

Pekan SPM Excellent Student Enrolled to CFS IIUM Gambang.

Pekan SPM Excellent Student Enrolled to CFS IIUM Gambang.

التاريخ : 19 June 2019

المحرر : syaukat

الفئة : News


Pekan SPM Excellent Student Enrolled to CFS IIUM Gambang.

Abdul Manaf Abdul Aziz, 18, enrolled to Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) Gambang Campus, under medical programme on 16th June, Saturday.

He was among more than 3000 students who registered to the new CFS Gambang campus on the enrollment day which was held on 15th and 16th June.

His story was highlighted previously by local newspaper and gained attention from many people including the Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik.

Full newspaper report can be read here: https://www.bharian.com.my/ber...

Previous news:


Centre for Foundation Studies,

International Islamic University Malaysia