

IIUM Pagoh: Community Service Responsibility at Tanah Perkuburan Islam, Panchor Sparks Cognizance Among The Community.

IIUM Pagoh: Community Service Responsibility at Tanah Perkuburan Islam, Panchor Sparks Cognizance Among The Community.

Date : 21 July 2019

Reported by : Mohamad Hazim Bin Selamat

Category : News


By Nurul Afiah Binti Ahsan

On 30th of March 2019, a total of 26 students of Kulliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM) has organized a Community Service Responsibility at Tanah Perkuburan Islam Panchor and Masjid Jamek Panchor. The programme is to create bond with the people around Panchor and also to give exposure to the students to practice their leadership and management skills in conducting a volunteering activities. 

The chairman of Masjid Jamek, Panchor, Tuan Mohd Khalid Mohd in his speech has welcomed the students and express his feeling of grateful for organising a programme with the society. Along the programme, the students also took a moment to share their knowledge with the villagers through a sharing session and got to know them more deeply. The villagers are very kind and full of spirit in helping the students out. This programme is a very good platform for the students to create good bond with the villagers since everyone is in one community of Pagoh.

Some of the committees during the gotong-royong.

Short sharing session with the villagers after the gotong-royong activities.