الإصلاح التربوي من خلال "التحرير والتنوير" سورة يوسف أنموذجاًا.
The Contribution Of Ibn Ashir In Educational Reform In His Book "Attahrtrwattanwir" : The Case Of Surah Youseff.
Master Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
The Development Of Muslim-Friendly Event Management Standards In Malaysia As Part Of The Malaysian Shariah Index.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
الــــــمودة والرحمة في بناء الأسرة الـــــمسلمة من الــــمنظور القرآني: دراسة تحليلية.
The Affection And Compassion In The Construction Of The Muslim Family From Qur’Anic Perspective: An Analytical Study .
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
القلة والكثرة في القرآن الكريم وآثارهما الدعوية: دراسة تحليلية لنماذج مــــختارة من القصص القرآنـــــي .
Quranic Concept Of "The Few And The Many" And Its Impact On Muslim Dakwah: An Analytical Study Of Selected Quranic Verses.
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
تصحيح المفاهيم الناصة بالبهاد ودوافعه: دراسة تحليلية معاصرة من خلال سورة الأنفل.
Correction Of Misunderstanding Behind Jihad And Its Motivations, A Contemporary Analytical Study In Surah Al-Anfal.
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
تربية الطفل في ضوء القرآن الكريم.
Child-Rearing In The Light Of The Qur’An.
Master Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
Al- Baghdādī Teaching Technique For Qur’Ān Recitation: A Case Study Of Al – Baghdādī Learning Centre, Seksyen 7, Shah Alam, Selangor .
Master Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
الخشوع في القرآن: دلالاته وآثاره في بناء الشخصية المتميزة: دراسة تحليلية.
Khushu’ (Submission) In The Qur’An: An Analytical Study Of Its Meaning And Effect On Personality Building.
Master Completed 2017 Co-supervisor
إعداد شخصية الشباب المسلمين الكمبوديين على ضوء السنة النبوية: دراسة ميدانية في مدرسة نورالإيمان.
Developing The Character Of Young Cambodian Muslims In The Light Of The Sunnah: Field Study In Nur Al-Iman School.
Master Completed 2017 Co-supervisor
Towards The Administration Of Successful Family From Quranic Perspective : A Thematic Study.
Master Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
الرقية بالقرآن والأدعية المأثورة وضوابطها في علاج السحر دراسة تقييمية في دار الرقية بقدح.
Incantations And Supplications Based On The Sunnah To Heal Black Magic: Assessment Of Dār Ruqyah, Kedah .
Master Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
Arabic: Homosexuality Phenomenon And Its Solutions From Quranic Perspective : A Case Study Of Indonesia.
Master Completed 2014 Main Supervisor
Arabic: The Concept Of Certainty According To Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi In His Tafsir Mafatih Al-Ghayb : An Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2014 Main Supervisor
No Title.
Master Completed 2013 Main Supervisor
The Elderly And Their Care In Light Of The Qur'An: A Thematic Study.
Master Completed 2013 Main Supervisor
Al-Khitab Al-Tijari Fi Al-Quran Al-Karim: Dirasah Mawduiyyah Tatbiqiyyah.
Master Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
Forms Of Qasam In Teh Quran : A Thematic Study.
Master Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
Malaysian Contemporary Family Issues And Its Solution From The Light Of Quranic Stories.
Master Completed 2011 Main Supervisor
Arabic: Al-Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Panjpeeri His Methodology And Quranic Studies In His Book.
Master Completed 2011 Main Supervisor
Al-Siyahah Fi Daw Al-Qur'An Al-Karim: Dirasah Istaqra'Iyyah.
Master Completed 2009 Main Supervisor
Awamil Al-Fasad Al-Iqtisadi Wa Subul Al-Waqayat Minha: Dirasah Tahliliyyah Fi Daw Al-Qur'An Al-Karim.
Master Completed 2008 Main Supervisor
Awamil Al-Fasad Al-Iqtisadi Wa Subul Al-Waqayat Minha: Dirasah Tahliliyyah Fi Daw Al-Qur'An Al-Karim.
Master Completed 2008 Main Supervisor
The Thematic Unity In Surat Yasin.
Master Completed 2006 Main Supervisor
Al-Takhtit Al-Usari Fi Daw' Al-Qur'An Al-Karim (Planning For The Family In The Holy Qur'An).
Master Completed 2006 Main Supervisor
The Qur'Anic Methodology In Describing The Tribulations Of The Day Of Judgement : A Study Of "Juz" 'Amma".
Master Completed 2005 Main Supervisor
فن التعبير القرآني في توصيف الدعوة إلى الله: دراسة تحليلية The Art of Qur'anic Expression in The Description of Da`Wah [Conveying Message] Towards Allah: An Analytical Study.
The Art Of Qur'Anic Expression In The Description Of Da`Wah [Conveying Message] Towards Allah: An Analytical Study.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor
Guide For Muslim Chaplains In Citing Ayah Tasliyah On The Spiritual Well-Being Of Cancer Patients.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor
دور القرآن والسنة في حل المشاكل النفسية لدى الشباب The role of Al-Quran and As-sunnah for solving the mental illness for teenagers .
The Role Of Al-Quran And As-Sunnah For Solving The Mental Illness For Teenagers .
Master In Progress Main Supervisor
ترجيحات صلاح الخالدي في تفسير القصص القرآني: دراسة تحليلية Weighing Preferences of Solah Al-Khalidi in Al-Quran Stories’s Exegesis: Analytical Study.
Weighing Preferences Of Solah Al-Khalidi In Al-Quran Stories’S Exegesis: Analytical Study.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor

