

Certificate of Achievement 2012

Certificate of Achievement 2012

Date : 30 November 2012

Reported by : WebMaster

Category : News


Good governance is acknowledged to be essential for the success of any organisation and is now more important than ever. We believe that integrity is the foundation of our individual and corporate actions that drives the University to achieve the good governance. Without integrity at the helm of a company, a business is usually short-lived.

Office of Internal Audit firmly believe that adherence to the standards, policies and procedures is the acceptable way of doing business and is the personal responsibility of every one of University’s staff. In analyzing this value and effort to promote integrity and good governance, IIUM has formulated financial policies and procedures through which good governance can be assessed and achieved. In observation of the above principles, IIUM is committed to preventing, identifying and addressing all breaches of the required standards of conduct.

Our audit hopes to complement the University’s efforts in instilling greater awareness of and concern about the importance of adherence to the University’s policies and procedures.

As part of the above objective and to recognise the contribution by Kulliyyah/Centre/Division/Institute in assuring the integrity in financial management and advocating good governance, seven (7) Kulliyyah/Centre/Division/Institute have been identified to receive certificate of achievement based on our Surprise Inspection Audit and Performance Audit conducted in 2012. The certificate has been awarded during the IIUM Monthly Assembly (Al Liqa’ Al Shahri) No. 10 on 30 November 2012. In relation to that we are proudly announcing these following Kulliyyah/Centre/Division/Institute that have achieved satisfactory rating and good practices in income collection management and petty cash management during the audit:

   A)   Income Collection & Petty Cash Management

            1.    Academic Management And Admission Division

            2.    Mahallah Safiyyah

            3.    Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws

            4.    Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design

            5.    Centre of Language & Pre-University Academic Development

   B)   Income Collection Management

           6.    Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences

           7.    Institute of Education


Academic Management And Admission Division


Mahallah Safiyyah


Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws


Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design


Centre of Language & Pre-University Academic Development


Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences


Institute of Education