

Congratulations to our Academic Staffs on their recent promotion

Congratulations to our Academic Staffs on their recent promotion

Date : 12 September 2022

Reported by : Mohd Ikhwan Azmy

Category : News



Dear All,

Kulliyyah of Science IIUM would like to congratulate our Academic Staffs on their
recent promotion, lead by our respective Dean:

Prof. Dr. Jesni bin Shamsul Shaari
Prof. Dr. Abdulrezak Abdulahi Hashi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erna Normaya
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Zahir Ramli
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Noor Hasniza Md Zin

We wish them all the best in spearheading our Kulliyyah to be a better faculty
in the future.

"High Touch of Science and Faith"