

ICT4M 2020 - The 8th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for the Muslim World

ICT4M 2020 - The 8th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for the Muslim World

Start Date : 27 Mar 2020   End Date : 29 Mar 2020

Location : IIUM Kuantan

Organizer : CENTRIS


Assalamualaikum wbt.,

Dear Prof., Assoc. Prof., Dr., Mr., Mdm., Ms.,

It is a pleasure to invite you to ICT4M 2020 that will be organized in conjunction of 2020 World Congress for Integration and Islamicisation. The conference is organized by Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic University Malaysia (KICT, IIUM) and co-organized by CENTRIS, IIUM and will take place in IIUM Kuantan Pahang on 27 – 29 March 2020.

ICT4M 2020 is a conference that gathers academicians, researchers, practitioners, professionals, and students to address the challenges of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the Muslim world.  This conference has been conducted seven times so far with the most recent location in Kuala Lumpur on 23 – 25 July 2018.  

The theme of ICT4M 2020 will be “Embracing eHealth in Facing the Challenges of IR4.0 in the Muslim World ”.

The deadline to submit abstracts or full papers are on 31st January 2020 and the notification of acceptance will be on 7 February 2020. The complete information on payment, publication guideline, programme tentative and important dates are available at the following website:-

For any inquiries regarding the conference, please contact:

We look forward to seeing you at ICT4M2020.