

I-WIN 5 (2016)

I-WIN 5 (2016)

Start Date : 25 May 2016   End Date : 25 May 2016

Location : Banquet Hall, Office of the Campus Director, IIUM Kuantan

Organizer : Centris-Kuantan


IIUM Workshop on Islamisation & Integration of Knowledge, I-WIN 5 (2016)

Aim: To incorporate ethical values and maqasid al-shari’ah into science based subjects and practices.

Organizer: Centris Kuantan, Office of the Campus Director, and Science based faculties of IIUM Kuantan.

Theme: Environmental Ethics and The Issues of Climate Change: Scientific & Ethical Responses.

Date: 25th May 2016, Wednesday.

Venue: Banquet Hall, Office of the Campus Director, IIUM Kuantan.


The first session of the workshop begin at 9.15 a.m. with four speakers and one MC. The speakers were:

  • Abdul Syukor bin Abd. Razak, Head of Environment Department CERRM Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), addressed certain issues related to environment in term of policies & strategies of environmental protection.
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohd Shukri Mohd Aris from Kulliyyah of Science, highlighted environmental issues in Malaysia as a rich biodiversity and the oldest rainforests in the world, as well as Kuantan, and the process of air pollutions.
  • Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Adam Ahmed Shogar, from Kulliyyah of Science, addressed environmental issues from Islamic perspectives
  • Prof. Hunud Abia Kadauf convey his speech entitled comparative perspective between environmental law and regulations through VC from Gombak.


Forum on Environmental Policies, Regulations, Issues and Ethics.The forum took place in the afternoon of the same day of the workshop. It started at 2.15 p.m. and ended 4.30 p.m. with three panelists and moderator. The panelists were Head of CERRM UMP, Abdul Syukor bin Abd. Razak, lecturers from Kulliyyah of Science Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohd Shukri Mohd Aris, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Adam Ahmed Shogar and Prof. Dr. Hunud Abia Kadaouf while the moderator was Dr. Marwan Saad Azzubaidi from Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, IIUM Kuantan. The forum highlighted various issues related to Islamisation and integration of human knowledge, ranging from the right practices to save the environment to maintain the biodiversity and  the contribution of human towards nature as well as environmental policies and regulations. Experiences of various academicians are shared. Certain problems encountered by different faculties and institutions were highlighted. A photography session was held at 4.45 p.m. with all I-WIN 5 participants and the organizing committees as well as speakers.