

Best Oral Presenter at the 3rd Nusantara Conference  by Our Staff! Congratulations!

Best Oral Presenter at the 3rd Nusantara Conference by Our Staff! Congratulations!

Date : 18 September 2019

Reported by : Izzuddin

Category : News


Let us congratulate Assistant Professor Dr Mohd Yusof Mohamad from DPRS, KAHS on his achievement (BEST ORAL PRESENTER) at the 3rd Nusantara Conference 2019 (NuCMI 3.0) from 14-16 September 2019 at the Sultan Ahmad Shah International Convention Center (SASICC), The Zenith Hotel.

FYI, Dr Mohd Yusof Mohamad is currently our IOHK Coordinator and the Kulliyyah Research Laboratory (KRL) manager. The title of his winning paper is HUMAN CREATION: ANATOMICAL ERRORS VS BEST DESIGN (AHSAN AT-TAQWIM). 

May Allah SWT guide and bless us all. 

Thank you. Wassalăm.