

ACADEMY to instil “Insan Sejahtera” through its programmes

ACADEMY to instil “Insan Sejahtera” through its programmes

Date : 10 September 2020

Reported by : Danial Yusof

Category : News


By Danial Yusof

GOMBAK, 9 September 2020: The question is how an academy can include itself to be part of the plan for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in humanising education, and to this end the academy has been urged to focus on how students and staff can become insan sejahtera in all aspects.

In his session with IIUM Academy of Graduates and Professional Studies (ACADEMY) today, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak emphasised the importance of being insan sejahtera whereby achieving peace of mind and happiness is essential to human beings.

The Rector had showed his concern on how the IIUM community could balance themselves to be good persons and also how the University could operate better after 37 years of services and contributions to the community.

He said: “We can help to mould  this insan sejahtera and how they can be part and parcel of that movement so that the people in the academy can also have the same understanding and goal.

We want to ensure all of us remain with the same philosophy, understanding and working for the same mission to make IIUM better. The academy is doing more on professional and graduate school, however, they can do much more than the rest of us.”

Meanwhile, according to the Academic Director of ACADEMY, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Badri Najib Zubir, the academy has identified projects which are related to SDG that could help IIUM to achieve a higher standard based on its mission and vision statements.

“We are focusing specifically on SDG number 16 which is in line with insan sejahtera where we have signed a five-year contract with the Department of National Unity and National Integration to train officers from the Ministry on inter-religious mediation.

The programme focuses on how religions in Malaysia through religious leaders can work together for the betterment and unity of the people in the country,” Dr. Badri said.

“Apart from that, we also have a programme called Certificate in Healthcare Facility Management under the Ministry of Health where it is a requirement for all healthcare facility managers to get certification, and the only institution that provides the programme is IIUM,” he added. ***