Research Projects

2021 - 2023 Preventing and Controlling Disease Outbreaks and Dealing with Emergencies
2021 - 2022 Risalah Nur dalam Fiqh Kontemporari
2018 - 2021 Re-modelling concept of wellness towards senior citizens in Malaysia and institutional modality of intergenerational relationships, analytical study from Islamic perspective
2017 - 2019 Said Nursi on the Proofs of Tawhid (in the context of the epistle entitled the Supreme Sign)- Said Nursi on the Proofs of the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW) (Hayrat Foundation, Turkey)
2016 - 2018 A Pilot Study on Cyclic Process Approach for Disposing Islamic Literature Material
2015 - 2019 Novel Islamic Framework for Television Advertising of Halal Products in Muslim Countries
2015 - 2018 The Development of ?Muslim-Friendly? Event Management Standards In Malaysia for the Establishment of Malaysian Shariah Index Compliance
2011 - 2015 Formulation of a Legal Framework for Sustaining Family Institution in Malaysia
2010 - 2012 Business in The Qur'an and Sunnah: Its Importance and Guideline, Special Focus on The Successful Businessmen and Businesswomen among Sahabah and Tabi'in
2009 - 2010 Hajj in surah Al-Baqarah : topical and linguistic approach with special referance to issue of women in Hajj
2019 - Present Mosque in the Post-Materialistic Era- Developing Mosque Study Program: Implementation of Mosque Study Program for Children on Selected Mosques
2017 - Present Methodology of Mufassir in Interpretation of Legal Maxim in the Quran, Study on Selected Themes

Award & Recognition

10 Oct, 2009 Best Client - Libray International Islamic University University
15 May, 2009 Best Teacher Award Kuliyyah level - International Islamic University University
15 May, 2009 Best Teacher Award University level - International Islamic University University



