

Meet & Greet IIUM Alumni

Meet & Greet IIUM Alumni

Start Date : 13 Jun 2023   End Date : 13 Jun 2023

Location : Raia Hotel Terengganu, Lagenda Restaurant

Organizer : Alumni Relations Division


Meet & Greet IIUM Alumni in Kuala Terengganu


We are pleased to inform you that the Alumni Relations Division representing International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), will hold a Meet & Greet session with our proud IIUM alumni who are in Kuala Terengganu.

Therefore, you are respectfully invited to attend the Meet & Greet session with the Alumni Relations Division on the following schedule:

Date   :           13 June 2023 / Tuesday

Time   :           8:00 p.m. (Dinner)

Venue :          Raia Hotel Terengganu, Lagenda Restaurant

We are very excited to meet our alumni and hope you can attend the Meet & Greet session. We hope that this session will be the starting point towards something beneficial and impactful. This is one of our efforts to track our proud alumni across the states/countries in order to strengthen the relationship and loyalty between the alumni and alma mater.

What are you waiting for?  Please register your attendance at the Meet & Greet session before/on 11 June 2023 by completing the Microsoft Office Form (the link and QR code are shown below).  You may refer to the attached poster for more details.  More interesting, a souvenir will be given to all alumni who register to attend, as a sign of our appreciation.

Registration / Attendance: Link

We look forward to seeing you guys there!

Thank you, wassalam.