

CONGRATULATIONS!  "LIGHT: Leadership for Social Empowerment" has won the 'People's Choice Award' for the Local Project Challenge

CONGRATULATIONS! "LIGHT: Leadership for Social Empowerment" has won the 'People's Choice Award' for the Local Project Challenge

Date : 24 February 2020

Reported by : syarel azill yaali

Category : News



"LIGHT: Leadership for Social Empowerment" has won the 'People's Choice Award' for the Local Project Challenge, which was announced at the World Urban Forum 10 in Abu Dhabi on February 12, 2020. 110 projects from 39 countries have participated in the Local Project Challenge, organised by Center for Sustainable Urban Development, Columbia University, New York and Federal University, Rio de Janeiro.

LIGHT is collaboratively organised by IIUM, USIM and funded by PNB. LIGHT is part of KAED Flagship Project: Indigenous Heritage and Cultural Living Lab Gombak. This programme is also one of the outcomes from the CEO@Faculty Programme 2.0 Cycle 2, Academia-Industry Talent Exchange Programme under the Department of Higher Education, MOE.