2022 Kawashi's Approach to the Three Complementary Readings of the Ten Studies of Selected Verses from Surat Yunus and Yusuf منهج الكواشي في القراء ات الثلاث المتممة للعش رة دارس ة لن ا مذج مخاتر ة من ستيرو ينوس و يسوف. Al-Risalah, 6 (2) pp. 31-70
2022 Youth and mosque: exploring the views of youth on mosque activities in Gombak, Selangor. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1) pp. 131-149
2021 Exploring the views of mosque committee members on mosque religious education programs in Gombak. Millah: Jurnal Studi Agama, 21 (1) pp. 183-216
2021 Tarbiah Akidah dalam Surah Makkiyah melalui Kitab Naẓarāt Fī Kitābillah (Faith Education through Meccan Surahs in Naẓarāt Fī Kitābillah). e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, 8 (1) pp. 143-174
2021 Tarbiyah keluarga melalui aktiviti berusrah: huraian surah-surah pilihan dalam Juz Amma dari Kitab Naẓarāt Fī Kitābillah = Family education through Usrah activity: selected surah Juz Amma from Kitab Naẓarāt Fī Kitābillah. Jurnal Pengajian Islam, 14 (1) pp. 160-175
2021 The role of mosque committee in empowering mosque’s educational programmes: case study of mosques in Gombak district, Malaysia (peranan ahli jawatankuasa masjid dalam penambahbaikan program pendidikan masjid: kajian kes bagi masjid-masjid di daerah Gombak). Journal of Islam in Asia, 18 (3) pp. 165-187
2020 Characteristics, importance and objectives of research: an overview of the indispensable of ethical research. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 10 (5) pp. 331-335
2020 Nomadic and sedentary life in the time of prophet Muhammad. Journal of al-Tamaddun, 15 (2) pp. 57-70
2020 People with special needs in Ancient societies: a comparative study between few early philosophers and Islam. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 10 (5) pp. 324-330
2019 Sustaining the Islamic marriage institution in Malaysia: lessons from qur’anic stories. Al-Shajarah, 24 (1) pp. 97-130
2019 دلالات الألفاظ المترادفة المتقاربة المعنى في سورة البقرة: دراسة نموذجيةة. Al-Burhan: Journal of Qur'an and Sunnah Studies, 3 (1) pp. 61-75
2018 Interpretations of Al-Amanah among Muslim scholars and its role in establishing peace in society. Social Change, 48 (3) pp. 437-450
2018 Moral approaches and roles of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in empowering persons with special need. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 12 (6) pp. 30-35
2018 التجارة وسيلة لوحدة الأمة الإسلامية: دراسة قرآنية تحليلية = Business as a way to strengthen the Unity of Muslim ummah. Al-Burhan: Journal of Qur’an and Sunnah Studies, 2 (1) pp. 83-97
2017 أسماء اللّه الحسنى وصفاتو وأفعالو: دراسة تحليليَّة في سورة النور. Al-Burhan: Journal of Qur'an and Sunnah Studies, 1 (1) pp. 69-88
2015 Concept in formulating the ‘3w Theory’ in multidisciplinary research from the Qur’anic perspective. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 5 (4) pp. 1-3
2015 Herbal medicinal importance of Citrullus Lanatus mentioned in the Ahadith: a precise overview. American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 2 (1) pp. 39-45
2015 Value of Al-amanah in human’ Life. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 5 (4) pp. 1-3
2014 Birds mention in the Holy Qur’an and their role in the natural ecosystem. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (6) pp. 293-306
2014 Environmental ethics from the Qur'nic philosophy. Advances in Environmental Biology, 8 (4) pp. 1160-1168
2014 Environmental ethics from the Qur’nic philosophy . Advances in Environmental Biology, 8 (4) pp. 1160-1168
2014 حقوق الرعاية الدينية تجاه المُسِنِّين في ضوء القرآن الكريم. مجلة الداعي الشهرية الصادرة عن دار العلوم ديوبند, 11 (38) pp. 1-10
2013 Studies on nutritious distinct vegetable plants species mentioned in the Holy Qur’Én and their folk medicinal importance. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7 (10) pp. 455-466
2012 Jantung hati yang sejahtera. SHAHS Mosque Monthly Bulletin, (3) pp. 8
Conference or Workshop Item

