

IIUM Press Book Fiesta Events

IIUM Press Book Fiesta Events

التاريخ : 11 November 2014

المحرر : WebMaster

الفئة : Announcements


Dear All IIUM Community,

In conjunction to the launching of IIUM Bookshop, IIUM Press is pleased to invite all IIUM Community to a Book Talk & Sharing Session with authors/editors as per listed below:

1. Book Talk 1 : “The Study of Religious Traditions : Concepts, Approaches & Theories By Abdurezak A. Hashi”. 11 November 2014, Tuesday; 10.00 am at RMC Gallery

2. Book Talk Session 2 : “Internet Application” and “Multimedia and Its Applications” by Akram M. Zeki. 11 November 2014, Tuesday 3.00 pm at RMC GAllery

3. Book Talk Session 3: “Malay Manuscript” by Wan Ali Wan Mamat. 12 November 2014, Wednesday; 10.30 am at RMC Gallery.

4. Book Talk Session 4 : “History and Taught Sciences in Al-Quran” by Thameen Ushama. 12 November 2014, Wednesday; 3.00 pm at RMC Gallery.

5. Book Talk Session 5: “Educational Research Trends in ICT” and “Issues in Values-Based Education in Malaysia” by Che Noraini Hashim and Sharifah Sariah Syed Hassan. 13 November 2014, Thursday; 3.00 pm at RMC GAllery.

6. -Book Talk Session 6 : “Issues in Islamization of Human Knowledge”

By Muhammad Mumtaz Ali.  13 November 2014, Thursday 4.00pm at RMC Gallery.

Lets together enliven this event.

Thank you.

IIUM Press, Research Management Centre