

I-WIN 6 (2016)

I-WIN 6 (2016)

Start Date : 20 Oct 2016   End Date : 20 Oct 2016

Location : Auditorium Library, IIUM Kuantan Campus

Organizer : Centris-Kuantan


IIUM Workshop on Islamisation & Integration of Knowledge, I-WIN 6 (2016)

Aim: To incorporate ethical values and maqasid al-shari’ah into science based subjects and practices.

Organizer: Centris Kuantan, Office of the Campus Director, and Science based faculties of IIUM Kuantan.

Theme: End of Life Issues: Islamic & Clinical Responses.

Date: 20th October 2016, Thursday.

Venue: Auditorium Library, IIUM Kuantan Campus.


The first session of the workshop begin at 9.15 a.m. with four speakers and one MC. The speakers were:

  • Prof Dato’ Dr. Ariff Osman, Department of Anaesthesiology, Kulliyyah of Medicine, IIUM Kuantan Campus, Osman addressed certain issues related to concepts, practices and motives.
  • Dr. Noor Airini Ibrahim from Anaesthesiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, highlighted about cases and experiences.
  • Prof. Dr. Puteri Nemie Jahn Kassim from Department of Civil, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws addressed legal challenges and responses.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramizah Wan Muhammad from Ahmad Ibrahim, Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM Gombak Campus ,convey his speech entitled the responses of the Fuqaha.


Forum on End of Life: WHO DECIDE? The forum took place in the afternoon of the same day of the workshop. It started at 2.00 p.m. and ended 4.30 p.m. with four panelists and moderator. The panelists were Prof Dato’ Dr. Ariff Osman, Department of Anaesthesiology, Kulliyyah of Medicine, IIUM Kuantan Campus, lecturers from Dr. Noor Airini Ibrahim from Anaesthesiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Puteri Nemie Jahn Kassim from Department of Civil, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramizah Wan Muhammad from Ahmad Ibrahim, Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM Gombak Campus, The forum highlighted various issues related to Islamisation and integration of human knowledge.