2020 Teks al-Qur'an dan tafsirannya, teks Hadis dan huraiannya. In: IIUM Library Ibadah Camp 2020,
2018 Cyclic process approach for disposing Islamic literature material in Malaysia: a study. In: 9th UUM International Legal Conference (ILC 2017),
2018 Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of television advertising production in selected OIC countries. In: IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies (GLOBAL2018),,
2018 Fairclough's critical discourse analysis of television advertising production in selected OIC countries. In: The IAFOR International Conference on the City The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies,
2018 Revisiting the fatawa in disposing Islamic literature materials in Malaysia. In: 3rd International Social Science Conference: Islamic Thought & Understanding (ISSCITU 2018),
2018 The development of Muslim-friendly event management standards in Malaysia for establishment of Malaysian Shariah index compliance. In: 3rd International Halal Conference (INHAC 2016),
2017 Marriage empowerment through the Qur’ānic stories of husbands and wives. In: Seminar Wahyu Asas Tamadun Peringkat Antarabangsa Kali Kelima (SWAT 2017),
2017 The Islamic embrace of advertising: a study of TV advertising frameworks of selected OIC countries using the hierarchy of influences model. In: 8th Global Islamic Marketing Conference 2017,
2017 التجارة في القرآن الكريم وعلاقتها بالوسطية = Business in the Qur’an and its relationship with al-wasaṭiyyah. In: 1st International Islamic Social Economic Conference (IISEC 2017),
2017 التمكين الاقتصادي في القرآن الكريم. In: 5th International Conference on Quran as Foundation of the Civilization (SWAT2017),
2016 Advertisements as reflections of ideals:Shari’ah-compliant advertisements for the Muslim target audience. In: International Seminar on Islamic Advertising 2016 (ISIA2016),
2016 The development of "Muslim-friendly” event management standards in Malaysia for establishment of Malaysian Shariah index compliance. In: 3rd International Halal Conference (INHAC 2016),
2016 المرأة والاقتصاد المنزلي. In: Persidangan Muslimah Antarabangsa Kelantan 2016 (MISK 2016),
2015 Islam and advertising: the ideal stakeholder perspective. In: 1st International Conference on Innovative Communication and Sustainable Development in ASEAN,
2013 Ikhtilat dan tabarruj: kajian terhadap prinsip dan disiplin surah al-Nur dan al-Ahzab. In: 3rd International Seminar of Wahyu Asas Tamadun 2013 (SWAT2013): Quran: Melonjak Transformasi Ummah,
2012 Early development of child personality in the Qur’an and Hadeeth. In: Being Me 1st International Woman Only Conference,
2011 Business in the Qur’an and Sunnah: its importance and guidelines. In: The 4th Islamic Economic System Conference (iECONS 2011),

2021 السعي إلى حسن الخاتمة. Mashreq International For Books Sdn. Bhd., ISBN: 978-967-2416-35-7
2021 مشكل القرآن في التراث والدراسات المعاصرة = Problematic verses in Holy Quran according to classical and modern studies. Office of Jamalullail Chair for Prophetic Sunnah, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967--2416-41-8
2017 The Al Baghdadi method an in-depth introduction. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-617-3
2017 The methodology of Muhammad Asad in his tafsir. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-577-0
2017 إسماعيل حقي ال ب وسوي ومنهجه في تفسيره روح البيان. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-954-9
2017 إسماعيل حقي البروسوي ومنهجه في تفسيره روح البيان. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-954-9
2017 اللواط في إندونيسيا: ظاهرته و علاجه في ضوء القرآن الكريم. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-883-2
2017 الوحدة الموضوعية في سورة يس. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-874-0
Book Section

2023 Solat fardu dan waktu-waktu solat dalam kehidupan seorang Muslim di dunia: sisi pandang Badiuzzaman Said Nursi dalam Risalah Nur. In: Penerbitan Hayrat & AHAS KIRKHS IIUM, ISBN: 9786299829218, pp. 157-182
2021 Dosa ikhtilat dan khalwat: di luar talian dan di atas talian. In: Centris, IIUM, ISBN: 9789671726228, pp. 122-143
2020 Pesanan nabi Muhammad SAW terhadap umat Islam akhir zaman. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-491-072-3, pp. 57-72
2018 Kahwin muda dalam perspektif al-Quran dan Sunnah. In: Persatuan Ulama Malaysia, ISBN: 978-983-2306-28-3, pp. 99-118
2018 Microbial fuel cells (MFCS) for sustainable energy production: an Islamic approach. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-491-010-5, pp. 137-151
2018 Microbial fuel cells (MFCS) for sustainable energy production: an Islamic approach. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-491-010-5, pp. 137-151
2018 Revisiting the fatawa in disposing Islamic literature materials in Malaysia. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-967-491-010-5, pp. 266-294
2018 Tips pakaian dan fesyen wanita. In: Cahaya Hati Training & Consultancy, ISBN: 978-967-15111-3-8, pp. 139-156
2011 Business as a source of material and moral growth: a reflection from Islamic perspective. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225494, pp. 1-36

2018 RIGS16-150-0314/ A pilot study on cyclic process approach for disposing Islamic literature material. In: RMC,
2015 Modul pasca perkahwinan islam: Syurga cinta. In: Jabatan Kemajuan Malaysia,
2015 Modul paska perkahwinan Islam: Bulan madu. In: ,
2012 Business in the Qur’an and Sunnah: its importance and guideline, special focus on the successful businessmen and businesswomen among Sahabah and Tabi'in. In: s.n,